Articles on

Ezekiel 41

Ez. 41:1 KJV (With Strong’s)

Afterward he brought
bow' (Hebrew #935)
to go or come (in a wide variety of applications)
KJV usage: abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.
Pronounce: bo
Origin: a primitive root
me to the temple
heykal (Hebrew #1964)
a large public building, such as a palace or temple
KJV usage: palace, temple.
Pronounce: hay-kawl'
Origin: probably from 3201 (in the sense of capacity)
, and measured
madad (Hebrew #4058)
by implication, to measure (as if by stretching a line); figuratively, to be extended
KJV usage: measure, mete, stretch self.
Pronounce: maw-dad'
Origin: a primitive root: properly, to stretch
f the posts
'ayil (Hebrew #352)
properly, strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an oak or other strong tree
KJV usage: mighty (man), lintel, oak, post, ram, tree.
Pronounce: ah'-yil
Origin: from the same as 193
, six
shesh (Hebrew #8337)
a primitive number; six (as an overplus (see 7797) beyond five or the fingers of the hand); as ord. sixth
KJV usage: six((-teen, -teenth)), sixth.
Pronounce: shaysh
Origin: masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'}
'ammah (Hebrew #520)
properly, a mother (i.e. unit of measure, or the fore-arm (below the elbow), i.e. a cubit; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance)
KJV usage: cubit, + hundred (by exchange for 3967), measure, post.
Pronounce: am-maw'
Origin: prolonged from 517
rochab (Hebrew #7341)
width (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: breadth, broad, largeness, thickness, wideness.
Pronounce: ro'-khab
Origin: from 7337
on the one side
poh (Hebrew #6311)
or pow {po}; probably from a primitive inseparable particle "p" (of demonstrative force) and 1931; this place (French ici), i.e. here or hence
KJV usage: here, hither, the one (other, this, that) side.
Pronounce: po
Origin: or po6 (Job 38:11) {po}
, and six
shesh (Hebrew #8337)
a primitive number; six (as an overplus (see 7797) beyond five or the fingers of the hand); as ord. sixth
KJV usage: six((-teen, -teenth)), sixth.
Pronounce: shaysh
Origin: masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'}
'ammah (Hebrew #520)
properly, a mother (i.e. unit of measure, or the fore-arm (below the elbow), i.e. a cubit; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance)
KJV usage: cubit, + hundred (by exchange for 3967), measure, post.
Pronounce: am-maw'
Origin: prolonged from 517
rochab (Hebrew #7341)
width (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: breadth, broad, largeness, thickness, wideness.
Pronounce: ro'-khab
Origin: from 7337
on the other side
poh (Hebrew #6311)
or pow {po}; probably from a primitive inseparable particle "p" (of demonstrative force) and 1931; this place (French ici), i.e. here or hence
KJV usage: here, hither, the one (other, this, that) side.
Pronounce: po
Origin: or po6 (Job 38:11) {po}
, which was the breadth
rochab (Hebrew #7341)
width (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: breadth, broad, largeness, thickness, wideness.
Pronounce: ro'-khab
Origin: from 7337
of the tabernacle
'ohel (Hebrew #168)
a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance)
KJV usage: covering, (dwelling)(place), home, tabernacle, tent.
Pronounce: o'-hel
Origin: from 166

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Cross References


Ministry on This Verse

1-26:  The measures, parts, chambers, and ornaments of the temple.
he brought.
to the temple.
1 R. 6:2• 2La casa que el rey Salomón edificó á Jehová, tuvo sesenta codos de largo y veinte de ancho, y treinta codos de alto. (1 R. 6:2)
Zac. 6:12‑13• 12Y le hablarás, diciendo: Así ha hablado Jehová de los ejércitos, diciendo: He aquí el varón cuyo nombre es Pimpollo, el cual germinará de su lugar, y edificará el templo de Jehová:
13El edificará el templo de Jehová, y él llevará gloria, y se sentará y dominará en su trono, y será sacerdote en su solio; y consejo de paz será entre ambos á dos.
(Zac. 6:12‑13)
Ef. 2:20‑22• 20Edificados sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y profetas, siendo la principal piedra del ángulo Jesucristo mismo;
21En el cual, compaginado todo el edificio, va creciendo para ser un templo santo en el Señor:
22En el cual vosotros también sois juntamente edificados, para morada de Dios en Espíritu.
(Ef. 2:20‑22)
1 P. 2:5• 5Vosotros también, como piedras vivas, sed edificados una casa espitirual, y un sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales, agradables á Dios por Jesucristo. (1 P. 2:5)
Ap. 3:12• 12Al que venciere, yo lo haré columna en el templo de mi Dios, y nunca más saldrá fuera; y escribiré sobre él el nombre de mi Dios, y el nombre de la ciudad de mi Dios, la nueva Jerusalem, la cual desciende del cielo de con mi Dios, y mi nombre nuevo. (Ap. 3:12)
Ap. 11:1‑2• 1Y me fué dada una caña semejante á una vara, y se me dijo: Levántate, y mide el templo de Dios, y el altar, y á los que adoran en él.
2Y echa fuera el patio que está fuera del templo, y no lo midas, porque es dado á los Gentiles; y hollarán la ciudad santa cuarenta y dos meses.
(Ap. 11:1‑2)
Ap. 21:3,15• 3Y oí una gran voz del cielo que decía: He aquí el tabernáculo de Dios con los hombres, y morará con ellos; y ellos serán su pueblo, y el mismo Dios será su Dios con ellos.
15Y el que hablaba conmigo, tenía una medida de una caña de oro para medir la ciudad, y sus puertas, y su muro.
(Ap. 21:3,15)
the posts.These were probably a sort of door-case on each side of the entrance; and the tabernacle perhaps was a kind of covering to the door, of the same dimensions.
 Our prophet speaks nothing of gold or silver in his prediction of the future temple....Gold, then, seems to be regularly used in scripture as symbolic of divine righteousness; and this in the aspect, not of earthly judgment, which vindicates Him (this is rather set forth by brass), but of what we draw near to on high....Silver we see in certain parts of the tabernacle, as in the sockets for the boards and the pillars, with their hooks and fillets also. It typifies grace, being the ransom-money of Israel. Hence we see the propriety of silver as well as of gold in that which figures the tabernacle for the people passing through the wilderness, of gold (and not silver) characterizing the heavenly city in Revelation 21, while neither is named by the prophet in his description of the millennial sanctuary we have now before us. (Notes on Ezekiel 41 by W. Kelly)

J. N. Darby Translation

And he brought me to the temple; and he measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, the breadth of the tentc.

JND Translation Notes

Or "porch," or possibly "posts."