Session #2

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Then they don't really know what it means. And when they say believers baptism, that is just, uh, I can explain more later, but believers baptism is you have to prove that you're a believer before you can be baptized. Umm, you have to have a date that you were saved. You have to have a good living life.
Evidence that you are saved and then someone will decide whether or not.
You can be baptized as a believer, and so neither one is really scriptural. So we need to discuss what baptism is. It is Christian baptism and when we're baptized, we're put onto Christian ground. I want to look at a verse in Galatians chapter 3.
I know this all may be confusing but.
People come up with little names for.
What they don't like about the other people.
Galatians 3, verse 27.
Let's start at verse 26. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
And so baptism it puts on.
Christ, whether you're saved or you're not saved, if you're baptized, you have put on perhaps can we say like a uniform. You have put on price.
People see you now as a Christian.
If you're a Muslim and you get baptized whether you're saved or not, you're called a Christian.
If you're a Jew and you get baptized as Christian baptism, you are no longer a Jew. You're a Christian. Doesn't matter if you're saved or not, you're a Christian. It doesn't mean you're saved, but it means you are a follower of Christ. Because you have taken Christian baptism, you haven't taken household baptism, you haven't taken believers baptism. There is only one baptism.
It's Christian baptism and so when as many of you have been baptized into Christ.
Have put on price.
I want to I want to give a little history of.
Baptism at the 1St, when the church was first established in the Acts.
The believers, the head of the household, would baptize everyone in their house. It didn't matter if you were a servant, a relative, grandparent, children, if you lived in that household, the head of the household would make sure everyone in that house was baptized. We read a little bit about Lydia. She grew up. She lived in a an idolatrous city.
She got saved. There's no mention of any faith of anyone else in her household. It was Lydia who was saved and she wanted everyone in her household to be on Christian ground. She wanted to testimony to the world.
And a testimony to her family. And so she had baptized everybody in her house because if you were going to live in her house, you were going to act like a Christian. Because she had a testimony. Now being the head of the household, she had a testimony to to portray to the world. And then at some point, maybe with the Catholics, when they began to develop in the year 300 or so.
Somewhere along the line in the many years past.
They developed the idea to baptize infants.
And they said that the babies would be saved, they'd go to heaven if they were baptized. We all know that's false, but that was that is widely practiced even today. So then there are other groups that decided that any unbeliever who is baptized would go to heaven, and that also is false.
And so many years later.
There were the Baptists and the open brethren and, uh, they disagreed with this false practice, which was good, and but they added their own ideas and they took this privilege of authority away from the heads of the households and they developed a doctrine that they called believers baptism.
And they said that salvation and a godly life is required by a person before they could be baptized.
And so that sounds good, but it's not taught in Scripture. Remember I passed over Acts chapter 8, verse 37. I'll, I'll read that one now.
And Philip said.
For Acts 837 And Philip said, If you believe with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And so this verse was added by the translators. Most of the most of the OR none of the old manuscripts, the original manuscripts have that verse in it, but it was added.
By the King James, Uh, umm.
The translators I I don't know why.
So neither household nor believer's baptism is really scriptural. So the Bible teaches Christian baptism. And when you are baptized, as I said earlier, you are identified as a Christian whether you're saved or not. If you've been baptized, you are.
Considered to be a Christian in India.
People are afraid to be baptized. And so with the Christians, when they're baptized, immediately they are setting themselves apart from Hinduism and the many gods of Hindu and uh, they are persecuted, they're kicked out of their houses, they are burned, they're killed. And because they have taken on Christian baptism, because Christian baptism.
You are considered to be a Christian whether you're saved or not.
But if you are saved.
This is an interesting point if you are saved and you cannot be called a Christian unless you have been baptized.
Baptism puts Christ on you like we read in Galatians 3 verse 27. So if you are here today and you have not been baptized, you might be saved, but technically you can't be considered a Christian unless you have put on Christ through baptism. So there's a few thoughts about the history of baptism.
