Session #5

Duration: 1hr 3min
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How do we accept that the biblical Canon containing 66 books?
Has the entire revealed word of God? Is it simply by faith? Or should I read other Gnostic books or Catholic books that did not make it into our Bible to see for myself if they are consistent with the truth?
We know that there, we know that there are other, uh, books of James quoted from the book of Enoch. We don't have the book of Enoch in our, in our Bibles. And so the question is, what about these other books? Are they part of the word of God that just forgot, been forgotten? Or maybe why did they not get included?
I don't know, umm, it's the ones who uh, decided that was early or way back.
Very early on, after, after the, uh, couple 100 years or so, maybe after the Lord went back to heaven, umm, after the apostles passed on. But the books that we have, they all flow together very well. They all agree with each other and.
I don't know much about the, uh, the biblical cannon, I just know the 66 books that we have. But I'm sure some others have have read more about this and understand a little better, so I'll turn it over to anyone else who has something to add to this.
Regarding the Old Testament, when Jesus was here on earth, our current Old Testament was already the exact same set of books that you have in your Bible right now was already. That was what all the Jews considered as the inspired Old Testament right then when Jesus was alive.
You can read about this from history if you'd like. Umm.
Josephus writes clearly that it was universally accepted by all the Jewish rabbis, the same books that we have right now, umm, that was the word of God. And Jesus is here and that's what he read from and that's what he quoted from, and he never added anything else to it. So I think that for me at least, helps to see that our Old Testament.
Is is the inspired Word of God regarding the New Testament, There's two verses that I found helpful in thinking about this question for myself.
They don't. I'm not suggesting these verses provide an answer to this question. I'm more suggesting that they're helpful in in thinking about this question. Umm, one is in second Peter.
Second Peter 3.
Verse 15 I'll start halfway through the verse. Even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you, as also in all his Epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest. And this is the key part, as they do also the other Scriptures unto their own destruction.
So very shortly after umm.
The Lord had returned to heaven when Peter wrote this already. It's very clear that both he and in speaking to many others that the epistles of Paul were considered, umm, the inspired word of God. And it's just a helpful to see that a verse in our New Testament refers to other books in the New Testament as as the word of God, and the other verse is in first Timothy chapter 5.
First Timothy 518 it says for the Scripture Say it, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that trendeth out the corn.
That's a quote from Deuteronomy, and the labor is worthy of his reward. That's a quote from Luke. If you have a margin, you can see Luke 10, seven. So there you can see that Paul, when he was writing this, it was already universally accepted by the church that Luke was the inspired word of God. So we have a reference to the epistles and a reference to the Gospels, and I've also found it helpful to think about that.
In the Gospels, there's two that are written by, if I get this correct, umm, disciples. That would be Matthew and John. And there's two that were written by you might say companions of apostles, and that would be Mark and Luke and Paul referred to 1 written by a companion. And if you want, you can read about the history of how the early church eventually.
Agreed to an established Canon for the New Testament, and it was.
I think the the question says is it by simple faith and I think the answer to that is yes.
I can accept by simple faith and suggest hopefully we can all that did God do correct in leaving us with the word of God? I think he did. But you can read about it and see how the early Christians, umm, they did apply some principles in the books that they umm felt were inspired word of God. And one of those principles was one it had to be either written by an apostle.
Or a very close companion of an apostle. And this person Timothy is what they based that on. Because Luke was a very close companion of Paul and other epistles that weren't written by an apostle. So maybe James or umm, Jude, I might not have them all, but those are all close companions of apostles. And that was the principle they applied. And then they also applied umm, another principles was umm.
Does it contain you know?
Key truth that we need to, to live our Christian lives. And again, I'm not saying that there's a formula that they use. There's no formula that, you know, put these tests to it and OK, therefore it's in our Bible. But they did follow principles. But in the end, I think it was God that directed it. And I think the answer is yes. By simple faith. Do we trust that all these years later God left us with the word of God? Did he somehow not direct things that something would be left out or something would be put in that's not correct all these years?
