Faith Power Communication

Duration: 50min
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Address—E. Pilkington
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Our salvation.
Faith. And what is faith, holy beloved? It's believing what God says and not doubting, not doubting.
And so this afternoon.
I was thinking of one mentioned in this Chapter 11 Chapter.
We're not going to read it, but we have in this chapter the names of 16, I believe, whose faith is recorded in this Chapter 11 of Hebrews. We also have many others referred to.
Who also had faith?
And I was thinking of one especially, and I'm just going to read the 32nd verse.
I have Hebrews 11, and once you let more say, for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and a Barrack, and of Samson and of Jepsa.
Of David also and Samuel of the prophets.
So we have the name of David as one that is mentioned amongst these 16.
David and others also. I like that word. Others.
And how that includes, does it not?
Everyone who really had faith in the word of God and was obedient to it.
Now would you turn back first of all to First Samuel?
Chapter 22.
Where we have David.
Rejected by Israel?
If I saw primarily.
For Samuel 22.
David, therefore.
Depyer then sent escape to The Cave, Adela, and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him, And everyone that was in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented, gather themselves unto him.
And he became a captain over them, and they were with him about 400 men.
We are all familiar of what took place before this in First Samuel 17.
Where we had the men of Israel on one side of a valley.
And their enemies of Philistine on the other side.
We're familiar, I'm sure. Each one of us to the youngest. That's all with his army.
There wasn't one amongst his army.
That had the courage or the faith to go against Goliath.
And may I say this Goliath was a real giant.
I might also say in passing that each one of us who belong to Lord.
We do have our Goliath.
To face as we go through life.
And I believe our Goliath is our old nature that we're going to carry with us.
As long as we're left here in this world.
And how blessed it is to know.
That we also.
Have the new nature those who belong to Christ, and that new nature is the power.
To overcome.
The temptations that our old nature might cause us to be tempted with.
I sometimes hear some say, well, I just couldn't resist doing this or that.
I had no power to overcome that.
Well, beloved Saints, how much do you want?
How much do we want every true believer is anointed with the Spirit of Christ.
And so we have His spirit indwell within us.
And may I say this?
Sometimes a reason we don't have power.
Is because we do not take time to read his word.
And we do not take time to get in His presence and pray.
You know, communion with the Lord is a power to resist and overcome the enemy of our souls. Commune with the Lord is a power. And it might say this, the precious word of God is a guide for us, no matter what the temptation might be. And so if we don't know what to do, how nice do we have the word of God to turn to? Well, with David, we know he was God's anointed king.
We know that the Lord rejected Saul because of his disobedience and.
At this time and chapter 17, we have David, and may I say he's a picture of the Lord Jesus. And David's father sent him with a present for it to his brethren. Yes, he had a present for them. He went to see how they were getting along, and he had gifts for their captain as well.
But you know.
It wasn't long after he was there and his oldest brother asked him a question.
Why did you come down here? Why did you come down here?
Well, David went in obedience to his father's will, and he had a presence for them.
I want to say the Lord Jesus came down to this world.
Sent by God, his Father.
Yes, he came down. What for? Oh, I'll have to think of first chapter John verse 12, where it tells us he came unto his own, and his own received him not, but all beloved, it goes on to say, as many as received him. He's given the right of the title, the power to become the sons of God. In other words, I look into the face of so many here.
I wonder if each one here is a child of God. I wonder if you have by faith.
Receive the Lord Jesus into your heart. If so, you're a child of God.
And you have that wonderful privilege at all times to go to him in prayer and seek help.
Knowing too that the Lord Jesus, there in God's right hand as our great High Priest, intercede and force.
And so may you and I not neglect to go to him. What else we think of David, the picture of the Lord, because the Lord Jesus was rejected by his own. Yes, he came on his own. They didn't receive them. David went down here and you know his own bread and why they didn't like it.
However, we know in the 17th chapter that David got the victory over that joint.
He got the victory and how did he get the victory?
Well, we are acquainted how he went to the brook. He chose 5 smooth stones. Have you ever seen a brook?
If you want to choose five smooth stones, what would you have to do? You'd have to get down on your knees.
Yes, you'd have to get down your knees so you can choose those five smooth stones that you required for your need.
Those five smooth stones speak to us of the Five books of Moses.
Of which David?
Was familiar and had. At that time you and I have the complete word of God. And so David took five. He put them in his bag.
