A worker from Birmingham writes —
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I should be very grateful if again you send me-a parcel of Testaments. I have between fifty and sixty names down of boys and girls. I wish (and I know you do, too) to pass on the Word of God. As I have before stated, this is a very dark neighborhood — reeks with drink, and many of these dear children are almost utterly neglected. And it is only by knowing the Lord Jesus Christ that they can be lifted out. Thanking you for all past favors. — Yours in His happy service, J. A. L.
God Loves the Children
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I should he glad if again you would kindly send me a parcel of Testaments. I have now over one hundred names of children down. Those who have them tell others, not only at Sunday schools, but the day schools, with the consequence that from three-board schools they come to give me their names, and I know that neither you nor I wish one to be disappointed, so what you could spare I should be glad of. Mav God bless you each continually, and may we more and more desire to abound in the work of the Lord.
Extract from a later letter.
It is a wise way to get God’s Word, proclaiming His way and the only way of salvation through Christ Jesus, into the homes of the parents ... As I have before written, it is a very rough neighborhood, and many of these dear children are sadly neglected, but God loves and thinks of thorn. May it please Him to bless them, and speak through them to their parents and others. Kindly accept my grateful thanks for your loving kindness in sending these precious books, and may the-great and blessed God very, very richly bless you all. ―Yours in His happy service,
J. L.
A Sunday School Teacher
Dear Sir, — I thank you ever so much for your kind and encouraging letter which I received over a week ago. I have got practically all the forms filled up for the New Testaments you sent me, twenty-four altogether, and as I have had applications for twenty more, I am wondering if you will he so kind as to send me twenty forms. It would be a joy if these children were converted to God through these Testaments. How happy it would make those interested in them. I have often wondered how you thought of the children. — Yours in His service, H. W.
From A Young Teacher
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I take this opportunity of offering you the best thanks of my boys for sending them the Testaments. I am only a young teacher, but I firmly believe it depends on the Sunday schools a.5 to what England is to be in the future. Every temptation seems to be placed in the path of the young, and Christ undoubtedly blesses our efforts to keep these children in the right path. I earnestly pray He will bless you for the great work you are doing to help along His cause — Yours sincerely, H. B.