I'd like to turn a couple verses first in Colossians chapter 2, chapter one, verse 25.
This wherefore I am made minister. This is Paul according to the dispensation of God.
Which is given to me for you to fulfill or complete the word of God. Paul's epistles were to complete the Word of God. We know that umm Revelation the Book of Revelation was written after chronologically, but it was no new true. It was true umm Perhaps we have more details as to.
The truth but not new. So we we know that.
All bills are completed the word of God. We also have another verse.
And in Isaiah chapter 40.
In verse eight it says the grass withereth and the flower fadeth away, but the word of God shall stand forever. Umm.
God, God is a maintainer of his own word and throughout the ages he has always had his word. And it's not man that maintaining it himself and it shall stand forever. And so there was in the New Testament there there were inspired men that had, but it was all in God's design.
And he?
Continues to maintain his word.
And it will be held forever.
They would like to suggest that maybe there's something.
Just like you did with E. You're missing something. But it wasn't. We have in our hands the word of God complete.
He is the maintainer of it.
Just one other point about the second part of the question here about this other plastic.
Let me see. Catholic books I'm not exactly sure about.
I've got the volume. I gather that plastic book she probably had in mind, uh.
I think we've heard of the of the Gospel of Judas, one that I've heard of.
That people have tried to introduce that, that made it into the, uh, Canada subscription that we have. The Catholic books are called the Apocrypha book and they are covering, I believe, the period of time from the independent guy to Christ. Uh, but interestingly ended up pointed out this last day that we talked about this question.
The Lord didn't quote any of them.
And, and looking through those books, there are direct attrition, historical attrition, things that happened in the secular course of time that had predicted the, uh, books that we do have in Canada Scripture so.
I would suggest that.
Uh, because the board didn't represent it either. Didn't disciple or anybody else.
Yeah, personally, I would rather see you young people spend your time and you want to watch as a future and that's you take upon yourself.
Ask of being a forensic investigator of maybe God live Dave's that same would like to put that in their mind. Hey there, this is something here uh.
That's what those other dastic books of the Catholic books are. And then one of the reasons I, I believe I can, we can encourage you, uh.
Our next question.
If I'm fearful to do something.
That God has asked me to do. Is it selfish or unfaithful to ask for strength from God?
First of all, I'd like to look at a verse from James chapter one.
There's several versions here in James chapter one.
And verse 5.
If God has asked me to do something.
I think it's a blessing.
That he's given us instructions so we know what to do and maybe we don't really understand what God wants from us and we're maybe fearful about it.
But in verse five, if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. They give it to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith Nothing, nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
And so it's a blessing when the Lord asked us to do something and we understand that the Lord has asked us to do that thing. It is not selfish to ask the Lord for strength or wisdom or courage to do what he's asked us to do. And so I, I encourage you, if, if you understand God wants you to do something, don't be afraid to ask for strength.
To, uh, to do that job that he's given you. He wants you to depend on him.
He cares for you. There's that verse in first Peter 5, verse seven, casting all your care on him because he cares for you. And some of that care that we have, that anxiety, that fear.
Comes from when we go to serve him.
Just having a direction of how to serve it's.
That can cause fear because we need to learn to trust the Lord to be able to do what He's asked us to do. And it takes faith to do what He asked us to do. And we need the strength, the grace, the courage, we need the wisdom, whatever it takes to do what He's asked us to. So I don't believe at all that is is selfish to ask for.
Strength from God.
God is asking to do something. There's another doctor that there's like.
And, umm, very much worthwhile to pray about. Or like food or something. Excuse me?
To have a little.
God can put something in our bath or in our thoughts and.
It's not unusual.
For there to be a waiting period. And so in terms of of asking umm, I think it's umm good to have a kind of sometimes go a little slowly, but one of the things to ask for is timing, umm, next week, maybe a better time than tomorrow.
Umm, if you're speaking with someone or, uh, have something to share or whatever.
And, and that's an important factor. And I just throw that in there, uh, because we, we don't want us, we don't want to necessarily say, well, God has told me to do it, so I'm just going to run out and do it.
