Seven Sevens: Better Things-Looks-Gifts-Perfect-Miracles-Conversions-Fear Nots

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Seven “Better Things” in Hebrews— Testament (7:22); Promises (8:6); Substance (10:34); Hope (7:19); Sacrifices (9:23); Country (11:16); Resurrection (11:35).
Seven “Looks” in Mark. —3:5; 3:34; 5:32; 6:41; 7:34 8:33; 11:11.
Seven “Gifts” in John. —His flesh (6:51); His life (10:11); His example (13:15); A Comforter (14:16); His peace (14:27); His words (17:8); His glory (17:22).
Seven Miracles in John. —Water into wine (2:9); Nobleman’s son (4:50); impotent man (5:8); 5000 fed (6:11); Walking on sea (6:19); Blind man (9:1); Lazarus (11).
Seven Conversions in John. —Andrew; Simon; Philip; Nathanael; Woman of Samaria; Nicodemus; Blind man.
Seven “Fear Not’s” in Luke. 1:13; 1:30; 2:10; 5:10; 8:50; 12:7; 12:32.
From, To, and For Christ:
Our food is from Christ.
Our worship is to Christ.
Our service is for Christ.
Occupied with Jesus.
Have you ever noticed that just as there were FIVE PILLARS guarding the entrance to the Holy Place, so we have FIVE APOSTLES, Paul, Peter, John, Jude and James, stationed as it were at the threshold of the Christian faith, through whose teaching alone we can understand what is within while just as the Holy of Holies was guarded by FOUR PILLARS, so the FOUR EVANGELISTS guard, while at the same time they give us access to the sacred mysteries of the life of our Lord.