Talking to a Christian mother, I was startled when she inquired: "Have you heard that my daughter Martha has gone in for dancing?”
"No, indeed," was my reply. I then asked: "Have you ever heard of the dancing in heaven." There is joy, merrymaking and dancing over every poor sinner that repents and turns to God the Father. We never hear of that dance ceasing." (Luke 15:2525Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. (Luke 15:25).)
The world's dancing is not lasting. It ceases in a very short time!
The world has nothing satisfying to offer, nor anything that will stand the test in God's Day of Judgment.
Let us see what God has to offer us.
First,—His Son, Jesus, as a Savior, a shelter from the coming storm.
Two young ladies attended a gospel meeting one Lord's day. God spoke very loudly to them through His Word, and they realized that they were sinners and needed the Savior. They intended to be saved, but they said, "Not till next Sunday night.”
They were scheduled for a dance the following Wednesday night, and that is why they put it off. The dance was given first place, and their soul's salvation came second.
When the dance was over on the Wednesday night, they left to go home. They had to traverse a railway crossing to reach their destination. They waited while one train passed; but, sad to say, another train approaching from the opposite direction they could not see. They stepped on the track, the engine crashed upon them, and they both were instantly killed.
Reader, this story is true—sadly true. Both of those girls left the gospel hall saying, "Next Sunday night." They put off everlasting blessing for the sake of a paltry dance.
Think of the solemnity of a soul lost forever—for eternity! Are you going down to hell with your eyes open? Are you dancing on the broad way that leads to destruction? Is Satan luring you on by his so-called pleasures?
God's wrath is soon coming upon this godless world. I plead with you, "flee from the wrath to come!" Take shelter under the shadow of His wings!