A Grand Old Time

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Standing on the platform of a railway station one day, I watched a fine automobile pass over the level crossing nearby. A man who was waiting for a train saw it too and turned to me saying: "I wish I owned that car and $5000.00 a year as well.”
"Why do you wish that?" I asked.
"Oh," he replied, "I'd have a grand old time rushing around the country; I'd enjoy myself.”
"Would that completely satisfy you?" was my next question.
"I think so," was the reply, "until old age crept on.”
"And then?”
"Oh," he said, "I should die with the knowledge that I had had a grand old time, and I suppose that would be the end of me.”
"But, sir," I said, "how can you say that would be the end of you, when God's Word declares that 'it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment'? (Heb. 9:2727And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)). You will have to meet God; and what will it benefit you to know that you had a grand old time while on earth, and failed to prepare for eternity?”
"Ah," he replied, "I hadn't thought of that.”
Oh, how like the natural man! His only thought was for the pleasures of this world. He was careless as to his soul's salvation—totally indifferent towards God, who in love and grace had sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die in the sinner's stead at Calvary.
I shall never forget the solemn look on his face as I spoke to him of the terrible judgment that must fall on the one who would have to stand before God, a holy righteous God, without Christ as his Savior. I stressed the eternal loss of the soul who prefers the pleasures of this world to the Lord Jesus Christ. I trust the Lord blessed His own word which was spoken to arouse his conscience so that he might see his own ruined state, and God's grace which provided a Savior to meet him in it. He held out his hand and shook mine, as his train steamed into the station, saying: "Good-bye, and thank you." Perhaps I shall meet him in the glory.
And now, my dear reader, a word with you. How do you stand in God's sight? Have you ever thought of the fact that you too have to meet God? If you are not sheltered by the blood of Jesus, you will then hear your eternal doom pronounced. Now, while there is time and opportunity, flee to that precious Savior who died, whose blood was shed to save you. Do not let the pleasures of this poor, guilty, condemned world, or any of Satan's devices, hinder you from being saved.