A Gunner writes: ― “Just a few lines to thank you for your Testament I am very glad to say I am a Christian. I have found the Lord a great help to me out in this trying place. I have been converted three years, and have spent a happy time in His service, and trust by His grace, to always serve Him faithfully. We have a little tent out here in which we hold our meetings.... Dear sir, I am glad of the interest you have shown in me by writing, although I don’t know how you got to know me, but I believe God’s hand is in it; thank you for the tracts and booklets. I should like a few more tracts to give away, and I should like to hear from you again. I think your straight ‘Message’ truth very good indeed. May the Lord bless your efforts to carry on His good work for Christ’s sake. I am enclosing a small photo, hoping you will like it. The cloth which you see on the back of the helmet is a protector from the sun, as the rays are very strong here, and a lot of men have suffered with ‘Heat stroke,’ and there have also been some deaths. ―Yours in Christ, Gunner W —.”