
Listen from:
Gospel—S. Allan
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I don't make any. I don't know.
If I'm tonight.
Alright, and now he's gone.
Now till the day.
Could we also sing Number six? God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin undone. Jesus Christ was crucified to us for sinners. Jesus died. Could we stand and sing #6?
God in mercy sent his Son.
To a world, I said. I'm done.
Jesus Christ was proven by.
Glory of the Gray Joy, Megan. Las Vegas.
Now link center is from my body.
God is like man, God is love.
No more shall reign.
Jesus died and left again.
In my glories, high as high.
Say him God, supreme daylight.
All the glory of the grace.
Joining in the sailors face.
Bowling centres from my love. God is life and God is wild.
All concrete, and there's a name.
Everlasting like racing.
Roar from all is Jesus now.
Everything to him must found.
Oh my, glory of the grace. Joy in the Savior, Savage.
God is life and God is love.
Life, the Lord will come again.
He will suffer once will reign, and every time I last well alone.
Jesus Christ is Lord alone.
Along the glory of the great joy.
Nerves from my love. God is light and God is life.
Well, we want to welcome tonight, each one to the gospel meeting. You know, I just overheard two brothers speaking this afternoon and one was asking how many there were at the meetings here. And he named a figure. And, you know, the brother responded and said it was nice that so many had responded to the invitation and surely we are happy.
And those who have responded to the invitation and to those who have responded to the invitation to come to the gospel meeting. But all dear friends tonight, how it would rejoice heaven if you responded to that loving request that Jesus puts before you tonight. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Oh, dear friend, tonight listen to the gospel message.
We trust that what is said is from God, and all we know that this word that we have in our hands is the eternal living Word of God. Oh, that you might respond to His love and His grace this evening. Well, it was on my heart to speak just from a couple of verses in the book of Ecclesiastes that I've often enjoyed in connection with the Gospel. Ecclesiastes Chapter 9.
Emil Reed from verse 14.
Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Chapter 9 and verse 14.
There was a little city.
And few men within it. And there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it. Now there was found in it.
A poor wise man, and he by his wisdom.
Delivered the city, yet no man remembered that same poor man, and then said, I Wisdom is better than strength. Nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard. The words of wise men are heard and quiet more than the cry of him that rule us among fools.
Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one Sinner.
Destroy us much Good.
Well, what's striking words we have here in this book of Ecclesiastes? And oh, how I love to think of this in connection with the gospel message we have here brought before us. A little city. And you know, some might wonder just what this has for us this evening, a little city. But we'll notice here that there was a great king that came against it. His object was to smash down the walls of that city.
To ruin the men who were found in it. And you know, I found it very helpful.
In studying the scriptures to notice the first time that things are mentioned.
And the first time we have the city mentioned is in Genesis 4.
And perhaps we could turn there for a moment. Keep your finger in Ecclesiastes. We'll be coming back to it.
Ecclesiastes, chapter 4.
And we'll notice verse 16.
Genesis 4, verse 16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, and on the east of Canaan. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch. Oh, what do we find here, dear friends?
We find that Cain, the man who murdered his brother.
It says he went out from the presence of the Lord and that his son built the first city.
Oh, how solemn this is, dear friend. Yes, the first city was built outside the presence of the Lord and all. I believe that if this little city that's referred to here would in type perhaps apply to this world in which we live. Yes, it looks so wonderful. We look, we go outside and we enjoy the autumn leaves, we enjoy the crisp mornings and nature. But all this world has been defiled by sin.
Yes, dear friend, sin came into this world, and death by sin.
So death passed upon all men, for all have sinned.
And so we find here.
The city outside, the presence of the Lord. Oh, how solemn. I wonder how many here I'm looking at this evening are away from the presence of the Lord. You know, if we're sinners, that's exactly where we want to be. We know the story of the prodigal son. There he was enjoying all the privileges of the father's house. And you know, what did he say? He said, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he took them and went into a far country.