I'd like to come back. Uh, umm.
Oh, really? To get No, You know that so many of us were baptized with the unique phrase to baptize it. Yeah.
Therefore we are baptized with Him, buried with him by baptism into death. The life as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father. Even so, we also should walk and do the surprise.
When you're baptized.
Going down into the water.
It's like the old journey that's going into death.
And coming up out of the water as just like Christ with grace from the dead, you're reenacting, if you will, that.
Griffin's life of Christ and the new Bernie, the old Bernie is dead. He looked down into the water for new Bernie comes up and walk and units of life. Uh, and there's him this message. It's kind of like putting her on a price. I, some of you will remember last year maybe, or the year before when we took this up a little bit, uh, Mr. Christensen.
Had given an example that I'll I'll repeat because I found it helpful.
And that is to think of baptism as uh.
Under new management.
That is the old sinful, uh, self is dead to be reckoned to be dead, and that you're now, umm, along the price under his authority, uh.
The new life walking and newness of life. And so, uh, you're not saved by being baptized, but it's really pronouncing I belong to Christ, I think. And you mentioned putting out a uniform. So I will use a sports analogy, uh, a Detroit Tiger player with where a Detroit Tiger jersey and everybody would know if he plays for the Tigers.
And so you wouldn't get a Chicago, uh.
A white sock or a red sock to wear? Or, uh.
God I miss God. Woke up and put out a.
Saint Louis Cardinals Jersey would you? That would be considered to be my sports people bless me so.
But it's the the point I'm trying to make is umm.
You were identifying who you belong to. Umm.
And that's what this fascism is about, is that being saved? You know, the thief on the cross couldn't be baptized, but the Lord said to him, today you'll be with me in paradise. And so this is different than having your sins washed away. This is a public, uh, reenactment, if I can use that term. Uh, the old Bernie goes down into death and the new Bernie comes up.
Uh, under the ownership of the workings.
Is that is that right or is my phone?
The converse is.
You're a Sprint in 10.
Uh, it's not talking about Christian baptism.
It says in verse one. Moreover, brethren, I would not that he should be ignorant now, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea.
Remember when the children initially came out of Egypt?
Barrow suggested you leave your children here in Egypt and you that are adults can go worship the Lord.
Also said no, we're going. All of us are going.
And so they all were baptized.
At the most, this is my Christian bathroom. This is baptism. The most because baptism is identification. It's been mentioned we identify with the Lord Jesus in his death, and we do it in that way, Baptism.
Before the children of Israel left the land of Egypt and went through the Red Sea, they were identified as slaves of Egypt under the power and authority of Pharaoh.
After they went through the waters of baptism in the Red Sea, they were identified with Moses.
Now they were no longer slaves of Egypt.
So it's helpful to understand that baptism is identification. It's interesting what Tim was mentioning. I understand that in Orthodox Jewish families, if a person.
Professes faith in the Lord Jesus. Nothing is too serious in that family, but it's when that person is baptized, they will actually often hold a funeral service for that person. That person is died as far as they're concerned.
So that's what baptism is. It's identification with the Lord Jesus and his death. He died for me.
We don't actually die, but we identify in that way with the Lord Jesus. He died for me. Now I identify with Him and his death.
And that's important. And so here in First Corinthians 10.
You look at that.
When, uh, they were baptized with their infants and their mother's arms.
For their households, yeah.
And so.
He identified with Moses in that way. Now in Christian baptism, like Jim was mentioning in the book of the Acts, you have not only.
A Lydia. But let's go back to Acts chapter 16.
And look at the Philippian jailer.
A little later in that same chapter.
Verse 31 That verse that we use so much in the gospel, they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.
They speak unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that word is now. And he took down that same hour of the night, and washed their stripes, and was baptized, He and all his strangely.
I'm gonna read the next verse in Mr. Darby's translation because I think it makes it a little clear.
