When First I Heard of Jesus' Name

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
When first I heard of Jesus’ name,
I only then for refuge came;
I heard that He for sinners died,
And from His heart and wounded side
Had shed the water and the blood
To wash and make me fit for God.
I’ve found Him meet my every need,
That He a Savior is indeed;
Each rising want has been supplied
Whene’er to Him I have applied;
He is of grace the treasury,
All fullness dwells in Him for me.
Yet all He is, He is for me:
So meek in all His majesty,
So tender in almightiness,
So sympathizing in distress;
So liberal, all He has He gave,
Yea, e’en Himself, my soul to save.
It is not fear that makes me flee,
Savior of sinners, now to Thee;
Thy excellencies me constrain
To seek Thee as my greatest gain—
Thy presence my eternal home:
Come, blessed Lord, O quickly come!