Letters About Our Work

We are printing letters about India mostly, showing the interest aroused among the people of God for that wonderful land. Pray God that every Gospel we send in Tamil, and every Testament in English may be blessed by God.
From Ireland
Co. Antrim.
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Enclosed please find check value £5 to buy Tamil Testaments for the poor outcastes of India. May the Lord truly bless His own precious Word to these poor people. May He strengthen, guide and bless you, too, dear brother, in all your work for Him. —
Yours in our Lord Jesus Christ, H. J. L.
“May God Bless Your Work”
Dear Sir, ― Will you please accept £1 for Bibles in the Indian language. We are simply longing for the Word of God to be sent to the people who are made ready to receive them; for when God opens the door who shall shut it, for He will accomplish that whereunto He sends it? Mav God bless your work everywhere is the prayer of a fellow worker in Christ. — E. V.
Work in Ireland
Curragh Camp.
Dr. Heyman Wreford, — Dear Sir, — I now acknowledge with many thanks the 27 parcels you have sent at regular dates.... I do assure you each parcel is much appreciated and looked forward to, and would he greatly missed.... it is quite a common thing now to be asked for the little books. “I like them,” says a lad, “they have made me think.” When going on guard these books are taken with them daily during the hours of waiting about in the guard room. Men, too, have been well supplied with Testaments. You keep me going just right. May God our Father bless them and save precious souls and send you the needed funds to keep the supply up. — Yours very gratefully in the Master’s service, H. W. (A.S.R.).
30/- For India
Dear Sir,— I have been very much impressed by your appeal in the Testament and Tract Fund. I am sure it did me good to read it to know that the great need in India and other heathen countries is felt, and that work is being done. I. send you a 30/- P.O. with this letter, and may the Lord’s will soon be accomplished in the preaching of the gospel to every creature ... I remember you in prayer to the Lord every night. Now unto Him that hath loved us and washed us from sin, be power and glory forever. Amen. — Yours in Him,
W. L.
For the Dear Indians
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Have just read your appeal for India. Please accept enclosed 10/- for the dear Indians. Wish I could send more, but He knows. May God abundantly bless your efforts, and above all may many precious souls be saved and God glorified through the preaching of the gospel of Christ is my daily prayer. How sad England is so indifferent to the gospel while the dear heathen perish without hearing the gospel. God have mercy upon England also. May many more go out to preach Christ to the dear heathen. Again, God bless you, dear brother. — Yours in Him, C.S.
“The Lord Bless You”
Dear Dr. Wreford, — In reply to your appeal for India in “Message” please accept enclosed £1. The Lord bless and prosper you in this work. ― Yours sincerely, A. W.
For the Tamil Testaments
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Thank you very much for sending the “Message” so faithfully month after month. It is greatly valued. I am just enclosing a mite for your beloved work (for the Tamil Testaments please). What a great need for the Word of Life in India. I pray with others that need may he net and we are encouraged to know God will bless His own Word... With kind Christian greetings, yours in Him,
M. P.
For India
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I have read your appeal for India. May God bless the enclosed Treasury Note (20/-) is the prayer of, yours in Christ, H.D.
P.S. — The Lord is your shepherd, you will not want.
For Your Earnest Service
Dear Sir, — I have pleasure in enclosing a P.O. for 10/- towards your very earnest service to our blessed Lord and Master in distributing so largely His precious Word of Life — especially abroad to those poor people who have not been so highly favored as those in this country. May the Lord still graciously continue to bless you and your labors.. Yours sincerely in the Lord, J. B.
For India
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Will you please accept a 10/Treasury Note for your work in India? The Lord has greatly blessed me lately, so I give Him back His own, praying He may continue to bless you in the future as in the past. — Yours in Christ, H. B.
For India
South sea.
Dear Sir, — I have enclosed a P.O. for 5/- towards Testaments for India or any other urgent need that you may choose. My prayers follow this small amount in the sure and certain hope that God will provide. — Yours very sincerely, G. S.
A Parting Word to my Readers
We are much encouraged at the response to our appeal for India. Now we want to send to the children also all over the world. God has laid this upon our hearts. We can send Parcels for 5/- Tamil, or English anywhere at home or abroad. For £5 we can send 20 parcels.
All gifts for this special work may be sent to
Dr. Heyman Wreford,
The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.