Verse 34.
And having brought him into his house, he laid the table for them.
And rejoice with all his house comma, having believed in God, and having believed is really referenced to Him.
The jet. So the point was, the important point was together that household was baptized and the whole household was included in that. It doesn't mean necessarily that the whole household is safe.
Salvation is an individual thing and you're going to have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ yourself. You come to of age to be saved, but you are in a sphere that God recognizes that has been.
Put under the authority of recognizing the Lord Jesus as an authority. And so Christian parents bring up their children.
In the uh.
In the in the Spanish I was reading.
And uh, Ephesians chapter 4, uh, six is what I'm thinking of.
In verse four, bring them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord, in other words.
They are to be brought up as Christians.
Parents don't say, well, you haven't made a profession of Christ yet. We can't make them, uh, obey the Lord. Yes, you can because they are in this chair that God recognizes where the head of the House of is a responsibility. And so there is our responsibility to bring them up as if they were just, even though they may not have made their profession of faith yet.
That is, so they're still under that headship while they're under their father's house.
But under their father's roof, I should say.
So it's it's an important principle in Scripture. Umm.
Perhaps one of the first UH mentions of it is in Genesis chapter.
Chapter 7 I think it is.
Connection with the flood.
Verse one The Lord said unto Noah, Come thou.
In all thy house into the ark.
For thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
He doesn't say, I've seen all your children righteous. Now he says, Thee have I seen righteous now? Go over to the book of Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 6.
Just notice this first my face. Noah being warned of God, of things not seen as yet.
Moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. By the way, he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by being.
Look at that verse. Is there any mention of the faith of Noah's sons and their wives?
Not really.
I didn't believe they had faith because they were adults and they walked into that art on their own.
But the point is, is that they were part of a household and God recognizes that inscription. Very interesting, important principle.
Might just mention one other thing. Uh, what uh, Ken was mentioning Uh, go back to Acts chapter 8 again.
Where Philip goes down to Samaria.
In verse 5, and preach Christ unto them.
And many believe there's uh.
But when they believe Philip preaching the glass, the things concerning the glass, the Kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized lost men and women.
Then Simon. He was the sorcerer.
Himself believed also, and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done.
I went. The apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God. They sent unto him Peter and John.
Verse 18 And when Simon saw that through the lane, on the hands of the apostles, the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money. They give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hand he may receive the Holy Ghost.
But Peter said unto him, Thymine, perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter, for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God. Perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven before I perceive the thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.
Simon said as he believed he was baptized as he said.
Doesn't look like it. I don't think so.
That's what he says in verse 24. Then answered Simon and said pray yeast the Lord for me. He couldn't even pray for himself.
So it shows that baptism in itself does not say.
I'm in faith when he believed was not a real thing.
Only God knows that.
But Peter discerned that because of the question he asked, Give me this, I'll give you some money. Give me this power.
That's not characteristic of a real comedian.
How much? How much on?
Probation is the rot.
Sometimes we believe that every, every time is talking about salvation in the Bible. It's talking about salvation of the soul. Whereas in March 16 it says he does, does not believe so we can.
But umm, we do see in first Peter Three that baptism saves. That's what Peter says the baptism says.
But in what sense does it say does it save the soul? Either clarifies that umm, I'll be proceeder three first.
Verse 20.
It's sometime we're disobedient when one the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was preparing for a few that his eight souls were saved.
By water.
Was it not the ark that they know of anything? Yeah, but Peter is saying here that the water save, no.
So they weren't saved by water. So what is Peter referring to? It's not saying it's not talking about faith. It's talking about judgment.
We, uh, we've heard that baptism talks about identification and also it is a change of fear.
No, I've changed spheres through the waters of the Flood. One sphere.
It was.
Under the violence of the people, under the fear of the people, and so on the same as the people of Israel crossing the rest seat, they changed fears too. On one side they were under Pharaoh and slaves of Egypt on the other side that were under the guidance of Moses. Noah on one side was under the influence of the world and under the fear of the violence that there was prior to the flood.
