As Mr. B. was preaching one day in the mission house in Ato, in the suburbs of Foochow, China, a man of about forty years of age came in. He listened with great attention to the preaching, and at the close of the meeting went up to the missionary and said, “Did you say that Jesus (I never heard of Him before, and I don’t know who, He is), but did you say He can save me from all my sins?”
“Yes, that is lust what I said.”
The Chinaman said, “but you did not know me when you said that; you did not know that I have been a gambler, and a sorcerer for many years; you did not know that I have been a licentious man; you did not know that I have been an opium smoker for twenty years, and everyone knows that any man who has smoked opium for that length of time can never be cured of the habit. If you had known all this, you would not have said that Jesus can save me from all my sins, would you?”
The Missionary replied, “Yes; I would have said just what I did; and I tell you now that Jesus can save you from all your sins.”
The poor, sinful Chinaman was amazed. It seemed to him impossible of belief. Vet there was a charm about the very idea of a Saviour who could deliver him from all his sins. He went away in deep thought. The next day he went to Mr. B.’s house, to hear more about this wonderful Saviour; and day after day for many days he came, examining the proofs of Christianity, and bringing his questions to be solved by the missionary.
One day he came with a radiant countenance, exclaiming as he entered, “I know it! I know it! I know that Jesus Christ can save me from my sins, for He has done it!”
He had a strong desire to go to Hok-chiang to tell the Gospel to his fellow countrymen. His friends tried to dissuade him from his purpose on the ground that his life would not be safe, but he replied, “I must go, they are my people, and they need the Gospel.”
He went and suffered much persecution being cruelly beaten, coming back to Ato. After his recovery he went again and was used in blessing to some who had persecuted him, some were saved. He continued to preach for fourteen years.