Give Ye Them to Eat.

Oh, “Send them now away,”
What! Send the multitudes away who sought Him?
Oh, that is not Christ’s way.
No, He will have compassion on their hunger,
Yes, He would have them stay.
No, “They need not depart,”
So His disciples are rebuked before them;
(And we take this to heart;)
Now, He, “The Bread of Heaven” He will feed them,
But they must do their part.
So, “Give ye them to eat,”
Now, Jesus says these words to us.
So give them The words we have found sweet,
“Man cannot live by bread alone.” We know it.
God’s word is now their meat.
Lo! “Bread enough to spare;”
Yes, in our Saviour’s hand there’s bread in plenty,
And none need hunger now;
Then let Him break and give to us, to give them,
And He will show us how.