“Ah! but I got another, it was given me when I lost all my things except my watch—given me by a dear comrade soldier, who loves God, and who loved my soul, too.” This was told me today (December 5th) by his dear, motherly friend with whom he had lived for twenty years before he went to the Front. He came back wounded in both legs, and other places, but full of praise to God for his merciful preservation from death― “and,” said my friend, “the Testament he lost was one of yours (i.e., Dr. Wreford’s),” and the one that was given him so kindly by his comrade―who had two―was also one that we have sent to France to our dear soldier. Another thing told us was how grieved he was when the platoon had the privilege of Holy Communion―only one soldier beside himself attended. It grieved his heart that so many did not care to “this do in remembrance of Me.”
Emily P. Leakey