And he only had to use one. I'd like to say to the dear young people and children, how many stones do you have? How many verses of scripture do you have stored up in your heart That when you're asked the question why immediately a verse comes to your memory, All we need to be familiar the word of God. Well, David got the victory over that giant and defeated him. And he became Israel's savior that day he delivered them from the Philistines, their enemies.
But here in our chapter, why that same song?
Whom David?
Fought his battles.
Saul as the captain over Israel, he should have gone and met that giant.
But he didn't have the power or the courage. He didn't have the faith.
But oh what David. He got the victory. He was Israel savior.
And there came that day when he was rejected.
And now in our chapter, he's hiding in a cave. He's in The Cave at Dalaman.
And what happens when his brethren and all his father's house heard it? They went down thither to him.
And verse two, everyone that was in distress. This is the first Samuel 22.
Everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him. And he became a captain over them. And they were with him about 400 men. And so here we have David rejected. He's in a cave.
An old dear man that loved him, those who saw in David.
Israel's savior?
They went down to him.
Why did they go down?
All they recognize that what David had done in love for them, he risked his life.
For them in her heart went out to David. They wanted to be where he was. Oh beloved.
The Lord Jesus.
He not only loved us, but he didn't stop there.
He didn't just risk his life.
Oh, by going after Jerusalem when he did.
Why? He would say he's risking his life. Why did he go there?
He went there to die for you and me.
He knew what awaited him. He knew how he had been rejected. He knew how that they would rail on him.
He knew how one would betray him, one whom he had loved. He knew another had denied him.
The Lord heart was full of sorrow.
They love he went to that cross. He laid down his life for us.
And now where is he?
This world rejected him. Where is he now? He's up there in the glory.
And what's he doing? He's interceding for you and I.
What does he want us to do while we wait? His coming? He wants us to please him. He wants us to obey his word. And I want to say this.
If you and I obey God's words, we're going to have light for our path.
But if you do not obey it, you won't have light for your path.
You won't have wisdom to make right decisions.
No. Oh, how important it is to see this. And so, David, he was Israel's savior, and these men recognize that. And you know what kind of men they were. It says everyone that was in distress, everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him. Oh, they gathered themselves unto him.
Who you and I gather to beloved this afternoon? Who are we gathered to?
And we just gathered to a lot of nice, lovely Christians. Is that who we are gathered to?
I want to say if that is a motive.
Of you being where you are, where I am, where I am.
We're going to have disappointments.
Oh, how important is to be gathered unto Christ, And oh, what a joy that Ava's heart when these men came. And no doubt he recognized many of them were in distress, and many that were in debt.
Did he turn any away? No. No, he did not.
And he became a captain over them. Well, I like to thank that. It was the fact that these men recognize that David was God's anointed king now.
And that the Lord had rejected Saul.
And now they want to be with him, they gather themselves unto him.
I like to think of this.
The Lord Jesus.
In Matthew 11 and 28 What does he say? Come unto me all, yet we're in a heavy laden and I will give you rest. Isn't that lovely? Yes, take my yoke unto you, and learn of me.
May I ask?
As each one of us come to him.
You know what are in trouble.
We know that's the only one that can help us and we go.
But I wonder if everyone of us know what it is to take his yoke and learn of him.
Some of us.
A long time learning what it is. Well, I believe it is this.
Taking his yoke is doing the father's will.
But, you know, a yoke is for two, and it's the Lord's, and he doesn't expect us to carry the burden alone. No. Oh, it's not wonderful. And so the yoke is doing the Father's will.
May you and I be found doing that till he comes. Now we just turn over to First Chronicles.
Chapter 12.
And verse 16.
We have a lot of names mentioned in this chapter of many faithful men.
Out of various tribes of Israel, but I'd like to start at verse 16 for time.
It is interesting to read the whole chapter you can do at your leader.
But in verse 16 of chapter 12. And they came of the children of Benjamin and Judah to the hold unto David. And they went out to meet them, and answered and said of them, If you become peace you want to meet to help me, my heart shall be known unto you. But if you become to betray me to my enemies seen, there's no wrong in my hands. The God of our fathers looked there on rebuke it. You notice who came to him? Who was that came to him?
There came in verse 16 of the children of Benjamin. All they were the same tribe that Saw came from.
Anne Tudor.
