Articles on

Song of Solomon 5

Cnt. 5:10 KJV (With Strong’s)

My beloved
dowd (Hebrew #1730)
from an unused root meaning properly, to boil, i.e. (figuratively) to love; by implication, a love- token, lover, friend; specifically an uncle
KJV usage: (well-)beloved, father's brother, love, uncle.
Pronounce: dode
Origin: or (shortened) dod {dode}
is white
tsach (Hebrew #6703)
dazzling, i.e. sunny, bright, (figuratively) evident
KJV usage: clear, dry, plainly, white.
Pronounce: tsakh
Origin: from 6705
and ruddy
'adom (Hebrew #122)
KJV usage: red, ruddy.
Pronounce: aw-dome'
Origin: from 119
, ρthe chiefest
dagal (Hebrew #1713)
to flaunt, i.e. raise a flag; figuratively, to be conspicuous
KJV usage: (set up, with) banners, chiefest.
Pronounce: daw-gal'
Origin: a primitive root
among ten thousand
rbabah (Hebrew #7233)
abundance (in number), i.e. (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite)
KJV usage: many, million, X multiply, ten thousand.
Pronounce: reb-aw-baw'
Origin: from 7231
a standard bearer.

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the chiefest.
Heb. a standard bearer.
 The Bride. (Vss. 10-16). (Canticle 4: The Restoration of Love by H. Smith)
 {v.10-16} This lovely description is but another step in the awakening of love, for as the bride unfolds the perfections of the Bridegroom to others, her heart, engaged with Himself and His glories, is afresh stirred to its depths. (Canticle 4: The Restoration of Love by H. Smith)

J. N. Darby Translation

My beloved is white and ruddy, The chiefestb among ten thousand.

JND Translation Notes

Strictly, "lifted up as a banner."