Where Christ Sitteth

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Set your mind on things above,
Where the Christ is seated,
Who has died for us in love,
And our foes defeated.
There, what eye hath never seen,
Nor the heart conceived—
What for us prepared has been,
Is to us revealed.
There affections may outflow
Unrestrained in measure;
There the heart afresh may glow
With unmingled pleasure.
There is Christ Himself to fill
Every heart with wonder,
Who once came to do God’s will,
And our chains to sunder.
Center He, of glories there,
Which no thought can measure;
Glories which we soon shall share,
Whom He counts His “treasure.”
Give Him what He values most— Deep and true affection;
Who redeemed, at such a cost,
Us from condemnation.
Now our life with Christ is hid,
Safe in God’s own keeping;
Fruit of what for us He did,
We His saints are reaping.
When He conies in glory bright,
We with—Him appearing,
Shine in all His heavenly light,
This each heart is cheering.
Forward then, to see His face,
We would still be pressing;
Walking here in truth and grace,
Here His life expressing.
G. W. F.