Isn't this nice, David prolonged to a tribe of Judah? But these men belong to the tribe of Benjamin, and I like to see these two mentioned here. These two different tribes they saw. These children of Benjamin they saw and recognize that their own saw.
Had no power to deliver them from their enemy, the Philistines, and they saw on David.
God's math, God's deliverer. And so here.
They come to him now. Saul is still raining. And if it's not raining?
No. He has to live in a cave. He is chased from this place to that place.
His life is in constant danger.
But those men?
They were gathered unto David, they were with him. And what a wonderful privilege that is.
Now notice verse 18.
Then the Spirit came upon Amassia, who was chief of the captains.
And he said, Thine are we David, and on thy side thou son of Jesse, peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers for thy God helpeth thee. And David received them, and made them captains of the Band.
I like this.
The Spirit came upon a Messiah.
Amasia means my burden, and no doubt he had a burden and Saul had no sympathy with him or the others.
And here he comes to Dehibit, a little pitch of the Lord. Yes, he had a burden. No doubt His heart was burdened with a fact. That's all was trying to kill David.
And that the men of Israel were following Saul.
Yes, he had a burden, and he came to where that burden could be lifted. David received him. He didn't say no. You go back where you belong. He received him and made them captains of the Band. Well, I like that. Again, connect with John 1:00 and 12:00.
To as many have received him, he's given the power of title, become the sons of God.
Now we just go down a little further.
We have a whole list of names and I'm not going to read them all, but I'd like to notice perhaps.
We read from verse 32.
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.
The heads of them are 200, and of all their brethren were at their commandments. You know these men of Issachar, They had an understanding of the times to know whatever ought to do.
How would they know what Israel ought to do if they didn't read the?
1St 5 Bucks of Moses.
They would know. How are you and I, beloved? Are you a dear young people? How are you going to know what to do if you don't constantly read the word of God and make it your own?
I never forgot what your brother sitting in this company said many years ago.
If the word of God controls your heart.
It will control your feet too. And you're going to be found walking in paths of obedience to the Lord. Yes, So the Word of God controls our heart. It will control our whole life. Our hands, our feet, our hearts, our lips, our ears. It will control it.
Oh, I think of Romans 12 where the apostles there beseech them by the mercies of God.
They present their bodies a living sacrifice. Holy, yeah, that comes first, holy, accepted unto him, which is our reasonable or intelligent service. But again, I repeat, if you want to be intelligent and I, we must read the word of God.
Till it becomes a part of us.
And so.
How nice it is in connection with these men. David received them and so in verse 33, those in Zebulun, it says.
Acquired in verse 32, men of Issachar. They had an understanding of the time to know what else to do. You know there are many Christians. They don't know what to do.
And why don't they know what to do?
Would you like this afternoon, beloved, to know what you should do?
Would you like to have an understanding? You can have it hold this place. Turn to the Psalms chapter 111. I believe it is the last verse.
The last verse of Psalm 111, The fear of the Lord is a beginning of wisdom.
A good understanding. Have all they that do His commandments.
And so here's how we get a good understanding. First of all is to have the fear of the Lord before them. May I ask now, do you have the fear of the Lord? You know what it is.
I want to say it's reverence for the Lord's name.
Reverence when we come into His presence and have the word of God before us.
That's the fear of the Lord.
Reverence that leads us to obey him.
And don't tell me you have the fear of the Lord if you are willfully going your own way and disobeying the word of God.
May I go a step further? And now it's going to hit us all.
And I include myself.
If we have the fear of the Lord before us.
What are we going to be doing?
5 minutes before the gospel begins.
Are we going to be quietly praying? Are we going to be talking one to another? And how much confess? It's hard, especially at a large confidence where you may not have seen some who are there for some years. I know you just want to talk, but I say this. There's a time to talk and there is a time to keep quiet. And I do believe that time is just before a gospel begins. Fear the Lord's at reverence for him.
Oh, I include myself.
Amongst us all, because I'm sure we're all guilty at some time or other, may the Lord help us then to have the fear of the Lord, and then again if I have the fear of the Lord.
Do you not think I'm going to be very careful when I allow my eyes to look at?
What allow my ears to listen to, well, all my feet to take me where I to allow it to take me?
You know, this is searching, isn't it? Let's remember the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And often we don't have wisdom for decisions because we've been lacking in that one thing, the fear of the Lord at all times.
There's one other thing about these men of physical they knew what they ought to do.
