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2 Kings 25

2 Kings 25:6 KJV (With Strong’s)

So they took
taphas (Hebrew #8610)
to manipulate, i.e. seize; chiefly to capture, wield, specifically, to overlay; figuratively, to use unwarrantably
KJV usage: catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.
Pronounce: taw-fas'
Origin: a primitive root
the king
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
, and brought him up
`alah (Hebrew #5927)
to ascend, intransitively (be high) or actively (mount); used in a great variety of senses, primary and secondary, literal and figurative (as follow)
KJV usage: arise (up), (cause to) ascend up, at once, break (the day) (up), bring (up), (cause to) burn, carry up, cast up, + shew, climb (up), (cause to, make to) come (up), cut off, dawn, depart, exalt, excel, fall, fetch up, get up, (make to) go (away, up); grow (over) increase, lay, leap, levy, lift (self) up, light, (make) up, X mention, mount up, offer, make to pay, + perfect, prefer, put (on), raise, recover, restore, (make to) rise (up), scale, set (up), shoot forth (up), (begin to) spring (up), stir up, take away (up), work.
Pronounce: aw-law'
Origin: a primitive root
to the king
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
of Babylon
Babel (Hebrew #894)
confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire
KJV usage: Babel, Babylon.
Pronounce: baw-bel'
Origin: from 1101
toj Riblah
Riblah (Hebrew #7247)
fertile; Riblah, a place in Syria
KJV usage: Riblah.
Pronounce: rib-law'
Origin: from an unused root meaning to be fruitful
; and they ηgave
dabar (Hebrew #1696)
perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue
KJV usage: answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, X well, X work.
Pronounce: daw-bar'
Origin: a primitive root
mishpat (Hebrew #4941)
properly, a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially, especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (participant's) divine law, individual or collective), including the act, the place, the suit, the crime, and the penalty; abstractly, justice, including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary), or even a style
KJV usage: + adversary, ceremony, charge, X crime, custom, desert, determination, discretion, disposing, due, fashion, form, to be judged, judgment, just(-ice, -ly), (manner of) law(-ful), manner, measure, (due) order, ordinance, right, sentence, usest, X worthy, + wrong.
Pronounce: mish-pawt'
Origin: from 8199
upon him.

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Cross References

they took.
2 Chron. 33:11• 11And Jehovah brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh with fetters, and bound him with chains of brass, and carried him to Babylon. (2 Chron. 33:11)
Jer. 21:7• 7And afterwards, saith Jehovah, I will give Zedekiah king of Judah, and his servants, and the people, and such as are left in this city from the pestilence, from the sword, and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that seek their life, and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword: he shall not spare them, neither have pity, nor have mercy. (Jer. 21:7)
Jer. 34:21‑22• 21And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which are gone up from you.
22Behold, I command, saith Jehovah, and I will cause them to return to this city; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, without inhabitant.
(Jer. 34:21‑22)
Jer. 38:23• 23And they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand; for thou shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon, and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. (Jer. 38:23)
Lam. 4:19‑20• 19Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles of the heavens; they chased us hotly upon the mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilderness.
20The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of Jehovah, was taken in their pits; of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among the nations.
(Lam. 4:19‑20)
Ezek. 17:20‑21• 20And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare; and I will bring him to Babylon, and will enter into judgment with him there for his unfaithfulness in which he hath been unfaithful against me.
21And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered toward every wind; and ye shall know that I Jehovah have spoken.
(Ezek. 17:20‑21)
Ezek. 21:25‑27• 25And thou, profane, wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, at the time of the iniquity of the end,
26--thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Remove the mitre and take off the crown; what is shall be no more. Exalt that which is low, and abase that which is high.
27I will overturn, overturn, overturn it! This also shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it to him.
(Ezek. 21:25‑27)
gave judgment upon him.
Heb. spake judgment with him.

J. N. Darby Translation

And they took the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon unto Riblah; and they pronounced judgment upon him,