"Leaning Upon Him"

How comforting are the words of Psalms 91, and to know the peace and calm of the “secret place” in the midst of trouble. What joy in trial down here to say, “In Him will I trust.” How much we need to remember in prayer our Christian soldiers in Ireland, who are kept restful in the midst of all the unrest and danger. One writes, who has been much used in blessing to his comrades during the war:—
He leads us beside the still waters, or waters of quietness, refreshes and restores our souls. Oh to follow Him more closely and to do those things that please His heart... There are very few Christian soldiers here where I am; it is lamentable. Oh to be more in fellowship with God, that our testimony may be effectual, and backed home by Holy Ghost energy. Of course Ireland is a very hard place to work, but we keep going on from day to day, leaning upon Him who has promised never, no never, to let go our hand. Thank you for the parcel. I will make good use of same... I commend you unto Him, who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think.
Another soldier, quite young, has been used to bring many of his comrades to Christ in Ireland. He writes:—
We are getting on nicely with the meetings, and are having great blessing, shown to us by numbers coming to them. Yes, time is short, and we must work hard for Christ, that the good seed may be sown in the hearts of those around us.... I have distributed the books; many of them, I am Pleased to say, are read.
We praise Him with full hearts that the work goes on, and our God is bringing souls to Himself. I am sure the readers of the “Message” will unite with us in prayer, not only for Ireland, but also the work amongst the children in our own land, especially for daily strength for the beloved Doctor to carry on the work. He has been much encouraged of late by good news from abroad, and the demand for the precious Word of God. A. A. L.