You know, that kind of hits us, doesn't it? And there's only one way to know what we ought to do.
And that is communion with the Lord and read His word.
Now not a sibling. Verse 33.
Of Zebulun such.
As went forth to battle expert in war with all instruments of war 50,000 which could keep rank. They were not of double heart.
These men.
They were not of double heart.
They could keep ranked. What does that mean?
Sometimes, brethren.
We just don't seem to be able to keep rank.
I want to say this if you and I are going to keep rank one with another.
We must have our eye fixed on the object of our souls, Christ.
I remember many years ago you may have heard me use this as an illustration before.
But many years ago I was down in downtown and Cambridge and I heard with my ears a band coming along the street and I look and there it was leading a great big procession.
And these, in the procession, were high school graduates.
They weren't just boys, they were big fellas.
And girls too. And they were marching down this Main Street, Water St. in our town.
And it just seems so nice to watch the March they were marching.
And perfect, innocent. Together they were keeping time and there was a leader in front of them.
But all at once, I notice one of the attacks. He turned to look at someone in the crowd along the sidewalk. Just look like that. A quick look.
You know what happened?
He bumped him, the other one ahead of him, and there was confusion and took it just a moment or two for that to get there going on in unison.
Ah, one look.
'Cause them to break rank?
And it was a hindrance to the others who wanted to keep rank. Oh beloved.
May we remember.
That if we take a step and don't keep rank, we might cause others to stumble.
So that they can't keep rank 2.
I just mentioned this to illustrate these men knew how to keep rank.
And in wartime, it's very important.
And if a soldier can't keep rank, he's going to be in difficult. He's going to have problems.
He's going to have to do with his commanding officer and may the Lord help us then to keep rank one with another and the only way is to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus.
Well, these men could keep rank.
And that tells us there were as that one there were 50,000 which could keep rank and they were not a double heart.
Oh, double heart. You know that young fellow, he had a double heart. There was somebody amongst that crowd that had affection for and it cost him to look, but he he was a cause of making a commotion.
So they weren't keeping rank. I've never forgot that. It affected others. And if you and I have a double heart, we're not going to be able to keep rank with our brother. We're going to upset them.
Just one look caused that young fellow to bump into others and they into others.
Oh, how much sorrow there is because.
Some have not kept rank.
May we know more what that is. They were not a double heart.
You know, Solomon says. Keep thy heart with all diligence.
For out of it are the issues of life so important Now we just go on to the next chapter.
Now the same chapter I want to.
Perhaps Elizabeth verse 38?
All these men of war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel.
And all the rest also of Israel where of one heart to make David king.
Again, we have it repeated that they could keep rank.
And they had a perfect heart.
Who was their heart?
Occupied with.
To whom is your heart and mine occupied with?
All these men.
They had a perfect heart for David. He was the object of their affections.
And so it says their one heart to make David.
I like this.
I'm going to just leave this chapter turn over the New Testament.
As I want to notice a verse there.
In the 13th chapter of Hebrews.
Because we have noticed that David is a full pitch of the Lord Jesus.
And then the 13th chapter of Hebrews.
It tells us here.
And verse 12, Wherefore Jesus also.
That he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate.
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach.
For here have we no continuous city, but we seek one to come by Him. Therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. But they do go into communicate, forget not. For such sacrifice God is well pleased.
You notice this?
The Lord Jesus.
He suffered without the gate.
Oh, he came unto his own, his own receipt of not.
And they gave him the cross of Calvary. They took him outside Jerusalem, God's earthly center.
And there they crucified him.
13 first.
The apostle, writing to the Hebrew, says, Let us go forth therefore unto him without the Campbell in his reproach.
Perhaps you might remember that this verse in the 13th chapter of Hebrews, the 13th 1St has 13 words.
And the middle word is him, Him, Let us go forth therefore unto him.
Without the camp there in his reproach.
Do we know what that is? Is the Lord Jesus? Is he the object of our hearts?
As he the one were going forth unto Oh, I say this, there are many that have gone forth without the camp. Two, brethren.
To other Saints of God.
Lovely people. They've been the object. Nice company, Lovely.
But all is Christ the object where you and I gather, and our whole meetings. Why is it that we are there? Are we there because the Lord Jesus is in the midst?
Are we there because he has given his rightful place?
It's searching, is it not?
I want to say this for the benefit of children and young people.