On the other side, it was to umm.
Be under the the government of God and so that's why Peter says the baptism that.
There might be here where unto in fact it says the baptism that can respond to this.
Ah, the light figure to the waters of the flood, not to the ark. The ark is a type of phase in the Lord Jesus Christ. Optimism is not a type of the art. Baptism is a type, is a figure. It's a light figure of the waters of the flock. And that water's just changed Noah from once a year to the other. And that system does the same for us if we go back to March 16.
Verse 15 and 16.
Send it to them, go into all the world and please the gospel to every creature without believers and this upside shall be saved, but I need I believe it's not shall be damned. So there is salvation that's eternal salvation and that's only for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a.
Umm, salvation from, from the, the things down here the Lord says to the his, umm, the apostles pleased the gospel in that, in that way in the Acts, because they were somehow associated to a nation that had united reward and they were going to be umm, partakers of the judgement of the Lord in that sense. Umm, but they needed to decide to separate or disagree, associate yourself from that nation.
Through bathroom and.
We see here that.
Umm, bypass and save in that sense. That person does not save in the sense of eternal salvation.
That's a good one. You guys are distinguished between.
Was saved from the judgment of God upon sin and what saves from the government of God, like you say, the and let's go back to Acts chapter 2 because I think that's a good point to bring out here. He's speaking to the Jewish people like Peter was in his epistle.
And notice how he puts it in the end of chapter 2 of Acts.
He's preaching the gospel. He ends his preaching in verse 36.
Verse 37 They are pricked in their hearts, and they say to Peter and the rest of the apostles, men and brethren, what shall we do not on August this? Verse 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.
For the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, you'll be able to receive their initial sins. They have to be baptized. They couldn't get remission of sins without them.
Because they were associated with a guilty nation that had crucified their Messiah when terrible crime that the nation of Israel still lies under the guilt of that crime. And so they have to be baptized to be able to be saved to receive the gift of the holy Holy Spirit. So in that sense that doesn't say.
Governmentally, not judicially.
But now look at the first uh, that corresponds with that that Paul tells about in his testimony and Acts chapter 22.
Acts Chapter 22 and.
He's telling about his getting saved and what Ananias said to him.
What do you want to do? And it says in verse 16.
Now why there is thou arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins.
So this last year's moisture waste in.
Governmentally, it took them out of the position where God's government was over that nation and he identified him with the Lord Jesus. Then he was free from that. In that sense, not judicially, but governmentally. I hope that's clear because.
It's a lot of confused, a lot of confusion on this issue. I just say rather than we need to. There's a lot of feeling about this issue. And since I've been brought up, I've seen brothers that I respect highly on both sides of this issue and.
Feel pretty strongly about it.
We're not gathered to the question of baptism. We're gathered on the ground that there is one body, and if every true believer is part of that one body.
So some people were asked one time in a public meeting, uh, what do you hold on household baptism?
He said. I hold my tongue.
So let's not make it an issue to divide it. We need to use Christian grace.
And go along with our budget even though they may not see it like we gave them. So I think that's important.
I'd like to have a new example.
That might be helpful. Take off your mask, brother.
Umm, I've had education in dentistry.
But if I went and set up the practice today in my own state and so forth, everything is proper, I'd be arrested and probably get it.
I might have the license, I might have the medication, but I do not have the license.
So I can show diploma and I can show representation that that I'm qualified.
But I can't do it.
And so we've been talking about taking on the character of.
In that size and price and so forth.
But they're not doing the allergies there.
That's what it's called, diploma.
That I'm working.
So that isn't so I really have a sort of salvation and quite nicely about the reduces and expanded.
Version of yourself SO.
Any other help you're trying to do that Some of these things are representation.
Somebody said you are uh.
Uh, necessary.
But if I don't have the license, I'm not encrypted in terms of I've got two days and born again and have accepted Jesus come.