And wasted his substance. Oh, is there some young person here tonight? Is there someone here that is wasting their substance in riotous living away from the presence of the Lord? All God wants to speak to you tonight. He wants to warn you of coming judgment. He wants to tell you of his love. And we find here that not only was it a city, but it says it was a little city.
You know I was struck this afternoon when our brother was speaking.
He said that everyone of us here have an outlook and we have a viewpoint and you know, I was struck with that in connection with this chapter that we have.
You know, man likes to boast of this world. You know, I often think of Nebuchadnezzar. There he was, the ruler of the greatest city of the world at that time. He built what was called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife as a present, and there he sat on the throne. And what did he say? He said, is this not great Babylon that I have built for the House of the Kingdom by the might of my power?
And for the honor of my Majesty.
Oh how he loved to boast of what he had accomplished. And is it not true that man has much to boast in today?
I suppose he has never reached a pinnacle like he has at the present time. He boasts that he can drive, he can fly around the world in so many hours, he can invent computers that can almost think. And really, we're all dazzled, you might say, by all the wonderful inventions that man has made. But all you know, what is our viewpoint? You know, as our brother said, our outlook depends on our viewpoint.
And I wonder what viewpoint you have, dear friend, if you have man's viewpoint, you see a great city, one with much to boast in, and you can see a bright future when we can just sit in our homes and press buttons and get whatever we want. But oh, dear friend, is that God's viewpoints? No, it isn't. What does it say here? Oh, the Spirit of God says there was a little city. A little city.
Yes. What is this world in relation to the vast universe? Man takes his telescope and he trains it on the universe, and what does he see? Billions upon billions of galaxies. The more mighty the telescope, the farther he can see. He takes a microscope, he looks at the smallest little thing, and he begins to see more and more as the power of the microscope is increased. Yes. What is the only thought he can come to that he is nothing but something very insignificant.
And Oh dear friend, I say, this world is nothing but a little city.
It says there were few men within it all man worries about the billions upon billions, and naturally speaking it is a problem. But all who made the billions of people that we find here in this world, God did. But you know, I often think that even though it's a little city and even though it might be insignificant in the size of the universe, what did the Lord Jesus say in Proverbs 8? He said that his delights were with the children of men. Isn't that wonderful?
A little speck of a planet in the solar system.
Which is nothing but a mere speck in the Milky Way. Which is nothing but a mere speck in the universe.
God designed to look at this little planet, and he said his love on this planet.
Oh, it says, for God so loved the world.
Oh, dear friend, God loves you even though you're just a speck in this little world. That's a speck.
God has set his love upon you. Yes, he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Well, it says here there was a little city, and few men within it, and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it. Oh, here we come again to something. I was struck again by what our brother said.
This afternoon about the power of Satan.
You know, it talks about a little city, but then it talks about a Greek king and Oh dear friend, I want to say that you have an enemy of your soul that is bent upon your destruction. He wants to cast you down into hell forever.
He is a deceiver. He is called a serpent. There he was in the Garden of Eden, and he spoke to the woman. And what did he say? He said, has God said, thou shalt surely die? Ah, he cast a doubt into her mind. And then what did he do? He said, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Why is it that man boasts of all his accomplishments?
Oh, it's because he has an enemy of his soul that's putting those thoughts into his mind.
Satan says ye shall be as gods. You know, there are some of these people that come around to our doors even with the Word of God. I've even seen them come with the very same addition of the Bible that I have. And what do they tell us? That we'll be God someday. Who's the author of that? Oh, Satan, who says ye shall be as gods? Yes, Satan is fooling men into thinking that if they go off to another planet and find life there, that they will be gods to the people on that planet.
Yes, God isn't Satan is implanting in people's minds.
These thoughts and dear friend, I believe that he's trying to plant them in your mind.
But all it says here, there came a great king against it and besieged it and built great bulwarks against it. All the power of Satan is on the increase. There was a time when this Bible was respected. It was in every home. Even though the people weren't saved, they felt a responsibility to read it every day and all. I trust that each one here reads it every day. But we're living in an age.
