Address—E. Pilkington
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And spelling? Isn't it installment We have to act on discipline.
And put her in and run away from the assembly because that act is bumped attack.
Now what? What's going to happen if the person repents? Well, we should forgive.
And when assembly forgives the brother then is loosed in him, but you'll just turn to 2nd.
1St Corinthians 5 To get an example of one who was put away from an assembly.
Or on occasion.
I'll read a little Chapter 5. First Questions 5.
Is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication is not so much as named among the Gentiles. The one should have his father's wife, and you're puffed up, and have not rather mourn than he had done. This thing might be taken away from among you.
Daddy says in verse four, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together, And my spirit with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such a one under Satan for the destruction of the flesh, when the spirit may be saved the day of the Lord Jesus. And so it says.
And versatile Heaven. But now I have a son used not to keep company with a man that's called a brother. If any man be a caller, brother, it'd be a fornicator or a coach or a dog or a leader or a drunken or extortion. No, not easy.
What I wanted to do to judge them there without, do not use judge them that they're in, but then they're without God. Judges therefore put away among themselves, among yourself. So here we have influence at this time equal in the assembly. And there was one there that was guilty of fornication, and the assembly had not dealt with it. And so Paul has to write to this assembly, of course, to put that wicket man away. It's wicked.
And the assembly refuses to be put away. He will allow that. Well, God may just remove the testimony at 7:00.
That's God is righteous and holy.
So if we just turn over to the Second Corinthians chapter two, we find this man who was put away and repented and they have received them back. And so it calls for another letter, the 2nd Corinthians chapter 2.
And Paul writes there.
In verse six he says sufficient to such a man. Is this punishment?
Which was inflicted of many so that contrary why, she ought rather to forgive him and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up a little. Much sorrow. Wherefore, I beseech you would confirm your love toward him. Well, that's love and grace.
But you know, that just shows how assembly can really get cold and lose effects for someone that has had a phone.
Should never cease to love one another.
We don't cannot love sin as they commit sin. We can't have fellowship with any that do that. What if there is repentance? Then we should be ready to forget. And this is what the apostles bring them before the Corinthians and the commanders of. I've never watched a man saying in the connection with.
About another brother. He's out and he'll never get back as long as I'm here.
Well, that is not the Spirit of Christ.
Well, you know, I was upset when I heard that.
Because I felt that that man, his life, was not the way it should be.
And I prayed less about it.
And finally.
The brother had to put that thing away because the king to their ears at that man was far more guilty than the one they had put away.
So I'll carefully need to be assembly and make a judgment.
Get all of the facts. And if we're going to accept the test of one man, well, that's really not right here. The most of truancy witness that every word be established. And I might say I was upset and so I mentioned to my brother, I think you better go back to where that brother came from.
You better go back to where he came from and just find out what his testimony was back there.
Because I I knew it wasn't right.
And so they did.
Brother went up there investigating the combined.
Think that that man that these are the seven, that we are north of the downside and act that way.
And as they found out it was in this order, they had to put that.
Well, I just mentioned that in every act of discipline in assembly there needs to be that carefully. It knows what it says, two or three witnesses, so that you work the establishment.
And so now those repentance.
Man, I told you about.
So I don't know where you are.
So here in our chapter Second Corinthians 2.
As the apostles say.
We're seven. No, we're six sufficient to such a man as responsible for the picture of me. So that country was your right to forgive him and comfort him. That's perhaps such a one. Be swallowed up with over my sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you with infirm your love for him.
And he says to understand to whom he forgive anything. I forgive also the puzzle could not, would not forgive that man till the assembly had done that. And that's the way it is. Perhaps we might disagree with the assembly, but we we have to go about what assembly does and we have gone can clear up the matter. We just leave it with him and pray about it.
See what happens so many times.
So here in verse 10, to whom you forgive anything I forgive.
And so as individuals we can't forgive till the assembly for gifts. But the assembly has that responsibility. And a verse 11 Says, lest shades, you get advantage of us. We are not even of those devices.
And so I just mentioned that.
Administrative forgiveness is so important and we have that verse and you ought to forgive him. Well, the assembly court did forgive him.
Now we just turn over to.
Well, let's turn back to Ephesians 4 for one verse of Colossians.
The last verse before he declined one to another, tender hearted, forgiving to another, even as God for Christ sake and forgiven you.
I told you about that man, right on the birthday book.
When you find it hard to forgive others, just remember how much is being forgiven you.
Now I'd like to tell you.
Time. I had an address to serve assembly, and I told the Saints there what I had read in that birthday book, what this brother had written at it, and you find it hard to forgive others. Remember how much being forgiven you and.
