What We Believe in

1.―God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
2.―The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. — The Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures.
4.―The immortality of the soul,
5.―The Atoning Death of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven.
6. — The fall of man, the necessity of the new birth, and justification by faith alone.
7.―The eternal punishment of the wicked.
These are truths we have sought to maintain during the thirty-nine years we have edited this magazine. We hold these truths stronger than ever today we trust. We shall hope during 1924 to place before our readers the Father and the Son, the denial of which is anti-Christ. Pray for us. We need your prayers. We are seeking to send the Word of God all over the world. We distributed nearly 12 millions of Testaments, gospels and booklets, etc., during 1923.
We wish all our readers a very happy New Year.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.