To Our Readers

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This magazine has been commenced, partly to relieve the pages of the “Young Believer” from an overweight of matter, and partly to record the results of the monthly researches of the Bible Students’ Class. It has been increasingly felt and practically proved, that the work most blessed of God amongst Young Believers is that of leading them to read and study the Bible for themselves. Abundant testimony to this has been afforded in numerous letters from those who have persevered in searching out the Bible questions given in the “ Young Believer.” This magazine therefore is devoted exclusively to aiding the study of the Word of God, and that in two ways: first, by the Bible Students’ Class, which necessitates constant personal Bible research; and secondly, by papers purely Biblical, explanatory and otherwise.
We shall be most glad to receive any fruits of Bible study at all times, especially when original, also any articles which will help in the object set before us. At present we hope to include in the contents of the magazine, a series of papers comparing the Authorized and the Revised Versions in a simple way so as to point out the leading changes and where they are of value; also articles on Bible words, tracing their use throughout Scripture; and some papers on the History and Contents of the Bible. Any Bible queries (hitherto answered in the “Young Believer”) sent before the 10th will be answered if possible in the following month. In addition to this, the result of the month’s research of the Class will take up several pages, and it is hoped will prove of permanent value for study and reference. At present the magazine is only 16 pages, but as soon as the efforts of our friends in distributing and making it known, secure for it a good circulation, it will be enlarged. We sincerely trust therefore that all who believe in the special value of the Word of God to keep young believers in the narrow path, will seek earnestly to make this little magazine widely known, and will also look to God that He may greatly use it for His glory. We would especially ask any engaged in the Lord’s work to seek to make the Bible Students’ Class in connection with this magazine, known amongst young Christians, for we believe that it will most profitably employ many a spare hour over the Word of God that would otherwise be wasted. A leaflet setting forth the objects of the Bible Class and of the magazine, (partly reprinted from the “ Young Believer), can be had free in required quantities for distribution amongst young Christians, on application to the publisher.
Copies of the first number only for distribution can be had on application to the Publisher at the rate of Five Shillings per 100, carriage paid.