Letter to Heaven.

How Little Girl’s Missive Frustrated a Crime.
What a Child Can Do.
A correspondent at Przemysl, Poland, writes: ―
In the pillar box of a small township in Southern Poland a letter was found which attracted considerable attention on account of the strangeness of the address.
On the envelope, written in crude childish characters, was the address: “To the Honorable Mr. God in Heaven.”
The letter was opened by the postmaster. In the envelope was found a small piece of paper torn from an exercise-book, and written on it the following message:
“Dear Mr. God, ― Keep death from the Rogala family, and arrange that the danger about which I know does not overtake them.”
The postmaster handed over the letter to the police, who at once began to search for the writer. A police agent found that the envelope in which the letter was enclosed had been bought at a certain shop by a little girl of eight or nine years.
She had particularly asked for a nice envelope, as she stated that she was writing to a very high person. The little girl was very soon found. On questioning her, the following history came to light:
One night she was lying in bed and could not sleep. In the same room was her father, an agricultural laborer on the estate of the farmer Rogala, talking with another man.
The little girl was horrified to overhear the two men plan to murder and rob the farmer when he had received money for horses which he was about to sell. The robbery and murder was carefully planned in every detail and the date fixed for its execution.
The girl, mortally afraid of her father, could think of nothing else to prevent the crime save a letter to a High Power. On the night fixed for the murder the police surrounded the house of the rich farmer, and the two would—be murderers were arrested.
The little girl was adopted as his own daughter by the man whose life she had saved.
Oh, the dear children―loved by the Saviour in old Jerusalem―loved by Him in Heaven today. How they love the Testaments we send them and how God is blessing them!
A child writes from Birmingham:
Dear Sir, ―Thank you very much for the Testament received. I am very pleased with it and I have saved up my coppers to send you six pennies to help buy another for some other little girl. ―Yours sincerely, Dorothy I —.