
To have fellowship is to know each other intimately, far more than just a casual acquaintance, a daily-knowledge, a constant knowledge, and a growing knowledge. Now, dear soldier friends, this is just what I would like for you to have with the little Testaments you carry in your side pocket. Have fellowship, a growing knowledge of the precious Word of God; read it, think — about it constantly, as a daily companion. Believe me, this will introduce you to the glorious Author of the Book―the Holy Spirit―and at any moment in the day or night, you may have fellowship with Him―the third Person in the Holy Trinity―one with the Father, and the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Fellowship or communion of the Holy Ghost. When you are quite alone, no eye looking at you, no one to speak to, all the mar you can commume with Him, and feel He is near. A dear old friend of mine used to walk so slowly and sedately. “How is it you walk so slowly?” said I, “Because I make a point of praying when I walk and communing with my God.” I was very struck at a passage I read in a leaflet. I am sure the writer will be only too pleased at my copying it for you to read―for you who have begun to, know the blessed Lord as your Saviour: “The life of faith is a life of intimate friendship. A man who was seen to walk along holding his hat a little off his head, when asked the reason, reluctantly told it. ‘Well, if you will know, I will tell you. As I walk along the street I have such fellowship with the Lord Jesus that I feel He is close by me, and I lift my hat in taken of reverence.”’ Yes, yes. The Lord is ever present, leading, guiding and protecting His beloved children, and desirous that they should commune with Him. Oh blessed thought to have “a little talk with Jesus” whenever we will.
Emily P. Leakey