A Letter From E.Y.A.

“... I am on draft leave... I am downhearted to think I have to 1eave my dear home, also one that is so dear to me. I shall write to you just the same.. If you could send me a letter before I go, I should be very pleased to receive it, and I could always read it.
 ... I thank you for that parcel of Testaments you sent my friend, also for your spiritual letter.... I do pray the Lord will bless you. If ever people want to be brought to Christ, it is these days, because the world seems getting worse.... I find the best thing to do is to try and bring others to the Saviour, the One who has done so much for us all, because we are on earth just for a short time. The Lord says in His Holy Word that He is soon coming, so it behooves us to be ready.
“If you could send me even one Testament, please, so that I can take it with me when I go, because I have given my last one away.”
Sent to Miss A.A.L.