Children Asking for Testaments

The dear children, loved and blessed by Jesus when on earth, loved by us today for His dear sake. What are we doing for them? We are thankful for what we have been enabled to do. God help us to do more. It is the devil’s aim today to get the children; it must be our aim to win them for Christ. I am going to print some children’s letters now, and may they speak to you one and all, so that you may help us to send them God’s Holy Word.
Reading the Testament
Dear Sir, — Just a few lines thanking you very much for the New Testament I received Tuesday morning. I am delighted with it. My mother read the 23rd chapter of Acts to us out of the Testament you sent. I shall read it each day, and I shall think of one of God’s men who is trying to bring lost sheep to the fold. May God bless you always. I am, yours sincerely, S. P,
A Little Sister in Heaven
From Tipton:
Dear Sir, — Will you kindly send me one of your Testaments to teach me the way to heaven? I have a little sister already there, and I should so like to meet her again. — Yours truly, J. T.
Three Letters from May
From East Kirkby. First letter: ―
Dear Sir, — I am sending this little note thanking you for the Testament I received this morning. I have already read a few chapters. I am trying to give my heart to the Lord, and am praying for His strength and help. I know I have been a great sinner. I should, love you to help me to get nearer to Him. Would you please write back to me? — May W.
Second letter: —
My dear Friend, — I received your very welcome letter, which I am sure did me much good to read it. I read a verse or so of my Testament each day. You asked me in your letter, “Won’t you come to Jesus?” Yes, I wilt. I believe He died for me, and that He paid the, penalty for all my sins when He suffered on Calvary. I thank you very much for helping me to find my Saviour. Will you please write to me again? — May W.
Third letter: ―My dear Friend, — How pleased I was to receive your letter and the “Travelers’ Guides.”... I am feeling happier now because my dearest friend believes too, our dear Saviour died to save us. She says she would like a Testament, so I am sending for three — one for her and two more of my friends. You always find a journey easier when you have someone to travel with you. We are praying for God’s help and guidance. I shall always look forward to hearing from you.... We are praying to God asking Him to help you in your good work. — Your little friend, May W.
Trying to be a Better Girl
E. Sanatorium.
Dear Sir, ― I am sending you this little letter to thank you for the Testament you sent me. And I am trying to be a better girl and love my Saviour who died for me on Calvary. I am reading it every day, and it has helped me many times when all seemed lonely. I will now conclude. — From Kitty P.
Wants Help to Heaven
Dear. Sir, — I have received my Testament ‘and have read some verses from it, and am sending this little note thanking you very, much for it, and if you can help me to heaven, please do. Dear Sir, I have an old aged aunt, and she is wishing for one of your Testaments very much. She is always reading mine, and I should be very glad if you would send her one. — Yours truly, E. W.
A Boy God has Been Good to
From Bradley.
Dear Sir, — I am very sorry to say that I have been very ill, and, could not Write, but now I feel well just to write a few lines to you. Dr. Wreford, I think God has been very good to me twice. I read my little Testament. My uncle’s boy was ever so glad when the little Testament arrived at the door. One of my friends asked me if you will kindly-send him one of those. Testaments, for he has been wanting one a long time. His address is as follows. With best wishes. — Your friend, Arthur.