What Will You Do Without Him?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 22
Why will you do without Him?
The Savior of the lost,
Whose precious blood redeems us
At such tremendous cost?
Do you not want a Savior?
Do you not want a Friend?—
One who will love you faithfully,
And love you to the end?

You could not do without Him,
If once He made you see
The fetters that enchain you
Till He hath set you free.
If once you saw the fearful load
Of sin upon your soul:—
The hidden plague that ends in death,
Unless He makes you whole!

You cannot do without Him!
There is no other name
By which you ever CAN be saved —
No way, no hope, no claim!
Without Him—everlasting loss
Of love, of life, and light!
Without Him—everlasting woe,
And everlasting night.

But with Him—O! with Jesus!
Are any words so blest?
With Jesus, everlasting joy
And everlasting rest.
With Jesus—all the empty heart
Filled with His perfect love;
With Jesus—perfect peace below,
And perfect bliss above.