Bread Upon the Waters?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
It was years ago—1874, in fact that—Dwight L. Moody and his song leader, Ira D. Sankey, were holding evangelistic meetings at Burdett Road in London. One Saturday afternoon they decided to drive out to Epping Forest where a gypsy band was encamped. Two brothers of the group had already been converted at the meeting in the city and, like every newly saved soul, desired the same blessing for their brethren. So they had asked Mr. Moody and his singer to come for this visit. These two devoted servants of God were delighted to avail themselves of this unique opportunity and looked forward with pleasure to such an outing.
It was a beautiful afternoon for a drive, and Mr. Sankey in particular enjoyed the warm sunshine and fresh air of the English countryside. Arriving at the camp, they found a large company of these swarthy nomads living there, some in tents pitched among the trees and some in caravans. These were quickly emptied of their inhabitants who gathered around and listened intently to Mr. Moody's sweet story of the Stranger of Galilee. Mr. Sankey also took part in this informal out-door meeting, "singing the gospel" without benefit of musical accompaniment.
The service over, the two men returned to their carriage and prepared to depart. Several of the gypsies accompanied them to the vehicle, loath to bid them farewell. Among the group were a few bright-eyed lads, one of whom stood close to the carriage and near Mr. Sankey. As a good-bye gesture, the singer placed his hand on the boy's head with the expressed wish that the Lord might use him to witness for Christ.
Fifteen years later, the great evangelist-singer, Gypsy Smith, made his first visit to America. When he was in Brooklyn, Mr. Ira D. Sankey was his delighted host. One afternoon he took his guest for a drive through Prospect Park. To his surprise, his visitor asked him: "Do you remember driving out from London one day to a gypsy camp at Epping Forest?”
"Indeed I do," Mr. Sankey responded.
"Maybe you do not remember a little gypsy boy standing by your carriage," he said. "You put your hand on his head as though in blessing, saying that you hoped he would become a faithful witness for Christ.”
"Oh I do remember it well.”
"I am that boy," said Gypsy Smith. "That was the beginning of days for me. I did give myself to the Savior and have sought to be a true testimony for Him.”
Mr. Sankey was greatly amazed to learn that this renowned evangelist and great gospel singer, of whom he had heard much and greatly admired, was the little boy whom he had met in the gypsy camp. Truly God had heard his heart's desire of fifteen years before, and had made a mighty witness for Himself of the gypsy boy. Once more was proved the truth of Ecclesiastes 11:11Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.”