The following testimony was sent to me by Sergt. S. A. Laing, of the B.W.I.R.:—
Dear Doctor,—Being convinced that I am a sinner, and believing that Christ died for me, I received Him as my personal Saviour. Therefore I intend to confess Him before men. Desiring further spiritual guidance I have been instructed to write to von. Please supply me with a New Testament. —(Sergt.) S. A. LAING.
This letter was sent from France to me some little time since. He got safely through the war I believe, and is now at home in the West Indies. He sent me his photo. I trust he is living for Christ.
A fortnight after I received his first letter I heard from him again. He wrote:—
Dear Dr. Wreford,—I am in receipt of your letter of a few days ago. Thank you very much for Testament sent, and also for the many kind words. Without delay I distributed your post cards and saw that my comrades posted them to you. I must add that they are not enough, therefore I shall be glad to receive many more, also any tracts, etc., that are available ... .I am making very good use of the Testament, and my companions also get the benefit of it.—(Sergt.) S. A. LAING.
These echoes from the battlefields come to me with pleasant memories of work for Christ. Thank God hundreds of soldiers are still writing for Testaments, especially from Ireland, as you will read in Miss A. A. L’s letter following this.