Atonement by Blood

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Sin is a grievous thing; and the consequences due those who commit it, whether governmental or final, are terrible unless God Himself provides a means whereby atonement can be made for the offense. The sinner is therefore entirely in the hands of Him against whom he has sinned.
If God appoints that which can make atonement, well and good. If He does not, the iniquity of the offender can never be purged. What a solemn thought this is! In what a sad position does the sinner stand before God! No thoughts of man, no suggestions of his own heart, will here avail! God's thoughts are the thoughts he must become acquainted with to learn whether atonement can avail on his behalf. The remedy must be prescribed by God and submitted to by the offender.
"By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin." Man has therefore forfeited all claim to endless life on earth because he has sinned against God.
But the life here is not everything. As an immortal creature man exists, and must exist forever. Therefore as a sinner by nature, another question arises: the condition of his everlasting existence.
Can he have everlasting life, or must he forever have his part in the second death? Can he, though he has sinned, have a standing in God's presence by means of atonement, or can he not?
These questions it is in the province of God's Word to answer. It does answer them satisfactorily and exhaustively. God has provided the needed atonement, but it is atonement by blood!
Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
Shed on Calvary;
Shed for rebels, and for sinners—
Shed for me.

Precious blood, whose full atonement
Makes us nigh to God!
Precious blood, our song and glory,
Praise and laud!