A Saint Going Home at Eighty Four

From Melbourne comes the news of the home-going of a dear saint of God, Mr. E. J. Thomas, author of time of “The time of the end, but the end not yet,” and other works.
“A week before he passed away when a brother E. J.M. visited him, he was asked by him if Christ was very precious to him, he replied ‘Words fail utterly to express it.’ When asked if he would like the Lord to come, he said, ‘Ah! that supreme moment of bliss, the rapturous consummation of the Christian hope, the passing of faith for sight.’ ‘His course is over, his service ended, but I send on these few lines knowing that many would like to know of it.” ―F.G.C.
Our Lord loves for us to remember Him in His death and to link the remembrance with His coming again. And while we wait for Him, He would have us to be busy in His harvest fields, “Occupy till I come.” And His glory shines on our service and our suffering, for many are called to suffer for His sake, but in the darkest night the promise shines, “Behold I come quickly.”
And how He cheers us in our work; and sends messages from those who love Him to cheer us in our labors. Today has come to me the words: ―
“The Master sent His messenger in remnant days, saying “I am with you.” The work then went forward and was not in vain.”
Another writes to me from Peshawar, India: ―
Dear Sir, ―I have been much helped-by reading your pamphlet tonight. “When is Christ Coming?” is a question only a few seem to be asking; perhaps because it is only spoken of by a few.
I think this message more than any other will cause a man to ponder on his preparedness of soul, to meet God. The duty of the watchman is not only to “watch,” but to “warn” others of what is approaching. I thank God for your “Message.” I know a good many have copies of it tonight. A dear Christian (Adkins) has been distributing them. What joy there is in thinking, and knowing that the “coming” is soon!
I have had “The Way of Life and the Way of Death” for some time, and it bears your name. It also gives me an invitation to write to you. We are not able to do very much in the army, but I do always want to be loyal to the Lord whom I love.
I realize more and more the depth of the love, and the height, and length and breadth of the, love that caused Him to die for me. Your “Message from God” must bear fruit, sir, whilst Isaiah stands (ch. 55:11). I have been very much cheered tonight by this little paper, and I thank God for the comfort the thought of the “soon coming Christ” brings. ―Thanking you very humbly, in His glad service, (Isa. 50:77For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. (Isaiah 50:7))
H. R. (Sergt).
This clear soldier is waiting for his Lord. May we all be that. I thank him for the cheer his letter has brought to me.
In my Circular about our Testament and Tract Fund for February you will read a great many letters speaking about the work, and encouraging us to go on with it. I do value your prayers. God has opened many doors for us, and given us great blessing. I must repeat His goodness to us in 1923. He allowed us to send 1,477,208 Bibles, Testaments, gospels and booklets from our Depot at The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter―this is 142,720 more than in 1922. Above all we value your prayers, but if God leads you to give us your practical sympathy we shall be glad.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.
The following articles will show you what the Modernists are doing today―men who are Unitarians in thought and word and deed: men who are doing more of Satan’s work than are the infidels: men who are sending out Peake’s Bible Commentary to hundreds of missionaries, and doing it in the Name of Christ. This Commentary speaks thus of the Lord Jesus Christ: “The authority of Jesus in religion must be more carefully defined than by our forefathers. We cannot claim infallibility for Him in questions of history, such as the authority of the Old Testament books, or on the problems of science,” This is only one quotation written by this blasphemer. Important missionary societies are sending out these books to those who are delegated to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What a deadly sin is this!