I have nothing to bolster.
If anything, I'm more responsible than many of you here this afternoon.
Because my parents, before they were married, were gathered to the Lord's name in Sheffield, England, where I was born.
And when they emigrated to Canada?
Why they found out.
A little company they thought was the same, but it wasn't.
And of course, now they are gathered to a people.
They're not on divine ground where the Lord has promised you in the midst.
I want to say this, if an assembly doesn't own the authority of the Lord Jesus and the midst, it will cease to be an assembly.
And so as I think of that, how I was brought up.
I thank God.
There was an exercise in my parents heart.
There came that time when they began to say, Is this the company where I belong? Is this where I belong? Is this where the Lord has promised me? In the midst it seemed to be, but you know, it wasn't.
And I'm thankful.
As a teenager, my parents found the true ground of gather.
They found it and oh, what a happy, what a happy thing it was.
To be gathered to the Lord's name.
And at 15 years of age I was gathered to the Lords name. But you know, there came a problem.
In that assembly.
And that assembly broke up.
Some went to this city, some went to that city.
And here, Now we're left alone.
And so my parents took me back to where they thought.
Where they had been before, that's the only place to go.
But as three or four or five years went by four years.
I had a burden in my heart.
Because I kept on thinking of that little company, where they were going on happily and the Lord in the midst.
And I was convinced that was the right place.
But my parents?
I went with them.
I want to say this, young people.
You will follow your parents if they are guided by the word of God.
But if they're not walking to the truth, then you have to take a step.
And the Lord opened my eyes at last, to see that there was one true place.
At that time due to unemployment levels in the city of Toronto.
And again.
In 1932, as I sat back for two months.
I said to myself, there's no doubt this is the place where the Lord has set his name.
And then I say this to encourage them. I had asked for two months before.
But they kept me waiting two months and I was upset.
And I thought these believers don't want me, but when I got my eyes on Christ.
When I search my own heart and I want you to do the same, why are you here? Is it Christ that is the center of your attraction? Well.
Being a young man, 21.
Almost. I was discouraged.
But when I asked myself, is this really the place where the Lord has promised me in the midst?
And I had to confess it was. And so I said, Lord.
I'll sit back, just as long as you want me to sit back.
I feel you're in the midst, and this is a true ground of gathering, and I'll just step back.
Till you see fit.
That my brethren receive me.
I went through some heart searching that day.
But when I made that decision.
I had peace.
And unknown to me the next Lord's Day.
When I sat on the back row, my name was given out to be received the next Lord's day. Oh, you see how God works. Why are we where we are? Are we there just because Father, Mother is there, or because relatives are there? Or are we there because the Lord is there?
I want to tell you this, I wasn't long after that.
That my mother and my father.
And my two brothers and two sisters they all.
Recognize that there was a place where the Lord has set his name, and so they were gathered to.
But you know, we have to stand on our own faith. We have to be guided by the word of God.
And how precious it is to go forth unto him without the campaign's reproach, I want to say, there is reproach.
And it is sad when it comes from other believers. I know a little bit about it, but all the joy and the peace of being where the Lord Jesus that set his name, where he's in the midst, where he has given his rightful place. Oh beloved.
There's no other place, a nurse a happier than being there. Now we just turn back before we close, just for a few moments through our chapter.
And first chronicles.
He noticed again in chapter.
I'll repeat again verse 38. All these men in war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel.
And all the rest also Israel. One heart to make David king. You know that they were one heart to make David king. Why were there one heart? All they laugh. They remembered what David did for them. He was their savior, their deliverer. And now they are one heart. They recognize him. David, God's man, the one whom God used to get the deliverance from those Philistines.
Oh beloved, that not remind us of the Lord Jesus.
God's man. Yes, his beloved Son.
Who it accomplished that work of redemption to deliver us from the power of evil and to bring us to God.
Well, these men here were of one right heart.
Now in verse 39 and there they were with David, three days eating and drinking for their brethren had prepared for them. Well, we know a little bit about this. Here we are. We've been here for two days and how thankful we are to our brethren because they have prepared for us. I'm sure there's a lot of prayer went up and a lot of work too in connection with these meetings. And the work is not all over yet.
Ohio This reminds us of this little conference.
This seat here, there they were, gathered together where their brethren had prepared for them.
Isn't that lovely?
Their brother had prepared for them and so we find in the next chapter.