There might be some other nuances, some, umm, other little things the Lord might want to share with us before we, umm, actually embark on the project.
Share a thought on someone in the Old Testament who was afraid to do what God asked him to do and I think received real help from God. But when he went and asked God for help, he didn't do it in the right way and he had to learn a lesson. And I think we can learn a lesson from it. So the person is Gideon and we all know the story in Judges.
And the the famous part of the story about the fleece.
So Gideon and Judges 636, you can see that he was afraid to do what God had asked him. Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by manhand, as thou hast said, He wasn't sure. He didn't have confidence. He was fearful. What was the mistake that Gideon made? He decided the terms by which God needed to put the confidence in him. He said, God, this is how I want you to.
Help me out you do this with the fleece and then there's the whole story there where I'll put in verse 37. I'll put the fleas of all on the floor and if they do be on the fleece only and it be dry upon all the earth beside. Then shall I know that that will save Israel by my hand as though I said so he said God, this is how I want you to give me courage. I I'm going to decide it's on it's going to be on my terms. Did God answer him yes he did.
Did it work? It didn't. God was Gideon was still afraid. He goes back and.
And we know he switches it around at the police and he still, he still doesn't have the confidence, he's still afraid. And he goes back and says, well, God, please do it again the other way around. And God is very gracious to him. And he does what Gideon asked, did it work? I don't think so. And again, the problem was that Gideon came to God on his terms instead of going to God and said, you know what I need, I'm here.
All you provide what I need from you.
And now you go over and see where that happens in the next chapter, and you see that it's God coming to Gideon on God's terms instead of on Gideon's terms in Chapter 7, verse nine. And it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto him, Arise, get thee down under the host, for I have delivered it into thy hand. God comes to Gideon on his terms. And Gideon, I have a plan to overcome your fear and give you confidence. And we know the story of how he sneaks down into the.
And he hears of the Midianites having this dream of the piece of bread coming down the hill and crashing the tent, and how it spoke of Gideon defeating them. And that is what gave Gideon the confidence and the courage that he needs. And you can see it and down in Chapter 7, verse 15. And it was so when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, the interpretation there of that he worshipped and returned in the host of Israel and said, arise.
For the Lord hath delivered into your hand the host of Midian, as soon as.
God's plan for how to give you the encourage was revealed. He instantly had the courage he needed to go out and do what the Lord had for him to do. And I think the lesson is that sometimes we come to God in prayer with our own terms and conditions, and we can't do that. We have to come and say, God, you know what I need, I'm here. I'm your willing servant. And you, you show me what I need. And God did that with Gideon, and that's when he had the courage to do what God.
I told him to do.
The other person who was careful point out is Jeremiah. Jeremiah, chapter one.
Five that says, I have sanctified thee, I have ordained thee a prophet unto the nation. That's what the Lord says to him, His response says.
Oh Lord God, behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child.
This is what the Lord said. And the Lord said unto me, Say not I'm a child, for thou shalt go to all that I shall then leave whithersoever I command thee. Thou shalt speak thee not afraid of their faith, or I am with thee to deliver thee. Thank the Lord, There's the key, he says now.
Jeremiah, you might be careful.
But he says I first of all, I have sent the that's very important. And then it says I will be with me. The Lord is going to help us and carry it through. We may have fear and trepidation to go forward, but if we have his direction, he is not going to deserve it in time of need.
I'd like to look at a verse.
In Hebrews chapter 4, verse 16.
Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
So we come to the throne of grace. We're looking for strength to do what the Lord has asked us to do.
And what do we, what do we do with the throne of grace?
We pray, we ask for grace and we receive mercy and grace to help in time of need. So we, we, I think it's, it's a very appropriate to pray for strength. That's what grace is, strength to meet the challenge of the day, strength to, uh, do that which the Lord has asked us to do. And so the Lord asked us to do it. We ask him for the grace to do it.
He's very happy to give us the grace to do it because he's asked us to do it.
And so he's encouraged, he, we are encouraged when the Lord gives us the grace that we need, the strength to be able to serve him.
