Preaching Until He Died

A thrilling account of the Japan earthquake has been received by Miss Tritton (of Harold Road, Upper Norwood) from Mr. Cuthbertson, a missionary working in Japan with the International Christian Police Association, with which Miss Tritton has for long been associated, as was also the late Sir Ernest Tritton. Mr. Cuthbertson tells a terrible story of the fearful calamity at Tokyo. Among the many heartrending stories, he says that the one that affected him most was that of Higuchi San―for years a faithful member of the Christian Police Association―who lived at Honjo, where the fire was at its worst. During the fire 35,000 people fled to a great open space. They were ringed in by flames, but the space being open, all seemed safe. Unfortunately, the people had dragged their bedding and furniture there, and the flying sparks speedily started a fire in the midst of the huge crowd. Some 32,600 were burnt to death Higuchi San and his family were in safety at first. San preached to the people of God’s saving graced of the redemption in Christ. As certain doom drew near the people came closer and, pouring their money at his feet, begged him to pray for them. As the flames grew hotter, and the fumes thicker, he the more earnestly exhorted the people to repent, and then, to quote an eyewitness, “he died on his feet, still preaching.” His brother, a policeman, then took up the story, and continued to speak to the panic-stricken crowd.