Of increasing indifference when men aren't impressed by what the word of God says.
But all I want to tell you, it tells us in Second Timothy chapter 3 that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Yes, all Scripture from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. It is the word of God. And all Satan would seek to tear it down. He would seek to tell you that it's nothing but a myth. But all I want to tell you, it says heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not.
Pass away.
Oh, Satan, how he would seek to deceive. Oh, is he casting doubts into your mind? Dear young people, as you sit here, are you doubting the word of God? Are you saying, well, I know my parents believe that, but I really can't really see that that's the truth.
Oh, what is it? The enemy of your soul is putting those thoughts in your mind.
Yes, he would have you to think, Yeah. Has God really said thou shalt die? You know, what did he say then? No, thou shalt not surely die. All he would seek to he's he's a liar now. He would seek to cast out the word that is being sown in your soul tonight. Oh, dear friend, don't listen to what he has to say. There is a God. There is a day when you are going to have to stand before him.
As we had last night, yes, it says the earth and the heavens will flee away. And there was a great white throne in him that sat upon it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away. And there was a dead small and great standing before God. Yes, dear friend, there is a day when you are going to believe, because you see. But oh, how wonderful that tonight you have the privilege of accepting the word of God. Yes, by faith.
Oh, how we would desire tonight that you would accept the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior. Well, we find here it says there was a little city and few men within it and the bulwarks were built against it. Now what's it saying verse 15?
Now there was found in it.
A poor wise man, always in this beautiful yes, here was this world under the influence of Satan.
Man exalting himself.
But oh, in that city there was found a poor man.
Who is this poor man? Oh, what a privilege we have tonight to present to you.
This poor wise man. Let's look at a verse in the New Testament that would suggest who he is. It was read this morning in The Breaking of Brad, Two Corinthians, chapter 8.
Two Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9.
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That though he was rich.
Yet for your sakes.
He became poor.
That ye, through his poverty, might be rich.
All who is this poor wise man that was found there in that little city? All was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. And all it says here ye know the grace. Oh I want to ask you tonight, is there someone in this room that does not know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, is there someone here that has never experienced His love, have never felt in His presence that they are sinners?
Deserving of eternal judgment.
And then have confessed him as their Lord and Savior and accepted that salvation.
All we trust, if there's someone here tonight that does not know of his grace, that, oh, tonight they might walk out that door rejoicing, knowing that their sins are washed away. Well, it says.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, oh, let's meditate on that for a moment. He was rich, you know, He was a poor wise man in this world perhaps, but oh, it says he was rich. Why does it say that?
Let's turn for a moment to Hebrews chapter one.
These are verses that we all know.
But what does that say here about the Lord Jesus? Let's look at the first verse. God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time passed under the fathers by the prophets, half in these last days, spoken unto us by his Son now. Nor is the first thing here it says, whom he hath appointed heir of all things.
Oh, what a marvelous expression this is.
That poor, despised one that was in this world nearly 2000 years ago.
God says that he has appointed him heir of all things.
Yes, lookout and see the trees, the mountains, look up into the starry heavens and see the vast universe.
Who is the heir of all that? All that poor wise man.
Oh, God has seen pleased to exalt his blessed Son. He's given him a name which is above every name, and we look forward to the future when everything will be under his sway, and he'll rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But what else does it say about this poor wise man? It says here, by whom also he made the world. Yes, we go forward in time.
But now we go backward in time and what do we find? He made the world's. I want to ask you tonight, dear friend, do you believe that? You know, there's lots of people that believe that Jesus lived 2000 years ago. There's lots of people that believe that he died on a cross. I don't think there's one person in this room that would say that isn't true. But I want to ask you tonight, do you believe that he made the world? John's Gospel tells us.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
Do you believe that?
Oh, tonight, dear friend, I want to tell you how important it is.
To realize the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was not only a poor man living in this world.
But he was the eternal living God.
