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Esther 7

Est. 7:9 KJV (With Strong’s)

And Harbonah
Charbowna' (Hebrew #2726)
of Persian origin; Charbona or Charbonah, a eunuch of Xerxes
KJV usage: Harbona, Harbonah.
Pronounce: khar-bo-naw'
Origin: or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'}
u, one
'echad (Hebrew #259)
properly, united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first
KJV usage: a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-thing), apiece, a certain, (dai-)ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together,
Pronounce: ekh-awd'
Origin: a numeral from 258
of the chamberlains
cariyc (Hebrew #5631)
from an unused root meaning to castrate; a eunuch; by implication, valet (especially of the female apartments), and thus, a minister of state
KJV usage: chamberlain, eunuch, officer. Compare 7249.
Pronounce: saw-reece'
Origin: or caric {saw-reece'}
, said
'amar (Hebrew #559)
to say (used with great latitude)
KJV usage: answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.
Pronounce: aw-mar'
Origin: a primitive root
paniym (Hebrew #6440)
the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.)
KJV usage: + accept, a-(be- )fore(-time), against, anger, X as (long as), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ, endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-er time, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, + impudent, + in, it, look(-eth) (- s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of, off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial, person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard, right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, X thee, X them(-selves), through (+ - out), till, time(-s) past, (un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(- in, + -stand), X ye, X you.
Pronounce: paw-neem'
Origin: plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun (paneh {paw-neh'}; from 6437)
the king
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
, Behold also, the χgallows
`ets (Hebrew #6086)
a tree (from its firmness); hence, wood (plural sticks)
KJV usage: + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
Pronounce: ates
Origin: from 6095
v fifty
chamishshiym (Hebrew #2572)
KJV usage: fifty.
Pronounce: kham-ish-sheem'
Origin: multiple of 2568
'ammah (Hebrew #520)
properly, a mother (i.e. unit of measure, or the fore-arm (below the elbow), i.e. a cubit; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance)
KJV usage: cubit, + hundred (by exchange for 3967), measure, post.
Pronounce: am-maw'
Origin: prolonged from 517
gaboahh (Hebrew #1364)
from 1361; elevated (or elated), powerful, arrogant
KJV usage: haughty, height, high(-er), lofty, proud, X exceeding proudly.
Pronounce: gaw-bo'-ah
Origin: or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'-ah}
, which Haman
Haman (Hebrew #2001)
Haman, a Persian vizier
KJV usage: Haman.
Pronounce: haw-mawn'
Origin: of foreign derivation
had made
`asah (Hebrew #6213)
to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows)
KJV usage: accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, (fight-)ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ((a feast)), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.
Pronounce: aw-saw'
Origin: a primitive root
for Mordecai
Mordkay (Hebrew #4782)
Mordecai, an Israelite
KJV usage: Mordecai.
Pronounce: mor-dek-ah'-ee
Origin: of foreign derivation
, who had spoken
dabar (Hebrew #1696)
perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue
KJV usage: answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, X well, X work.
Pronounce: daw-bar'
Origin: a primitive root
towb (Hebrew #2896)
good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a noun, both in the masculine and the feminine, the singular and the plural (good, a good or good thing, a good man or woman; the good, goods or good things, good men or women), also as an adverb (well)
KJV usage: beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad, good (deed, -lier, -liest, -ly, -ness, -s), graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best), loving, merry, X most, pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ((-favoured)).
Pronounce: tobe
Origin: from 2895
for the king
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
, standeth
`amad (Hebrew #5975)
to stand, in various relations (literal and figurative, intransitive and transitive)
KJV usage: abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be (over), place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, + serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-)stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.
Pronounce: aw-mad'
Origin: a primitive root
in the house
bayith (Hebrew #1004)
a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.)
KJV usage: court, daughter, door, + dungeon, family, + forth of, X great as would contain, hangings, home(born), (winter)house(-hold), inside(-ward), palace, place, + prison, + steward, + tablet, temple, web, + within(-out).
Pronounce: bah'-yith
Origin: probably from 1129 abbreviated
of Haman
Haman (Hebrew #2001)
Haman, a Persian vizier
KJV usage: Haman.
Pronounce: haw-mawn'
Origin: of foreign derivation
. Then the king
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
'amar (Hebrew #559)
to say (used with great latitude)
KJV usage: answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.
Pronounce: aw-mar'
Origin: a primitive root
, Hang
talah (Hebrew #8518)
to suspend (especially to gibbet)
KJV usage: hang (up).
Pronounce: taw-law'
Origin: a primitive root
him thereon.

