P. A. Grandjean

Editor of “La Bonne Nouvelle” (French), and “La Buono Novella” (Italian).
Monsieur P. A. Grandjean was born in Switzerland in 1852. His parents were Christians. He was converted in answer to his godly parents’ prayers. He says: “I never knew what happiness was until I came to Jesus.” He went to Canada, and there founded “La Bonne Nouvelle,” which has a circulation of ten thousand copies a month. He is occupied in missionary work among the lumber camps in Northern Ontario. He preaches the Gospel to them—going to them in a sleigh in the winter, and sleeping at night outside the sleigh in a sleeping-bag, hearing howling of oftentimes the owling of wolves around him.
His address Isaiah 64, Moy Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He tells me he is willing to send a Testament free to French and Italian soldiers, and to correspond with any who are anxious about their souls. May God bless our dear friend, who still at sixty-five is working hard for God, and counting upon God for everything.
“The resurrection of Christ rests on tar fuller evidence, and surer and better grounds than any event in history.”
William Kelly
“I see the joyous change in life of brave soldiers, hardy sailors, great lawyers and statesmen, the leaders of mankind, who were once unbelievers, but now accept the Book and the Saviour.”
John Macgregor
“O thou my soul, forget no more
The Friend Who all my misery bore.”