Our Christmas Appeal

The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter. December, 1920.
To our Friends.
With a grateful heart at the close of the year, I tender my thanks to our many friends for the wonderful kindness they have shown all through the year. I thank God above all for inclining their hearts towards us, and for their prayers.
We have now sent more than 11,000 parcels to all parts of the world. We have sent besides very many thousands of Testaments to individuals who have written for them.
We have also had the assurance of God’s blessing resting upon the reading of His Word, from the testimony of hundreds who have been blessed.
A special feature of our work has been the eager desire of the young for God’s Word.
Faced at this time with ever increasing needs, we ask very earnestly for your help.
We want the Word of God in well-nigh every language. Paper, printing and binding are at almost prohibitive prices. The carriage of parcels and the cost of stamps has seriously increased.
We ask you for Christ’s sake to remember all this. We ask you to send us your Christmas Gift to enable us to face 1921, with all its vast needs, fully assured, in answer to prayer, that every request that is sent to us for the Word of God we shall be able to meet.
The world needs Christ and the Book that speaks of Him, and it is our longing hope to be able to spread, in full measure, the knowledge of His love to man all over the world.
God bless you for all you have done to help our Testament Fund. God incline your hearts to help still more this Christmas.
We should like, at once, the means to send one thousand parcels.
Through the kindness of friends we can send a parcel containing Testaments, “Travelers’ Guides,” Gospels, Booklets, etc.
For 5/- we can send one parcel to any part of the world.
For ₤1 we can send four parcels.
For ₤5 we can send twenty parcels.
For ₤20 we can send eighty parcels.
For ₤50 we can send two hundred parcels.
Please send your gift to Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.
Yours for Christ’s sake, HEYMAN WREFORD.
Accounts of our work appear monthly in our Magazine, “A Message from God,” which will be sent for a year, post free, for 1/6, to any who desire it.