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Ministry on This Verse

one of the chamberlains.
Heb. tree.
who had spoken.
Hang him thereon.
Est. 9:25• 25Mas como Esther vino á la presencia del rey, él intimó por carta: El perverso designio que aquél trazó contra los Judíos, recaiga sobre su cabeza; y cuélguenlo á él y á sus hijos en la horca. (Est. 9:25)
1 S. 17:51• 51Mas corrió David y púsose sobre el Filisteo, y tomando la espada de él, sacándola de su vaina, matólo, y cortóle con ella la cabeza. Y como los Filisteos vieron su gigante muerto, huyeron. (1 S. 17:51)
Sal. 7:15‑16• 15Pozo ha cavado, y ahondádolo; Y en la fosa que hizo caerá.
16Su trabajo se tornará sobre su cabeza, Y su agravio descenderá sobre su mollera.
(Sal. 7:15‑16)
Sal. 9:15‑16• 15Hundiéronse las gentes en la fosa que hicieron; En la red que escondieron fué tomado su pie.
16Jehová fué conocido en el juicio que hizo; En la obra de sus manos fué enlazado el malo. (Higaion. Selah.)
(Sal. 9:15‑16)
Sal. 35:8• 8Véngale el quebrantamiento que no sepa, Y su red que escondió lo prenda: Con quebrantamiento en ella caiga. (Sal. 35:8)
Sal. 37:35‑36• 35Vi yo al impío sumamente ensalzado, Y que se extendía como un laurel verde.
36Empero pasóse, y he aquí no parece; Y busquélo, y no fué hallado.
(Sal. 37:35‑36)
Sal. 73:19• 19Cómo han sido asolados! cuán en un punto! Acabáronse, fenecieron con turbaciones. (Sal. 73:19)
Pr. 11:5‑6• 5La justicia del perfecto enderezará su camino: mas el impío por su impiedad caerá.
6La justicia de los rectos los librará: Mas los pecadores en su pecado serán presos.
(Pr. 11:5‑6)
Dn. 6:7,24• 7Todos los presidentes del reino, magistrados, gobernadores, grandes y capitanes, han acordado por consejo promulgar un real edicto, y confirmarlo, que cualquiera que demandare petición de cualquier dios ú hombre en el espacio de treinta días, sino de ti, oh rey, sea echado en el foso de los leones.
24Y mandándolo el rey fueron traídos aquellos hombres que habían acusado á Daniel, y fueron echados en el foso de los leones, ellos, sus hijos, y sus mujeres; y aun no habían llegado al suelo del foso, cuando los leones se apoderaron de ellos, y quebrantaron todos sus huesos.
(Dn. 6:7,24)
 From the second banquet, however, he departed as a vile criminal to be hanged on a gallows which he had erected for another. From glory he is expelled into the abyss of dishonor and shame and into death. We find this repeatedly in the ways of God. He allows man in his pride and spirit of independence to lift himself higher and higher, excluding God, glorying in his own works of ingenuity and of his hands. Then God sends the breath of His mouth, and all the great designs of man are reversed in a moment. Such were the impious builders of the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:4)... (Dan. 4:28-33)....(Jer. 50 & 51; Isa. 47)....(Rev. 18:2,10. ). (Chapter 4: The Great Adversary by H.L. Rossier)
 "Behold," says the Psalmist, "he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood." What a picture, true of Haman and of him who in the last days persecutes Israel! (Rev. 12:13-17!)... Psa. 7:14-16. (Chapter 4: The Great Adversary by H.L. Rossier)
 "Harbonah, one of the chamberlains," who once bowed to the Amalekite when Mordecai did not, a true "courtier," who may have been one of those who accused Mordecai of non-compliance to Haman. Now he sees his opportunity to curry favor with the king and the up-coming favorite. (Chapter 4: The Great Adversary by H.L. Rossier)

J. N. Darby Translation

And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold, also, the gallows fifty cubits high, that Haman made for Mordecai, who spoke good for the king, stands in the house of Haman. And the king said, Hang him on it!