And we're bringing in a poster and I wouldn't have something.
For the next question, does anybody have final comments on the subject?
OK. The next question.
In faith and physically controlled my thoughts and actions.
I don't understand how he attacks me and how to defend myself.
Second part of the question, can I be possessed by a demon if I am saved?
First John, chapter 4.
First John chapter 4 and verse four year of God's little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
This is a comforting verse because we know that Satan cannot touch our soul.
We know from Joe he can touch our bodies.
We know, Satan, you can use the world and the flesh.
Who hacked us?
I've often wondered how much Satan can physically control my thoughts and my actions.
But I think he uses a different means of using things that we allow in our lives.
To, uh, control us.
And he can put things in our way that will will, umm, tempt us and lure us.
They can hear our prayers if we pray them out loud.
He has his demons everywhere.
And they can hear you.
What you say they can see what you do.
And they can, uh, bring things to pass in your life that can guide and guide you or influence you. And so we need to be very careful what we allow in our lives. There's a lot of things in this world that defile us intellectually. The devil attacks us intellectually.
That's part of our minds, and he can use the flesh in the world to attack our minds and put thoughts in our heads.
And use those things against us and.
So readers see that it's in the world and that that is in you that he that is in the world, he cannot touch your soul, but he can touch your body and he cannot take you away from God. He is greater God is greater than Satan. Every time the Lord Jesus and Satan are have a a conflict, the Lord Jesus always.
And we find the end of Revelation. Jesus is the winner.
But I think you agree again when you should say that they cannot touch even our bodies unless the Lord allows it, specifically because we are redeemed by that precious blood. You cost so tremendously that if Satan is going to touch you, he's got to get special permission from God.
One of the cases job he did touch Joe first of all taking away his family.
That is, uh, all his possessions and then second he touched his body and he was had terrible boils all over his body.
But it was with a specific purpose and God made the limit. He said OK you can touch his body but don't take away his life. So if God is does allow for you to touch it, God is doing it with a specific purpose for our own good and blessing. Never forget that. There's a verse in First Corinthians 6 that.
Want to read?
In verse UH 19.
It's talking about here in this chapter about the sin of fornication.
Sin verse 19 says what?
Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and ye are not your own.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the body of a believer.
Tremendous truth to think about it.
And so I do not believe that last part of that question, that a demon can possess a real believer.
That part of belongs to him, and the Holy Spirit that he dwells there is incongruous that a demon could at the same time dwell there. I don't think that will ever happen.
But he can, like it was saying, he can bring unclean thoughts. So be careful when you're on the Internet, young people, what you're watching. Don't fill your mind with garbage.
Heat the filter up.
And don't let those things get into your mind that Satan can use. Satan has a lot of experience, 6000 years of experience of how to tempt people and get them to fall.
Can't read your mind. I don't think you can control your thoughts either. You're the one that is are responsible for controlling your thoughts. It can affect you by putting *********** in front of you.
And there's so many other things in this world, and so we need to be careful what we allow in our lives, and that's why we recommend so highly.
To read the scriptures. I remember a brother saying to us young people when I was young.
Read Scripture. Read it until you don't think your own thoughts, You think God's thoughts.
I really enjoyed that and if you are filled with God's thoughts.
They can start when they come around, They're not gonna have too much play.
You have a glass of water and it's full.
You can't pour anything more into it because it's already full.
And so keep it full of the Word of God. That will be a blessing to you.
I think our question on baptism is tied into this question too. You know, we tend to think that we can either serve God or we can serve ourselves, and then some people get carried away and serve Satan and worship him. But the truth of the Scripture is that not only are we born in our sins and under the curse of our sins, but we're born into Satan's Kingdom. Umm, we read.
You know, umm, the other night in Luke where Satan says umm, we find it again.
Uh, Luke chapter 4?
Satan says.
Inverse uh.
