Articles on

Daniel 4

Dn. 4:18 KJV (With Strong’s)

den (Hebrew #1836)
KJV usage: (afore-)time, + after this manner, here (-after), one...another, such, there(-fore), these, this (matter), + thus, where(-fore), which.
Pronounce: dane
Origin: (Aramaic) an orthographical variation of 1791
chelem (Hebrew #2493)
a dream
KJV usage: dream.
Pronounce: khay'-lem
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2492
'ana' (Hebrew #576)
corresponding to 589; I
KJV usage: I, as for me.
Pronounce: an-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or .anah (Aramaic) {an-aw'}
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
Nbuwkadnetstsar (Hebrew #5020)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5019
KJV usage: Nebuchadnezzar.
Pronounce: neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'
have seen
chaza' (Hebrew #2370)
corresponding to 2372; to gaze upon; mentally to dream, be usual (i.e. seem)
KJV usage: behold, have (a dream), see, be wont.
Pronounce: khaz-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or chazah (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'}
. Now thou
'antah (Hebrew #607)
KJV usage: as for thee, thou.
Pronounce: an-taw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 859
, O Belteshazzar
Beltsha'tstsar (Hebrew #1096)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 1095
KJV usage: Belteshazzar.
Pronounce: bale-tesh-ats-tsar'
, declare
'amar (Hebrew #560)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 559
KJV usage: command, declare, say, speak, tell.
Pronounce: am-ar'
the interpretation
pshar (Hebrew #6591)
an interpretation
KJV usage: interpretation.
Pronounce: pesh-ar'
Origin: (Aramaic) from 6590
thereof, forasmuchi as
qbel (Hebrew #6903)
(corresponding to 6905; (adverbially) in front of; usually (with other particles) on account of, so as, since, hence
KJV usage: + according to, + as, + because, before, + for this cause, + forasmuch as, + by this means, over against, by reason of, + that, + therefore, + though, + wherefore.
Pronounce: keb-ale'
Origin: (Aramaic) or qobel (Aramaic) {kob-ale'}
kol (Hebrew #3606)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3605
KJV usage: all, any, + (forasmuch) as, + be-(for this) cause, every, + no (manner, -ne), + there (where)-fore, + though, what (where, who)-soever, (the) whole.
Pronounce: kole
the wise
chakkiym (Hebrew #2445)
wise, i.e. a Magian
KJV usage: wise.
Pronounce: khak-keem'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2449
men of my kingdom
malkuw (Hebrew #4437)
dominion (abstractly or concretely)
KJV usage: kingdom, kingly, realm, reign.
Pronounce: mal-koo'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4438
are not
la' (Hebrew #3809)
corresponding to 3808
KJV usage: or even, neither, no(-ne, -r), ((can-))not, as nothing, without.
Pronounce: law
Origin: (Aramaic) or lah (Aramaic) (Dan. 4:32) {law}
ykel (Hebrew #3202)
to 3201
KJV usage: be able, can, couldest, prevail.
Pronounce: yek-ale'
Origin: (Aramaic) or ykiyl (Aramaic) {yek-eel'}
to make known
yda` (Hebrew #3046)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3045
KJV usage: certify, know, make known, teach.
Pronounce: yed-ah'
unto me the interpretation
pshar (Hebrew #6591)
an interpretation
KJV usage: interpretation.
Pronounce: pesh-ar'
Origin: (Aramaic) from 6590
: but thou
'antah (Hebrew #607)
KJV usage: as for thee, thou.
Pronounce: an-taw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 859
art able
khal (Hebrew #3546)
to be able
KJV usage: be able, could.
Pronounce: keh-hal'
Origin: (Aramaic) a root corresponding to 3201 and 3557
; for the spirit
ruwach (Hebrew #7308)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 7307
KJV usage: mind, spirit, wind.
Pronounce: roo'-akh
of the holy
qaddiysh (Hebrew #6922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6918. --holy (One), saint.
Pronounce: kad-deesh'
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
is in thee.

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Cross References

Dn. 4:7• 7Y vinieron magos, astrólogos, Caldeos, y adivinos: y dije el sueño delante de ellos, mas nunca me mostraron su declaración; (Dn. 4:7)
Dn. 2:7• 7Respondieron la segunda vez, y dijeron: Diga el rey el sueño á sus siervos, y mostraremos su declaración. (Dn. 2:7)
Dn. 5:8,15• 8Entonces fueron introducidos todos los sabios del rey, y no pudieron leer la escritura, ni mostrar al rey su declaración.
15Y ahora fueron traídos delante de mí, sabios, astrólogos, que leyesen esta escritura, y me mostrasen su interpretación: pero no han podido mostrar la declaración del negocio.
(Dn. 5:8,15)
Gn. 41:8,15• 8Y acaeció que á la mañana estaba agitado su espíritu; y envió é hizo llamar á todos los magos de Egipto, y á todos sus sabios: y contóles Faraón sus sueños, mas no había quien á Faraón los declarase.
15Y dijo Faraón á José: Yo he tenido un sueño, y no hay quien lo declare; mas he oído decir de ti, que oyes sueños para declararlos.
(Gn. 41:8,15)
Is. 19:3• 3Y el espíritu de Egipto se desvanecerá en medio de él, y destruiré su consejo; y preguntarán á sus imágenes, á sus mágicos, á sus pythones y á sus adivinos. (Is. 19:3)
Is. 47:12‑14• 12Estáte ahora en tus encantamentos, y con la multitud de tus agüeros, en los cuales te fatigaste desde tu niñez; quizá podrás mejorarte, quizá te fortificarás.
13Haste fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos. Parezcan ahora y defiéndante los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que contaban los meses, para pronosticar lo que vendrá sobre ti.
14He aquí que serán como tamo; fuego los quemará, no salvarán sus vidas del poder de la llama; no quedará brasa para calentarse, ni lumbre á la cual se sienten.
(Is. 47:12‑14)

J. N. Darby Translation

This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and thou, Belteshazzar, tell the interpretation, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation; but thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.