Incidents of the War and the Peace

The S.O.S. Signal has Come
Yes, we have heard the signal S.O.S. (Save Our Souls). It has rung in our ears night and day. We have heard it mingling with our prayers to God, the insistent calling of the unsaved, all over the world, for Christ and the Book that speaks of Him.
The dear sailor in our picture has heard the call. He is going to face the raging storm to try and save life. The resolution written on his face will take him to the utmost limits of human possibility; he will do all that man can do.
Christians! around us rages the fearful storm of unbelief, the great deep of human life is heaving and tossing. with tempestuous fury, men and women are being shipwrecked hour by hour. The cry of their passing rends the universe. Can you see them die without trying to save their souls? Go to them with the great resolve to take them from the engulfing seas of God’s wrath against sin, and to get them into the lifeboat, Christ.
The following record of God’s saving grace was sent me. It shows how the storm of sin in a man’s heart was allayed by the Word of God, the book we are seeking to send all over the world (see last article).