Incidents of the War

Watchwords for 1918.
I’ve no business in life but the work of Christ”―
Henry Martyn.
Let us advance upon our knees.” — J. H. N.
The prospects are as bright as the promises of God.”―A. Judson.
We want men who love God supremely, and souls next.” ―J. H. Taylor.
A worker Writes: “I need more New Testaments. Will you kindly send me a good supply? The men simply break the lines to get at them. I could do with 1,000.” W. A.
Burying the Dead
A soldier writing from the Front says: “I witnessed one of the most horrible scenes that ever a lad could witness last night. About eight o’clock, some officers of the Army Medical Corps asked for volunteers to bury the dead. About twenty of us turned out and went. The first grave we dug was about thirty feet long and three feet deep, and―would you believe it? ―we put fifty-three Scotchmen into it―thirty-four of the Black Watch alone. It was something horrible, and every man of us was crying all the time we worked, and when―after we, had placed them all in, and, the burial service was going on before we covered them over―three or four fainted, whilst the others cried so loudly that you could hardly hear the minister.”
Help us to send Testaments to these dear lads dying so bravely at the Front and on the seas.