What Will You Do Without Him?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 14
Why will you do without Him?
The word of God is true,
The world is passing to its doom—
And you are passing, too.
It may be no tomorrow
Shall dawn, on you or me;
Why will you run the awful risk
Of all eternity?

What will you do without Him,
When the great white throne is set
And the Judge who never can mistake,
And never can forget—
The Judge whom you have never here
As friend and Savior sought,
Shall summon you to give account
Of deed and word and thought?

What will you do without Him,
When He hath shut the door,
And you are left outside, because
You would not come before?
When it is no use knocking,
No use to stand and wait,
For the word of doom tolls through
your heart,
That terrible "Too Late.”

You cannot do without Him,
There is no other Name
By which you ever can be saved,
No way, no hope, no claim!
Without Him—everlasting loss
Of love, and life, and light!
Without Him—everlasting woe,
And everlasting night.

Why should you do without Him?
It is not yet too late;
He has not closed the day of grace,
He has not shut the gate.
He calls you!—hush! He calls you!
He would not have you go
Another step without Him,
Because He loves you so.
"For Christ also path suffered
for sins, the Just for the unjust,
that He might bring us to God,
being put to death in the flesh,
but quickened by the Spirit.”