A Very Little Prayer

A little fellow, about four years old, had climbed, as little boys and girls often do, upon a pile of wood in a farmyard. He did not think when he was climbing up how he was to get back. One of his companions said to him, “Mind, Bertie, you may fall.” He then looked down and got frightened; and what do you think he did? He looked up and folded his little hands and said, “God, help this boy.”
Instead of falling he gained courage after he had said his little prayer, and got down in safety.
Bertie’s father and mother are Christians, and they have taught their children to love God, and to trust in Him at all times, and knowing He gave His only begotten Son to die for them, they will love to look to Him not only in trouble and sorrow and danger, and by His Word put beautiful thoughts in their hearts about heaven, and rejoice that they are going there, and to tell others the way to get there.