A Shameful Betrayal.

The Board of the Upper Canada Tract Society, Toronto, has sent out the following appeal to booksellers: February 26th 1924.
Dear sirs, ―I would ask you to patiently consider the following extract from “A Message from God” since I have been told long since that the Book “Peake’s Commentary” was on your book shelves. The shameful betrayal of every characteristic of our most holy faith that this book is an active agent in, ought to be as well known to yourselves as to me. I have also been told that you have said that it is not your responsibility as to what you sold, but that this responsibility rested with the purchaser. Is it loyal to Christ to sell that which betrays Him? Is it right to place on your shelves for sale, without the label “Poison,” books, which, from their very appearance there, every straight-forward thinking person would suppose were instructive in the Christian faith and not destructive.
I appeal to you as in view of that judgment seat to stop, let no sacrifice he too great to cleanse your souls from danger of eternal loss in that day, when every man’s work shall be made manifest.
The extract is on the annexed sheet.
I am, yours respectfully,
The Extract from an issue of “A Message from God,” February, 1924.
“The following articles will show you what the Modernists are doing today — men who are Unitarians in thought and word and deed: men who are doing more of Satan’s work than are the infidels: men who are sending out Peake’s Commentary’ to hundreds of Missionaries and doing it in the Name of Christ.”
This Commentary speaks thus of our Lord Jesus Christ: “The authority of Jesus in religion must be more carefully defined than by our forefathers. We cannot claim for Him infallibility in questions of history, such as the authority in the Old Testament Books, or on problems of science.”
“This is only one quotation written by this blasphemer. Important Missionary Societies are sending out these books to those who are delegated to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What a deadly sin is this!
“(I can add that the blasphemies of the many statements of this book, one would think could hardly be exceeded.)”