Dear Dr. Wreford, — Again I thank you for your welcome letter and gift of Testaments. May the Lord bless you abundantly for same. You cannot tell what encouragement it is in this land to receive your letters, and the “Messages from God.” I was handing some out the other evening at the Young Men’s Bible Class, and a brother remarked that it was quite refreshing to read “Messages from God
A short time ago the H.M.S.― was in this port, and through the influence of a warrant officer, who is a believer in Christ, we got permission to hold a gospel service on board, after which I distributed several Testaments among the men.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
J. Glover.
Mr. Glover wants slides for his lantern for his work among the children. If any friends will send me some for him I will gladly forward them or send his address if it is desired to send them direct.