What "The King's Business" Says

We shall best serve the interests of our readers by giving some brief excerpts from an Editorial of this great American journal regarding the fight for the Faith which is now being It aged by the Fundamentalists.
Observe how our American brethren are unaffected by the maudlin preachers of spurious charity, of which we have such a supply in our own country.
Evolution is really devolution. Modernism is nothing but medievalism in disguise.... Christian money established our schools. Christian prayers have upheld them. Now this false system is creating a Bolshevistic spirit which will―if unchecked―Russianize America. The octopus of German rationalism has fastened its fangs upon the centers of our civilization, and threatens to triumph by artifice where it lost by force of arms. If we close our eyes to the stratagem of the enemy we shall awake―too late―to find ourselves headed towards the Bolshevistic ruin.” Thus writes “The King’s Business,” which is the monthly magazine connected with Dr. Torrey’s Bible Institute at Los Angeles.