Rather he come up to me after the meeting, he says. I know who you're talking about.
The reason he knew happened to be his own son well.
And so he said, he said, I can tell you he was wrong by the other brother, but he just accepted the wrong he was deprived of property.
He really belonged to him, but the other brother took it and he wouldn't go to law for court to get it back. He just took it as from the Lord and.
Didn't show any malice where thy brother is, to let them disconnect it with the Lord.
But there is a government of God as we minister, as a governor of God.
And as the time went on, these were getting older and their families were growing up.
No, I'm brother who took their loans. Lord blessed him, He didn't have any need.
Oh yes. He was very careful, had to watch this dollars and cents. He always had enough to eat. He always had the light of phase that it is taxes and bring up his family.
And that brother went to be of the Lord heaven.
Then after some time.
Brother who had run him, he realized that he was getting older and not feeling so well, and he realized that the Lord is going to take him soon.
And he he was disturbed. He was distressed.
He didn't want the Lord to take him with that matter, not just.
In one goal he saw the son of this man he had wrong and he says I'd like to talk to you, tell us something. That man went over. He sat down together.
And he says, many years ago I run your phone.
And he said, I know the Lord is going to Take Me Home, but I don't want to go to be with the Lord till I know that you forgive me.
Well, that's done. That brother. He forgets. And it was long after that that old brother went to beautiful woman. But he had confessed his wrong, his sin, and he received the forgiveness of his of that young young man, the son of the Lord he had lost and now he's happy to go. So I just mentioned there is a government of God, and how do I tell you all that that man went through?
And the sorrow he had in some of his family not going to tell you that.
There is a government of God and the elder brother.
And so, you know, as parents, if we act in a way that is not pleasing the Lord, then our children imitate us. Little ones imitate ovaries. So how careful we all ought to be, and their manner, behavior, not only their own jokes, but in front of other children and in front of our friends.
But let's never forget the eyes of Lord Run, two trolls. Not the Word. Behold the evil and the good. He knows everything. We can't cover up anything at all. Now if you turn to Colossians.
We have the same verse that we have a seasons of, only I'm going to read a little bit more.
Connection with it.
It's Chapter 3 of Colossians.
And I said was verse 12.
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, wholly and beloved, foul of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mine, meekness, long-suffering, We're burying one another and forgiving one another.
If any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
And above all these things.
The non share your love, which is the form of perfectness.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which you are called the one body of these. Thankful that the word of Christ dwell in your risky and all wisdom, teaching them and punishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart for the Lord and whatsoever you do in Word or thee to fall in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the founder of God.
Well, here we have it again, put on as the electrical mercies.
And kindness handles of my meekness and lawns are all right. Tell it and make an acquaintance here.
Remember the Lord Jesus, of course, of Lucas, that his enemies marveled at the grace of words that proceed on this. There was that meekness in that gentleness about the Lord Jesus, and now we are to follow him and imitate him. But this verse 13 says we're bearing one another.
When my wife and I were married that.
Bureau brother Harry Able. He give us a little word of expectation, you know, and he says always keep the two bears in your house. Well, two bears, one of the two bears bear and four bears.
And we need to for bear one with another, and forgive one another, And then if any man have a quarrel.
Against then even as Christ forgive you, so also do you. That's how we're to forgive one another, and Christ forgive us. But then those verse 14 and above all these sins, all these things.
Put on love, which is the bond of perfect. So whether love is a perfect bump.
Now, how would you score a perfect form?
Degrees More perfect.
I think we can, if we allow a little root of bitterness to come into our hearts against anyone.
Get the child done. It is going to.
Come in between us, and that bond of fellowship is not going to be the same, and a little by little it will open up and separate.
Anyone here that?
Thought of making furniture? The guy was years ago.
I did make my bedroom sweet and magnet week.
I had some good number.
And my brother, a plaintiff only where he works.
Rather, the cost price too, if he was Superintendent.
I work in that church.
You know, I wanted to have a big long table.
And also want to have at least three leaves to put on that table so it explodes and put in extra.
In case we have some of the Lord's people come and well, then we can just sit down at our table 10 to 12 People. This is what I want and that's how I made that table and so.
The lightest word may be a little that far, and so we'll have to join some of those force together.
And so we had to be very careful when we joined those wars. Before we joined, we claimed those joints to make sure that there was a perfect bond between those boys.
Well, if you're going to make a perfect bond, you're going to have to have a big long plane, of which which I have.
And so we got a perfect, perfect lawn.
You get a perfect bond. Let's kind of keep them together. Well, we know we keep two pieces of wood together. You have to put some glue in between. So we call that a little picture of love. And you know that that glue holds the two boys together, but you have to put the pressure on and to keep them together till that glue sets.