He was the Son of God. He was God manifest in the flesh. All. What wonderful grace that He ever came down here into this world. As a babe in Bethlehem's Manger. Oh, I'm overwhelmed when I think of that expression in Ecclesia. As a babe in Bethlehem's Manger All I'm overwhelmed when I think of that expression in Ecclesiastes 9. There was found in it a poor wise man. Imagine the creator of the universe.
Coming down into this world as a babe in the very world that he made.
Now, what did the world do with them? Oh, it says there was number room for him in the end. But oh, I want to tell you, dear friend, he's the Good Samaritan who walked down that road and saw the man in the ditch. What did he do? He got off his donkey, went down into the ditch, picked up that man that was full of sores and bruises, put him on the very donkey he was riding on. He took the low place and walked along. And where'd he take him to? He took him to the end.
Yes, even though this world refused an end for the Creator, the one who made the world's.
Ah, He would desire tonight to save you and take you to the end, to be cared for. Oh, I want to tell you, He loves you and he wants to save you. And so we find here He made the world. But you know there's more than that. It tells us here who being the brightness or the effulgence of his glory and the exact expression of His person as I could read.
Oh just think, he not only manifested God what God was, but he was the exact expression of what God was.
All we see him there, walking those dusty roads of Israel.
Yes, men didn't appreciate him. He went about doing good. He cleansed the leper.
He healed the sick, He opened the eyes of the blind, then one of the people say.
He hath a devil. Just imagine the heart of man as the Lord Jesus went about doing good.
And what was their reaction? Away with this man Crucify him. We will not have this man to reign over us.
All is not your action tonight. You know things haven't changed the spec. I remember one time hearing a story of a man who was so angry he said of Jesus Christ came back to this world, we'd nail him to a cross a second time. An old dear friend, I want to tell you that is your heart and it's my heart. The Bible says it says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
And you know, dear Christian friend, it's good for us to realize that that's our heart, our old nature, even afterwards, says desperately wicked.
You know, we think what horrible people they were to cry out that cry, but I want to tell you that's my heart, the old nature. But all the Lord Jesus, he wants to give you a new life. He says you must be born again. You must. There's no sense trying to reform that old nature. There's a lot of people, they realize their problems and they say, well, I'm going to turn over a new leaf. You ever heard that on January the 1St?
I'm going to turn over a new leaf. Well, it lasts maybe until January the 2nd and then it's all over with. Yes, because they're trying to do it in their own strength. They don't realize they need a new nature.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. Oh, how wonderful.
All God wants to give you a new life. Well we find here.
In Hebrews again it says when he it goes on read the third verse again, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person. Nonetheless this and upholding all things by the word of his power. Oh, you know, man often thinks well, yes, there is a God. He did create the universe. But you know, some people look on God as some kind of a watchmaker. I have a watch here in my hand.
It was made by somebody in Switzerland and he made it to run according to fixed principles.
And the watchmaker, he made it and then forgot about it. And you know, there are some people that look on God that way.
As someone who has just simply made the universe to run by fixed natural laws.
Like those that Isaac Newton and Copernicus and others discovered. And now he's just forgotten about it. But notice what this verse says. Uphold us all things by the word of His power. I want to tell you, dear friend, you wouldn't breathe for one second if it wasn't for the power of God. The earth that is exactly the right distance from the sun was placed there by God, and He holds it there by His power.
He sees the little Sparrow fall. We often sing How many, how often the little children have sung that hymn.
God sees the little Sparrow fall. Just imagine a worthless Sparrow. God sees it fall. There is not one of his creatures.
But he does not have an interest in and see, he upholds all things by the word of his power.
The very breath that you are breathing right now is given to you by God.
Oh, I want to tell you, don't boast yourself of tomorrow. No God.
Could easily take that life away.
Oh, how we are solemnized.
By young people who have gone into eternity, I know where I come from.
I have taught teenagers for some years and the last 10 years, I think seven of them at least, have gone into eternity.
And you're a young person. Just because you're sitting here with health and strength is no guarantee.
That you're going to be here tomorrow.
No, boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what are they may bring forth. Well, how wonderful. We see here in Hebrews chapter 2 The glories of the Son of God, that poor wise man. Well, we'll be speaking more about that in a few moments. Let's return to Ecclesiastes 9.
All it says here.
There was found in it a poor wise man, For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich for your sake, he became poor. Why did he leave the glory? Why did he come down to this world for your sake?
Mary, John, Bill, whatever your name is, he came down here for your sake.
All what matchless love.
We all enjoy that verse totally, for God so loved the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life. Oh, what love is shown in that verse, the immeasurable heights of it. God so loved the world down to the unfathomable depths of it, that He gave His only begotten Son. Where did the Lord Jesus go? Oh, it says there in Philippians 2, Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, took upon him the form of a servant.
And was made in the likeness of man. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Oh, just think of the unfathomable depths of that love that not only came into this world, how remarkable it was that found in this world was the world's Creator going about doing good. The servant, Yes.
He wasn't born in a palace, he was born in the Bethlehem's Manger.
He didn't even have a place to put his head, and when he was asked for a piece of money, he had to tell him to go and find a piece in his mountain. The fish's mouth.
Yes, that wasn't all, but he went down there to Calvary. That was probably one of the most despicable ways to ever die.
They say sometimes people lasted for four days. They just simply were nailed to that piece of wood. And I understand they died not from bleeding particularly, although they were weakened, but because they got so weak that they couldn't breathe properly and they smothered to death. A spectacle there for the whole world to gaze on. Spit in the face of the one who was crucified, helpless to do anything. Why did Jesus do that? For your sake? He became poor.
Dear young boy and girl, for your sake he became poor.
Oh, how our hearts should be touched with a sense of His love.
That came from heaven's highest heights down to Calvary's depths of all.
And then it says in the middle of that verse, that word, whosoever, oh, what are the bounds of that love?
Oh, what's the breadth of it? Whosoever you know, there are some people that say well.
I'm just not quite good enough. No, I I just don't deserve to be saved. You don't know what a wicked Sinner I am. Aw, Jesus says whosoever that takes in you, what takes in me. You know, the apostle Paul could say Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief and all. If he came in to save the chief of sinners, dear friend, he came in to save you. Oh, I thank God that he saved my soul.
I certainly didn't deserve it and he knew everyone of my failures. Even after I was saved before he saved him and he still saved me.
Oh, what a wonderful Savior we have. The breadth of that love, whosoever, what's the length of it? That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life, no limit to that love everlasting. Yes, the Lord wants to bless you, not only wash your sins away in His blood that He shed there on that cross, but He wants you to take you to the glory. He wants to share His home with you for eternity.
Or are you going to?
Reject that love tonight. Oh, he says. How shall we escape if we neglect?
So great salvation. Oh, as you sit here tonight, dear friend, don't neglect it. God speaketh once, Yeah, twice. But man perceiveth it not. Oh, is he speaking to you? Yes, God speaks. Are you listening to his voice tonight? Well, it says here there was found in it a poor wise man. Oh, what a wonderful words. Those are found in it, you know. Have you been seeking Jesus?
You know, it's a verse in Isaiah 55 that says.
Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found. Call upon him while he is near.
Oh, have you been seeking the Savior? Oh, I like that story of Zacchaeus. I know the boys and girls here do. How often we sing. A certain man of whom we read, who lived in days of old, though he was rich.
Though he was rich, he felt his need of something more than gold. What did he do? He climbed a tree.
There he was up in that tree. He didn't think anybody saw him. Why was he there? He wanted to see Jesus.
But you know Jesus, he was the creator. He knew all about Zacchaeus. And what did he do? He stopped underneath that tree and he said, Zacchaeus come down.
For today I must abide at thy house. And dear Sinner friend, he knows your name. Tonight you might be boasting that you have a degree after your name. You might be boasting in the fact that you are a computer expert or something. Jesus says to you, come down.
Oh, don't be like Nebuchadnezzar who boasted in all his power. Come down.
