"He has power on earth to forgive sins." Mark 2:1010But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) (Mark 2:10). This was heard recently from the lips of a dear woman who was dying. She suffered intense agony in her attempt to speak from a cancerous mouth.
"I had such a heavy burden of sin, and I knew that if I died as I was I should be lost. I first prayed to the Lord, and He took it all away. Then I said to my neighbor, `Mary, the Lord Jesus forgave me all my sins yesterday morning.'
" 'No,' she said; 'He never does that till we die, Clara.'
"'Nay,' I said, 'He has forgiven them. It says in the Scriptures, He has power on earth to forgive sins. He says He has; and He has forgiven mine.'”