All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will I give it. This world is Satan's. Umm, we can read enrollments about man's rebellion and how God gave them up and gave them up and gave them up. Umm, we can turn to Deuteronomy 32.
Where you know the scene.
The Tower of Babel is in view.
You just read from Deuteronomy 32.
Verse 7.
Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask thy father, and he will show thee thy elders, and they will tell thee. When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance. This inheritance language is used a lot in the Bible. So the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance. When he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel, for the Lord's portion is his people. Jacob is a lot of his inheritance.
And so on. Umm, we can turn to umm.
There's so many portions here.
But uh, when, when the apostle Paul is describing to Agrippa his conversion in in Acts chapter 27.
Exacts chapter 27.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's 26.
For 16 But rise and stand upon their feet. For I have appeared unto them for this purpose, to make the administer and a witness both of the things which thou hast seen, and of those things and the which I will appear unto thee, delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles, into whom now I send. Need open their eyes and determine them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of their sins and inheritance among them, which are sanctified by faith. That is in me.
And then Colossians.
There's multiple places we can turn.
But Colossians chapter one, giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us need to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints and light, who have delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, and whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. So we're born into Satan's world. The inheritance in Satan's world is to enjoy the pleasures of this world for a season and then to have eternal damnation. But we're we're in when we're in Christ.
For a new creature, we're in inheritance of his Kingdom. Umm, he's in US where? Where the Scripture says we're in Christ. And you know, once we're in Christ, we can't be possessed by a demon. Umm, but he doesn't give up on the warfare, umm.
But we've been translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son, and baptism is, as we've been mentioning, our declaration of being in His Kingdom, now under His domain.
Correlation between our subject of baptism and our subject now.
I'm thinking again of 1St Corinthians 10 that was given.
We read that all we're about. We're baptized unto Moses.
In the cloud and in the sea.
To see how they did not leave the children behind and they did not wait until the children were adults to cross over and it was it was their decision to take them to the other side.
It's interesting. Umm, as a brother mentioned before.
About, uh, believing, it says in verse five, God with many of them. God was not wealthy.
With many of them, God with God will be. So yeah, baptism delivers. Umm.
Children that are that are that are raised in Christian homes are saved in the in the general sense are are regarded from many things are protected I should say, and there are many evils that are avoided by being raised in a Christian home.
But everyone of us needs to be saved by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and umm.
Satan does not stop the fight against her because we're believers, but it is a different thing when someone is not a believer. It is, uh, governed, umm, by statement. In that sense, it makes, it makes me, umm, makes me think of that, uh, demon process man that went to meet the Lord lesion.
And we see the end of the Lord, uh, allowed in those, uh, swine was they went to the.
It went through the through the Cliff and that point to the end of the person that is lived their lives without umm, believing in the Lord Jesus. The end is the nation.
But uh, a person that is born or raised in a Christian home has, has umm, certain benefits, but that person needs to believe in the Lord. They can still will fight. Umm, we'll, we'll do as much as we can to make us fall and to be a bad testimony for the Lord. But if we fill ourselves, like our brother Bob was saying, if we fill ourselves with the things of the Lord.
It's a little is, is is the Lord are everything everything They're not alive. Does he still alive? It doesn't mean that we are without. We don't make mistakes or there's no sin in our heart. There should be repentance and there should be, umm, self judgment. If we do act in self judgment and continually in our lives, we're not we will not give occasions to Satan. We fill ourselves with the word of God.
Then it says that through the word of God we can overcome the weakest 1.
That I think it's important in connection with children being baptized.
By believing parents.
First Corinthians Chapter 7 and verse.
Ortiz, He's talking about the case of a.
Uh, one of the couple is.
And perhaps the other is not. But notice what it says in verse 14, verse 13714 For the undulating husband is sanctified by the light.
How is he sanctified?
By her face.
And the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband who is a believer.
Uh, she thinks if I buy his face.
Else were your children unclean?
