No, it was not a criminal who was arrested for some misdemeanor or violation of the law. It was not a culprit brought to prison for a criminal offense. Yet it happened at midnight, when people for the most part were slumbering upon their beds.
It was midnight in my soul. I lay awake restless on my bed. My soul was in distress. My sins rose up before me like a huge mountain. Sins I had forgotten came before me. Could I dare to wait until the morning light before having to do with God about them?
In my anxiety I arose and made my way downstairs. As I entered the room where my father and mother were, I saw they were on their knees calling upon God for me. Heartbroken I told them that I was a great sinner. They replied, "He is a great Savior!" Then and there this important matter was settled, and I knew the joy of sins forgiven, trusting Jesus who had paid the penalty and borne the judgment.