And I believe.
Prayer and asking the Lord for strength to do what He's asked us to do. I don't believe that is faithless unfaithfulness. I don't think it's selfishness, but I think it shows dependence on the Lord because we can't do these things ourselves, so we need the Lord's help. It's more selfish to not ask the Lord for help, to think that I can do it on my own. But we need His help in all of these things.
Just, uh, just an example of that. Another example from the book of Judges.
Uh, Samson?
In Chapter 16 of Judges.
Umm Sampson had his had his hair cut off.
An inverse.
UMM 20 it says, And she said, the Philistines be upon the Sampson, And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as out of his times before, and shake myself. And he was not that the Lord was departed from him.
So he tried to do this in his own strength. He didn't depend on the Lord and his hair was cut off, so he didn't have strength. And then.
Umm, down in verse.
28 This is when Samson is in the House of the Philistines.
Says And Samson called unto the Lord, and said, Oh Lord God, Remember Me, I pray thee, and strengthen me. I pray thee only this once, O God, then I may be at once avenge of the Philistines for my two eyes. And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon the house, upon which the house stood in on which it was born up. And you know the rest. He umm, he pulls it down, but.
The first time he did not ask the Lord for strength. The second time he did.
Uh, it was his faith there the second time that gave him the victory.
Your next question.
With the world becoming more violent, is it appropriate to consider more drastic methods of protecting one's family?
I assume what's being asked is OK to carry guns to protect your family or other drastic methods similar to that. There's a verse in Exodus chapter 22.
And verse two and three.
If a thief be found breaking up.
And be smitten that he died. There shall no blood be shed for him.
If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him, for he should make full restitution. If he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.
So if a thief comes in the night in this verse, they were permitted to kill him.
To shed his blood, but if it was daylight.
Then they could not.
Shed his blood and if they did there would have to be a punishment for that.
Now go to Luke Chapter 11.
That was under the law.
Now in Luke 11.
In verse 21.
When a strongman armed, keeps his palace, his goods are in peace.
Upon him and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor, wherein he trusted and divided his spoils.
And so the strongman, he protects his palace, he protects his house. Sometimes even when you have the means to protect yourself, a stronger person will come and he will take everything you have, even if you have some sort of protection.
Now go to Matthew 26.
And this is when Peter was defending the Lord, and I believe he's probably defending himself too. Matthew 26, verse 52.
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place, for all they that take with the sword, for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.
So if you are going to tangle with with the guns or with the sword.
There's a good chance it's going to come back on you.
And then in Matthew chapter 5.
Verse 38.
You have heard that it has been said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you that you resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
So these are all different approaches to dealing with the violence in the society and the violence is increasing in the society in which we Live Today.
And it takes space and trust dependence on the Lord for any one of these options.
Alright, I'll tell you.
The market is prepared to get the title, but maybe you know the world.
Good evening, his father.
Ability to do that.
I'm looking at another similar version of 127.
Says acceptable, Lord build the house, they labor to make them build it, and that's a templeboard. Need to see the loss of weight is one thing.
Washington usually are.
Well, except the lower team of your house.
I don't know if that works, that shouldn't be honored, but.
They have to get the order.
There was some unrest. This is back in the 60s.
Back in the 60s in Oakland, CA.
Uh, there's a lot of unrest in the city for a while and uh, my dad has been in World War 2 and he had been a forward, umm, observer and, uh, radio man. So it's pretty dangerous position. But anyway, so we're working in the garage one Saturday and the dad.
If we were attacked, would you?
Uh, fire on someone? He had some of the arms from from the war. He was able to take them. Adam and his closet somewhere.
And he looked at me and said.
I would never shoot a person.
Well, I was impressed he'd been in a war.
But he was. It was very sobering to him, I guess. But again, that's just a anecdotal story, but umm.
Uh, I, I heard that, listen to that and, uh.
Uh, I think that that was a very wise thing and probably a wise concept for all of us.
So do you know deadly harm to anyone?
In the story of UH creation and Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 2, verse 22.