But now are they fully?
How can the children be holy? They haven't believed in the Lord themselves.
By the faith of the believing parent or parents.
That's an important point, is to show that on background work there are parents and I say Catholic infants. Baptism does not.
Necessa necessity think it's done because it is a right of the Catholic system.
But when a Christian parent baptizes their children, they do it.
They're necessary that those parents or parents have faith on that ground. It's done because the children are holy.
By the face of the believing parents or parents.
Wanna leave that? Think about it.
I scared you're more horrifying and.
So we're open, you are anti surrounding trials and we're ready to save this world.
But the second part of the question is I don't understand how to get that myself.
Yes, absolutely, 10% ourselves.
The product 4 or 15 tests.
Quit it's not quiet ready on it and passed away.
So yeah, we have two cases that we brought before us by taking anywhere in this world. And there's certain things that we cannot avoid, but there are many things that we can't go on to. Some examples that still prep one music or things on the Internet, things that we have to give the access to. We have great struggles with it, like you find yourself.
I can't tell myself, well, avoid it, you know, take it away.
Got you. Bye, bye.
Yes, Daniel comes on as well. There's nothing he could do. He was taking that dude. Well, that's a situation, so I don't know.
200,000 We're gonna come reminder description and what I think so here in the description where you know, you have to go to school, you have to go to school, You have a fluid I said or not you're gonna be presenting with the school also that might come up on the patient. We have scriptures memorized like those ones in Corinthians.
How's that, uh, prepare? And then the third would be a little bit lesson on the third one. That's the same application. Umm, it is someone that we got saved. Is there a different date? If you find themselves in the division where they did not know that what they're doing currently, we're talking that they're having right now is in fact, it's been a long.
And we have a good night. Defend yourself by getting out now and you know right now whether they're relationship that you're in or whether it be a place that you visit or.
Take care of it right away and stop it right now.
That way, so there are ways that we defend ourselves and product that we are.
Let me go and prepare rather than all all of a sudden you're in a situation and situation and fix it that way. It works that way.
Find them.
I, uh, remember advice given to us young people when I was younger.
And about our thoughts, controlling our thoughts and they, because I have the experience even to this day, and I'm sitting down at the Lord's table to remember the Lord in these most awful paths coming to my mind.
I think it's because of our flash, you know?
And it's we, we have to recognize that. I say, hey, your dad, you're playing.
But somebody said this and this was a help to me as a young person.
Says you can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can't keep them from making nests in your hair.
And that was a help for me.
Can't keep the stock from women through your mind, but you are responsible for not giving them a place in your mind.
Dispatch them, fill them with scripture, fill your mind with scripture, replace it. I wanted to encourage. Another thing is.
Sing good Christian songs. It's it's a it's a blessing.
I, uh, was impressed. Uh, a brother that had a tremendous influence on my life was Eric Smith. You've probably heard of him Most, uh, some of you know, know him, some of the older ones.
But he said there was an old brother in his time that used to pray. Lord, help me not to die a wicked old man.
They can't really impress me because I used to look at the older brothers and said man, it must might even be nice to get up. At that age you don't have any more struggle with the flesh.
That is not true.
God bless you still there. And so as long as you're alive, you got to be on your guy.
I guess our time is up. One last comment. The hardest. The sequel. The sequel above all things, and desperately wicked.
We don't know the depths of witness that come from our hearts and that's why it's good to keep, uh, and Bob was saying to keep our hearts filled with the things of Christ. Even then, those thoughts are still in the back of our minds and our hearts and they can come up at any time like the Bob says that the remembrance of the meeting. These thoughts come to our, our minds and in March after seven, verse 21.
It says for from within, out of the heart of man.
Proceed evil thoughts and so it we can't blame Satan for everything we Satan can can control our our atmosphere, our our environment, and he can force things through that environment. But we need to be careful what we allow in our lives and in our hearts, because it will come out as our time is out if if this question has not been fully answered.
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