And so I just like to say this, if I allow a little for object to come in between those two boards, when I clamp it up, it might look like a perfect joint. But a bad little foreign object is in between those two bars and time is going to cause them to separate a little bit. So it'll be a little open.
Well, that just a little illustration. If we allow an idle word or any unkind thought to come in between the Saints may not be known. Assault sooner or later is going to be the cause of a little separation. And that's how terrible. That's why I leave the apostle needed to put on the bond of perfectness. And love is a perfect bond, and that's what we need, a perfect bond. And then when we do it says let the feast of God rule in their hearts to which they are called in one violent Be you thankful.
Well, how we need to be thankful men in verse 16 says, Let the word of Christ go out here richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, single with grace in your heart to the Lord.
And whatever you do and where to be to all the name of the Lord, He has given thanks to God and the Father by him. Have you ever thought rather than what this songs and spiritual hymns are? It says teaching mother and psalms and hymns and spiritual songs? Well, I just like to suggest.
And I got this stuff from reading the cups on the scripture. Psalms are herbothal Lord and.
Hymns are to the Lord, and spiritual songs express our thoughts and feelings for the Lord.
If anyone have any other thoughts on on the psalmist periods of songs, I'd like to be told, but that's what I've enjoyed and I think they're kind of really expresses what it solves in ancient spiritual sauce.
One fear is so important because you know, we can get in the danger of singing hymns.
But maybe they may not be spiritual happens, They really do not express the truth.
There are some hints in principle.
That are not spiritual hymns and I'm thankful. Yeah, in this little book, little flock. I don't know what him is not good for him. There's something there for everyone. It's a wonderful pimple. I just mentioned that in connection what it says here about the psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
That same 380.
Oh, I'm not far. Still, people.
Loyal to thy peers inside, there's only there in safety and peace we can't abide.
With worlds and snares around us, and lust and fears within the grace of God and fathers alone and keep us good.
And your.
Guide me.
I'm resting there and warning.
We don't sing that hard and pray the light is in the heart and all right about wonders of God.
To have a joyful son.
The guilty sinners doomed to die, we partnership the world around and gladly shouted through the sky.
While love inspired me all our days, therefore the grace be proud, May truth and goodness, joy and grace and all abide, and all of our.
First of all, in Acts chapter 13.
And verse 38.
You know than you therefore name brother through this man.
You, the forgiveness of sins, inviting him all that believe, are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
I exercise tonight to speak on five aspects to forgiveness that we have in Scripture, and this is the first and this is what we would call judicial forgiveness.
Because there's only God that has the power and the right to forgive sins.
But to be righteous the only way he could forgive us our sin is to provide one who would die for our sins. And so Lord Jesus, he will begin with the world under the cross to die for our sins. And so Peter here and speaking why he makes it very plain he had known that you're there for a man and brand through this man is preached on Jesus, forgiveness our sins, and by him all I believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law among us.
There may be days still going back to love Moses to allow Moses to moan condemn us.
No oppression. We know that grace and truth came through our Jesus Christ and so on. Let's just do this. So forgiveness of forgiveness and it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus we have this forgiveness.
Then there are those, the day and Christmas Day. Well.
If you send your us, you got to be saved over again. Well, that's wrong too, that the Lord He is not going to die a second time. He came once in this world to put away Sam to the death of himself.
Man that said to me he had never said after he was saved.
Going into the farmer and knowing a little bit about cattle, I sent him. You ever have on your cows? Kick the tail of milk over.
And he said, yes, I have.
And I said, What happened?
He says a lot. My temper and I kicked the cup, so you see there you can have themselves. We all have the old nature to come with and I know what it is to have a college paper deal before it wasn't fully done.
So we have judicial forgiveness.
Let's turn now to the next subject, Restorer forgiveness, because we can't send the first John chapter one.
Mercy, this was a John chapter one.
University If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.
And the truth is not in us. We don't see others, we only receive ourselves. We say we haven't said.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
And they cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So this is restorative forgiveness. But before we can have this, there has to be the confession, a failure. And when we confess our sins, right, The Lord, He's faithful just to forgive us our sins because he took the full penalty for our sins on the cross of Calgary. And so for us, salvation is free, and it's forever if we accept it.
So how nice it is to have our sins forgiven and to know. But you know, after we're saved, we can sit.
Because we have the old nature attacks.
I remember when I was a boy after confessing the Lord.
I was rude to my father and you know, he punished me.
And you know, I felt bad about that.
That night when I went to bed, knelt down beside my bed to pray, I couldn't pray.
It's not a way I made my father cross an angry it bothered me and.