Be willing to take the low place. Look at the Lord Jesus, who he was, yet for your sakes he became poor. Well, there was found in it all the yes, the Lord Jesus. He found Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus found him. And the Lord says to you tonight seek and ye shall find not, and it shall be opened unto you. You know, here's a question someone might ask, well, where is he? How can I find him?
Where is he to be found? You know, He's called here the wise man. And in Job this question is asked, where is wisdom to be found? Where is understanding to be found? And the answer is given at the end of the chapter, Job 26. We won't turn to it. It says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
You know, you might just say, well, I can't find them. You know, Yuri Gagarin went up into space and he flew around. He said, I can't see God anywhere. He was just trying to make a mockery of God. Did he really think that he could really see God? Oh, he was just boasting and mocking. Where is wisdom to be found? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Dear young man, here tonight. Dear young woman, do you fear God?
Do you tremble at the thought that one day you are going to have to stand in His presence? Every idle word that man shall speak, he shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment. Oh, dear friend, fear God. It's the beginning of wisdom. And then what does it say? To depart from evil is understanding. Yes, God is holy. We sang that hymn tonight that God is love. Yes, he is.
Then Jesus loves you, my friend. But he's also a God of light. Yes, and the light we know exposes.
The the dirt, doesn't it? We don't like to come into a room if we're filthy because the light exposes what we are. And dear friend, God is holy and he cannot have sin in his presence. Oh, you must be willing to confess that you are a lost, guilty Sinner. You say, Well, I'm not as bad as you think I am. Now maybe what you're saying is fine for the drunkard. It might be fine for the person that smokes pot or something like that.
But God, But dear friend, I want to tell you there's no difference, Romans 3 says.
It says there is no difference, all have sinned. You might boast that you're better than your neighbor, but God says there's no difference. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Oh, tonight, dear friend, acknowledge your position. Come down.
Realize and confess that you're a Sinner. Oh, it says, God commandeth all men everywhere to repent.
Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to take sides with God against yourself?
Oh, we were reading in Hebrews there that God has appointed his son.
The air of all things. But you know, there's another appointment, it tells us in Acts 17.
That God has appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness. You know we're living in a world.
In which there's a lot of unrighteousness. You expect a just decision. I know where I come from. There have been some court decisions made by judges, and you just wonder at their wisdom and righteousness and what they have done. You can't expect righteousness in an unrighteous world. But God is righteous, and He is appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an encounter of every thought. Dear friend, yes, we get away with nothing.
Well, it says here there was found in it a poor wise man.
And he by his wisdom, remembered that poor.
And he, by his wisdom, delivered the city. Oh, isn't that wonderful, The word delivered there. You know, I've enjoyed a little story. I know the children always enjoy a story, don't they? But I remember reading one time in the Sunday school paper about a train that was going through the Rocky Mountains. It was traveling along through the canyons. And anyone that has traveled there knows that the railway tracks sometimes come very close to the river.
And this particular story took place, I believe, in 1921, and there were many passengers on this train, and it was pouring rain. I understand that 6 inches of rain fell in six hours. And the engineers were going along, and they were concerned because they could see the water rising in the river. And the track was right beside the river. And finally they stopped the train and they thought maybe they should back it up to avoid the rising water.
But suddenly something flew through the cab of the engine and they knew that part of the railway track behind had been destroyed.
And so there was nothing they could do. They stopped the train. They told the passengers they were sorry, but they couldn't continue. They'd have to wait out the storm.
Well, it wasn't long before the water started coming in the railway cars.
And there was number way you could stop it. And there was a woman there in the train with her little girl.
And she, she had been sleeping. The little girl had been sleeping. She woke her up and she said, dear, we've got to be careful. There's water coming in the train. And it came up 6 inches foot, half a foot and a half and right up. And she put the little girl on her shoulders. The water came up to her chin. And she, the woman began to cry out. But you know, the little girl was praying. She bowed her head and she said, Jesus, I trust you. Jesus, I trust you.
She prayed that simple prayer and you know, the water came right up to the mother's chin. But then the water began to recede.