About to bring the Ark back to Jerusalem to its true place.
And he consults with the captain of thousands and with every leader in Chapter 13.
And verse three says, Let us bring again the ark of our God to us, for we inquired not it in the days of Saul.
And all Congress said they would do so for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. No, this was good. Nice desire that Yark wasn't where it belonged and hadn't been there for many, many years. And now David, he wants to bring it back. That's good.
But you know.
David did not read the word.
As to how it should be brought back, there was a way.
And David forgot the right way.
And beloved is you've forgotten the right way. You better read your word again, the word of God.
And so, as a result of not reading the word, he had forgotten.
Why he imitates the Philistines. The Philistines had built that car to know.
And use it for those kind who haul the ark back to where it belongs. And so here David is imitating what the Philistines had done. And may I pause?
And asked ourselves, are we imitating other Christians? Are we doing what they do? Oh, yes, we might say. They're lovely Christians. Their lives are good. They love the Lord. Again, I say I re imitate them.
There is a path for faith. There is a place where the Lord wants us to be. And in that 13th of Hebrews the apostles let us go forth unto him without the camp. The camp would include professing Christians, many that we love and that we know dearly. We love them because they belong to Christ, but they're in the wrong place, and sometimes we might be tempted to imitate their way.
For, as we might say, well, they're doing a good work. There are many Souls saves.
Let's just fall after their customs. And so David, he made a new car.
He should never have done that.
The Word of God clearly told who should carry that ark, the Levites.
The Levi's were to carry it, not that cart.
And so the result of this step.
We find that as a put forth his hand to the ark to hold it.
The option stumbled, and it came under the judgment of God. All beloved, let us be careful.
That you and I wholly follow the Lord, and that His precious word is our only guide.
We love all the redeemed ones, but let's remember.
The Lord Jesus.
He's the one who died for us. He's the one to whom we belong to. And may I say this specially to us all, I include myself. Let us not allow anyone to come in between us and the one who died for us, our Lord Jesus.
Oh, he's precious to me.
Because when I remember his name.
And hear his name. I remember what he did for me. I often tell about when I was a little boy and I was drowning.
And I couldn't save myself. I did everything, but I was drowning. I could not save myself because I could not swim and the water was over my head.
But you know, there was a big fellow saw me and all the time he was swimming hard to get to me.
And he came to me and grabbed me, his eyes going down for the last time.
He sent me to the shore.
He teared me upside down and got the water on my lungs. I can still remember laying on that bank by the Riverside, spitting out water.
And I'll tell you that is, I have to be careful, but it's almost, I would say, 60 years ago.
And I remember that man's name. Why do I remember his name whenever I hear his name mentioned? Why? I remember what he did for me Some years ago, My daughter had a little baby boy, and they named him.
And when he told me his name.
Why immediately I thought about that man. Because he had the same name.
The name of Jesus. How sweet it is to us.
And when I hear that name and think of it, there's something in here that just goes out to him.
And it should, as we remember what we've been redeemed from And when I remember a bird Runstedler, that was his name.
Why? I remember what he did for me. He saved my life.
Now I'm going to tell you the end of the story. The years went by and the day came when I heard Bern was dying.
And I didn't think that he was saved. I'm sure of it.
Because as a boy, I could still remember how he used the Lord's name in vain.
And I felt that I should deliver my soul.
Hospital dying.
So I went to him.
And I said, burn. You remember that day many years ago when you saved me from drowning?
He smiled and he said yes.
I I come here to thank you once more for saving my life. I do want to thank you. I've never forgotten your name, what you've done for me. And I said, Bert, I want to tell you about somebody else who saved me. He saved my soul.
You saved my life, but you didn't give your life doing it. But oh burn the Lord Jesus, my Savior, the one I love. He died on the cross to save my soul, and I belong to him now. And I said burn. It looks like you may not get over this sickness. He had lost both legs and had pneumonia.
I said Burn. If you trust the Lord Jesus, your savior, you'll have a home above.
And also a new body on the coming day.
Well, I thought that that's what I should do, to thank him once more.
Dear ones this afternoon.
Do you thank the Lord Jesus when you hear his name? Do you remember what He did for you?
May I say something else?
The Lord Jesus said in John's gospel, If you love me, keep my words.
And may we prove our love to him by reading his word and keeping it, and doing what he's asked us to do, to remember him. Shall we pray?