The Ways of God

By The Editor
The Father And The Son.
My dear friends,
What a delight it is to any soul to know that there is One in the glory of God Who is my Saviour, the Son of God. I believe, through the teaching of the Holy Ghost, in the Father and the Son.
The Apostle John says in his epistle, “Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?” and to give emphasis to this he says also, “He is anti-Christ that denieth the Father and the Son.” “To know Him whom to know is life eternal,” is the highest knowledge we can attain to on earth. The same Apostle says: “Every one that denieth the Son hath not the Father either, and again, He that confesseth the Son hath the Father also.”
Men may profess to honor the Father, while they deny the Son―we know from Scripture that such a profession is utterly valueless. If we acknowledge the Son, we have the Father also, not One without the other— “no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me,” and “I and my Father are one.” The Father’s testimony to His Son has been heard from Heaven when Christ was on earth. “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I any well pleased.” There fore, whosoever slights the Son of God, does so at the peril of his soul for all eternity. Nothing can be more displeasing to God, than for man to slight the testimony that He Himself has given to His Son. “What think ye of Christ?” This was the question asked when Jesus was on earth. It is a question that concerns every man and woman today. We shall all be tested by our answer to this question. I remember when I was a young man being so filled with a sense of the divine fullness of Christ that I wrote in my Bible on the fly-leaf these words that came from my very heart.