Verse 21 And the Lord God caused the deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib which the which the Lord God had taken from man, he made a woman, and brought her unto the man.
And Adam said, This is now my bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
And so I, I've always said that, uh.
The Lord took the bone from under Adam's arm.
And it's close to his heart where he can love her, and it's under his arms where he can. With his arms he can provide for her, and with his arms he can protect her. And so God has given us a responsibility, ability to protect our families and to protect our wives. He doesn't say how we should do it, but he says we need to protect our families.
And to, to, and in, in the Ephesians he says, to love your wife.
Even as Christ gave himself for the church and loved the Church. And so we are to protect our families.
If you if someone breaks into your home and starts beating your wife.
I don't think the Lord expects us just to sit there and and and wait it out.
With there's a responsibility for protection.
The last question for today.
Hebrews 10/24.
How do I practically live out this verse? Let's look at Hebrews 10, verse 24.
Before and let's consider provoke unto love and to good works. But I want to connect that with verse 25. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the day approaching.
You go back to verse 22.
Says let us draw near. With a true heart, we're to draw near to God.
And in verse 24 and 25, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, we are to draw near to one another.
And verse 24 let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. And so the question is practically, how do I live out this verse of provoking unto love and to good works?
I'll share a couple ways this versus spoke to me about what it means practically.
The interesting part of this verse that made me think is the use of the word provoke, because generally we think of that in a bad context. It's a bad thing to provoke someone. What does provoke mean? It means to initiate a strong reaction or response in someone.
Says to revoke unto love and to good works.
I doubt I'm the only one here who has been in this situation. Or maybe you're in a group. I've been there as a young person and there's a suggestion to do something. I'm not going to mention specifics or watch something or listen to something.
And in the group, there's one person that has the courage to say, well, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I I'm not sure that would be honoring to God.
If you've been in that situation, did you feel provoked?
I sure have it doesn't. It doesn't. The initial response is, oh, that that speaks to me.
Ouch. But they were provoking to good works, and it took courage. How about provoking unto love? And again, these are just practical examples. I think it can be applied in a lot more ways than this. But the question was, how do I live this out practically? Perhaps, maybe it's in a group, or maybe just two people, and you're speaking about someone else and speaking in a way that's critical.
About their faults. And it's not really for the benefit or blessing of you or the person or people you're speaking to or the person you're speaking about.
You're just being a bit critical. And I have that tendency. I'm sure I'm not the only one. And then someone else has the courage to. Maybe they don't tell you you shouldn't be talking about that, but they just say, well, this is something about that person that I appreciate and I value that makes me feel a little bit provoked. Oh, that person was provoking me unto love because it's a reminder that they were the ones, really.
Playing the character of Christ, not me. And it can be a little bit provoking to have someone, uh, have the courage to, to speak up in that way.
Four and 25. The reason I read 25 along with 24 is because in the in the word here they are connected together the thought and.
When a person is forsaking the assembly, they're not coming to the meetings. They're not, umm, being around other Christians. They can get cold in their soul. If I can use that term, they can. They can become cold and, and they can drift away from, from the Lord and they need to be encouraged.
And so they need to be provoked unto love and good works.
To go to them and reach out to them and, and what, why are you missing meetings? What, what's, what's happened in your life? What's wrong? And I know it's not an easy thing to go and ask someone that because people don't like to be pointed out like that, but it's something that we can do to try to encourage them to go on.
To live their life for the Lord. To be in happy communion with their fellow Saints.
And so when they start forsaking the assembling of themselves together, we need to exhort one another, and we need to provoke them unto love and to good works. And as William has alluded to.
Sometimes just a small word, sometimes an act on our part can help provoke others to do the same.
Turn to loop chapter 10.
Story of the Good Samaritan.
We often apply this to the work pieces, and rightfully so.
I gotta read all this, so I wanna point out what this person did. Here's this guy in the ditch.
Verse 33 Is there a smeared Nancy? 30 came where he was.
He saw me at the passing on him.
You might have provoked someone to love and good works.
Need them where they're at.