All the people in that train were touched by the prayer of that little girl. Jesus, I trust you. Oh, I want to ask you tonight, are you willing to put your trust in Jesus? You know what tells us here? A little later, no man remembered that same poor man. Isn't it sad that we're living in a world right now where Jesus has forgotten about. He's nothing but a curse word. He's the song of the drunkards.
But you know, there's a verse that I like in Psalm 20, it says this.
Some trust in Chariots and some in horses, but we will remember.
The Lord our God, the name of the Lord our God all you know we don't have Chariots today.
You know, the first people I believe to invent the iron chariot were the Hittites. The reason why they were so strong was because they had iron Chariots. They boasted in their strength and they could go down and they could defeat people. Well, today we laugh at the Hittites. We think my they thought they were so wonderful with iron Chariots. And you know, I remember reading a a poem at school.
I can't remember how it goes. It was called Ozymandias. Maybe some of you have studied it. Just a 14 line sonnet and it spoke about a traveler that went over to Egypt and there he saw this broken down statue. The nose was gone and part of the legs and part of the trunk and there was standing and on the pedestal it said something to this effect. I am the great Aussie Mandius and I rule this mighty land and this is my wonderful Kingdom.
And what was there? A broken down old statue and scattered bricks all over the place. Everything gone.
Nineveh, the greatest city of its time. Where is it today? You'd have a hard job finding it today. Where's Babylon? Where are these mighty cities of the past? Gone?
Oh dear friend, I tell you this world with all its boasting, all its computers.
What's going to happen to it? Let's turn to Hebrews chapter 2. We'll find out.
Hebrews, chapter 2.
Verse 10. I'm sorry, Chapter one, Verse 10.
And thou, Lord, in the beginning has laid the foundation of the of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thine hands. Oh, how wonderful they shall perish, but thou remainest notice they shall perish, but thou remainest. They all shall wax old as death a garment and as a vesture. Shalt thou fool them up?
And they shall be changed, but thou art the same, and thy years.
Shall not fail. Oh yes, this mighty civilization that we live in.
With all its modern conveniences, it's going to perish. Yes, God has appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness. Why?
Because this world, you know, people say, well, he's going to do it because we're so wicked. Yes, that's true. But more than that, because this world has cast out the Lord Jesus Christ now is the judgment of this world. Now why, Because they cast out the Lord Jesus. But all he's the same. Thou remainest all we have here in Ecclesiastes. No man remembered that same.
Poor man.
Thou art the same. Oh how wonderful. Dear friends, tonight that same Jesus that died on Calvary's cross is the same tonight.
The same tonight. He loves you just as much as he loved the people back in those days.
And yet, what does it say in verse 16? Our time is just about up. It says in verse 16 in the middle. Nevertheless, the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard. Oh, are we going to close this meeting this evening?
With men and women.
Children despising the word.
All it says he's despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
You know, I was struck recently by a comment I read.
It said that man.
They desire power.
Why? So they can assert their own will. They desire riches.
So they can have happiness without God.
They desire wisdom so that they can shut God out of his own creation.
They desire strength so that they can be independent of God.
They desire.
Honor so that they can display themselves. So they desire glory so that they can display themselves.
They desire honor so they can exalt themselves, and blessings so that they can minister to themselves.
That's why men want those things. Power, riches, wisdom.
Glory, honor, that's why they want it. But all who's the only one worthy?
Oh how wonderful, dear believer, that we are going to stand in the presence of Jesus.
And we're going to sing those words. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive.
And riches and wisdom and strength and glory and honor and blessing. Oh, what a day that'll be. Oh dear Sinner, tonight will you accept Jesus as your Savior? Will you not join us in the glory to sing that song of the redeemed for all eternity? Worthy is the land that was slain. Oh, may we, may you go to this room tonight rejoicing the blood of Jesus Christ.
God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. Oh, it says here, his words are not heard.
Are you going to go to this room not hearing his words? Hear and your soul shall live.