Letters from Parents

We have many of these letters. I can only put one or two here; more are in the Circular, where I trust you will read them.
A Father’s Request
Dear Doctor, ―I thank you very much for the little Testament and “A Message from God” which you have sent to my little son, Jim. Dear Sir, I have two other children, Emma and Abraham, who promise you that they will read them through if you can oblige them. Thanking you once again for your great kindness. — I remain, yours truly, J. W. (father)
A Mother’s Request
From Dudley.
Dear Sir, — We received the Testament safely, for which we send you many thanks. My little girl is delighted with it, and to myself it has-brought back many memories, for my birthplace is Exeter, and I have-often attended your services at the Victoria Hall; but it is now thirty years ago. Would it be asking too much of you to please forward another Testament for a little niece of mine here. She has seen the one you sent, and asked me to write to you. I have enclosed stamp as before. — I remain yours faithfully.
W. P.
Mother’s Request for Sick Child
Dear Sir, ― I am writing to thank you for the nice Testament you sent to my little girl at King Edward Hospital, Rivelin. I have also, another child at home ill, and as she begged me to ask for one for her I am doing so, hoping I am not imposing on your good nature. My girls are twelve and thirteen years old, and I think they will take a great pleasure in reading their Testaments. — Yours sincerely, (Mrs.) L. P.
Request for Three Testaments
Dear Sir, — Please do pardon my liberty in asking if my little boy and girl might be the proud possessors of one of your valuable little Testaments, also a dear little girl I know. Their addresses are as follows. I think your gift to the children is a very good idea, and may be the means of many a mother reading it also. That it is a help towards bringing our children nearer to God as they go along in this world I am sure. I shall teach my children to keep them as a treasure. — Yours faithfully, M. H.
For All Her Sons
Dear Sir, — My little boy received the Testament this morning, which, pleased him very much, I told him to take care of it and read it. I hope it will be a good guide and help to him. I have two more sons-that would like one. I told them I would ask you, as I don’t know whether you have a limited supply or not.... Thanking you very much. — (Mrs.) E.
Ten Years In Bed
From Wolverhampton.
Dear Sir, — My little boy received your Testament safe this morning, and is so pleased with it. I can assure you he will treasure it very much, and I should be so pleased if you would send my brother one who is in hospital, and has laid on one bed for ten long years, and still lives in great hopes that the Lord will restore him to health and strength some day. Thanking you very much for your great kindness. — Yours, truly, (Mrs.) P. B.