"Queen Victoria"

The following true incident has been given me, by a dear Christian, now living with us, and with the hope it may be used in blessing to others.
Many years ago, there lived on the Osborne House Estate an old lady (one of the late Queen’s pensioners) who had a niece in a business house at Cowes. One early closing day, this niece went to her aunt’s cottage to tea, and during the afternoon Her Majesty Queen Victoria walked in, and remained some time, knitting, and chatting with the old lady, and also had tea with them. After tea her Majesty said: “Now I will read a few verses from the 14th John,” which she did, then looking very kindly at the young girl, she said, “I wonder whether you are a Christian, my dear.” “Oh, yes, your Majesty,” replied the girl. “How do you know you are?” asked the Queen. The reply was, “Because I’ve been Christened and confirmed.” The Queen made no remark, but gently said, “Now we will have a few words of prayer, so you kneel down―we old ladies, will bow our heads as our rheumatism will not allow us to kneel down.” Her Majesty then prayed, and in her prayer she said, “Lord open the eyes of this dear young girl, and show her, that without change of heart, she can never become a true Christian; and show her, that no outward observances can in any wise save her soul, and this I ask, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
When the girl related the above to me, she remarked, “Well, I have many times sang ‘God save the Queen,’ but I never dreamed that I should hear the Queen pray to God to save me.”
This prayer was abundantly answered “about a year afterward, when this girl was truly converted, and was greatly used as a soul winner. She is now with the Lord, and with Queen Victoria.”
Our Lord’s own words are: “If ye shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it.”
A. A. I.