Coordinates. Yeah. This American man could sit there on the disc bank and out of that guy. Hey, man, you gotta get out of there. You're in trouble.
He went where he was, you know.
I would confess to you that it's a lot easier not to do that.
If I can, I'm busy. I didn't even like the situation.
It's that might fall. I wasn't involved in how this person got there.
So I'm just gonna keep moving.
Is that how we're good at provocative levels?
He had compassionate him, went to him, bound up his wound, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own Deep brought him to an innocent parable.
You have to borrow what he departed. He took out two pets.
Gave them to the host instead of they had to take care of them. Whatever they'll spend this morning, when I come again I will be crazy.
You know, uh.
The chance of a smarter man get his money back probably 3 weeks ago.
Gave it, if you will, his award. I, uh, you know, I think all of us had the experience. Maybe you, uh, come up with intersection and there's somebody at the corner asking for money, homeless e-mail, whatever.
And part of my tendency, my own heart has been Eddie's gonna go by about what, Whiskey, anyway, I'm not gonna be able to.
The other one spoke to me when they had sent their.
I lost you. Talked for a minute and gave him a few thoughts.
Pour out yourself and modeling what the word Jesus would do, not just for somebody to tell it out, somebody in this room.
Right today could use.
For 5 minutes of your time.
At one stable when everybody else needs to find out.
Jason beholding him.
You know you wanna be a healthy friend. Love them.
Glad I would teach you.
Jesus interacted with this young man and he didn't say, dude, I'm busy.
What if you leave it with the word because you love that person, look at him through the eyes and will hurt him and see.
I have noticed.
Over this week.
That people are that haven't seen each other for quite a while, are provoking one another until love and the good works.
A lot of interaction going on between.
Brothers and sisters in Christ here this week, if you didn't come, you wouldn't be able to be involved in that. And when you don't go to the assembly meetings.
You're not able to interact with your brothers and sisters and to provoke unto love, and I've noticed that on the Zoom meetings.
It's a nice way that we can get together, but we're not together physically, and we're not there to encourage and support one another, to provoke them unto love and to good works. And Satan knows this probably better than anybody. He's been in the business for many years, and he knows that if he can isolate Christians.
He can stop all the love and the good works. And so we need to find ways where we can reach out to our brethren, our sisters in Christ, reach out to them.
I know if they're in a nursing home, you can't even go to the nursing home and Satan has them isolated there and it may be for a good medical reason, but it's still goes against our nature, which has been instilled in us.
By God. And so God wants us to be together. And so he says, don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together. And so if we are not able to come together in the assembly, in the meeting, then we need to find ways to reach out to people, to visit them, to encourage them and to build one another up in the most holy faith.
Satan also knows that.
The power of the assembly and the authority is when they come together in the name of the Lord Jesus. And if he can stop us from coming together in the name of the Lord Jesus under the guise of COVID, he's gained a victory and he can and he's can discourage. So let let's, let's be diligent to reach out and to be kind one to another.
And and to do what we can to provoke one another and to love and to good works.
I guess our time is up.
Just read one uh verse from 276 before we pray. Guide us. Oh thou gracious Savior, pilgrims through this barren land. We are weak, but thou art mighty. Hold us with thy powerful hand. Red of heaven, red of heaven, feed us now and evermore.
Right. Dear Lord, we thank you once again for this time over your word. We thank you for your precious words. So carefully preserve umm.
Thank you for the Bible.
Think of, uh, it's difficult questions like, uh, action of our family and we'd be exercised, uh, by your word, all the while acknowledging that the only protection, only surety we have is, uh, from you. We, uh, we provoke one another towards allowing good works and recognizing our only, uh, true enemy, uh.
Satan in this world system that, uh, he has so cleverly, uh, continually, uh, used to.
Disrupts, uh, your things into, uh, trying to discourage, uh, us, uh, in this earthly path. We thank you for our inheritance in the heavenlies.
Victory uh, it's already been won and we have uh, that blessed hope. So we pray for continued safety today and thank you for this kind of fellowship and then.