Good prey. So I got off my knees and went downstairs with my father. And I said, Dad, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you at the supper table. Well, the hour of the hard time. Keep your tears back. But you know what? I was forgiven. Now I can go back upstairs to my bed and kneel down and pray and then go to sleep.
And also important, if we sin and they'll let's own it to the Lord. And this is respirator forgiveness, and it's only then that we can have peace as believers.
Now the next.
There's five aspects to forgiveness. I was going to look at that. We can turn to one more verse we might just mention in the next chapter. First, John, it says in verse 12 our land, your little children, because your sins aren't forgiven you for his name Satan. And so is that niceness for the sake of the one who took to punish the for our sins of that that we are together now if we turn to Matthew 6.
We have governmental.
Matthew 6 and.
We'll read from verse.
For if he forgive them their trespasses.
Your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if he forgive not men their trespasses, not only will your father forgive your trespass.
Have you just hold your finger on that page? Turn to James, Chapter 2.
Verse 13.
For he shall have judgment without mercy that has showed no mercy.
And mercy rejoices against God. And so we have here what is going to happen if we refuse to forgive others. And that's why it says if we forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.
There is a government of God.
And the Lord loves to see a beginning spirit. But if we hold a grudge and refuse to forgive someone who has owned their their failure, their wrong, then if we refuse to forgive them?
What's going to happen when we do something to grieve the Lord? Oh, you won't forgive us? No.
No, he's going to deal with it. There is a government that done but all you know, if we forgive others, then the Lord is gracious. To myself, we do the same thing.
So there is a government of God, and it might speak a little bit more.
At the end of our meeting and the next is brotherly forgiveness.
And you return to Matthew 18.
Verse 22.
Valerie Verse 21.
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, oh, shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive until seven times? Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee until seven times, but until 70 * 7.
Well, 70 * 7 would make 490 times, and I don't think anyone of us can say that we've been sent against 490 times, can we?
And so that's how often we are to forgive. And that's real brotherly kindness. If someone sinned against us 490 times and we forgive them, that's real, real lovely forgiveness, isn't it? But you know, the Lord Jesus says, and John, he says that John 13 Then the new commandment I give unto you is you love one another as I love you. So that's the measure which we are to love as we have been loved.
And God has loved us within every lasting love.
So there is.
Readily forgiveness. How nice it is.
I remember years ago Franklin turned to Ephesians, four of the guests the 1St.
Really is diverse with.
Speak about.
How much we are to forgive?
It says in verse 13, well, verse 30 will be not the Holy Spirit of God where he are seals of the day of redemption. Let all there's some rap and anger and clamor, and he will speak me, put away from Alice, and be kind one to another, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake has forgiven you.
I remember years ago when I was a young man in my 20s.
I was asked by someone to sign her birthday book. Well, to do that, you have to sign on the date of your birthday. And so before I sign my name, I look to see what somebody else, if there's somebody else, have a go with you on that date. And sure enough, there was. There's no other than I knew.
A long way from us. But I knew him and I read what he wrote, and this is what he wrote when you find it hard to forgive others.
Just remember how much that we've forgiven you. Well, you know.
That's something sometimes it is hard to figure out if we just remember how much we may forgive. Makes it easier to and I I've never forgotten reason, that birthday book that's going back now well.
60 years ago.
Be kind one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another even as not for pricing that forgiven you now if you turn to.
That is 16.
And we have the Lord Jesus? Asked Peter.
Who do men say that I am in verse 15?
Matthew 16, verse 15 and verse 16. Peter answered sign. Peter answered, said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blesseth thou sign, But you're not for flesh, and blind hath not revealed unto Leave but my Father, which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, And upon this wrought I will build my church, and the geese of hell shall not reveal against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, And once heard, thou shalt find on earth shall be bound in heaven.
And I serve, thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loose in heaven.
So we have this administrative authority given to Peter, But we notice what the Lord said to Peter. Who did men say that I am? Oh, right away Peter says, there are across the Son of the living God nice testimony. And the Lord blessed him for that. And he says to Peter, I say unto thee, in verse 18, Thou art fear, and upon this rock I build my church. Well, you know, Lord, those who who believe in Christendom, that.
That Peter is a rock and he's a foundation rock. That the church is still done but that is not slow. Peter is not a rock. He just it may means a stone. And he says to Peter upon this rock. I will build my church at the Rockies himself. And if you turn to 1St Corinthians 10 and verse 4 you will find that the apostle makes it clear that the Lord Jesus he's around.
The Church or Assembly of God is built on Christ.
And he goes back, referring to both the rock and the wilderness.
And it all break the same spirit to drink for the drink of that spiritual rock that followed that rock of Christ. And it's very fair and back to children visible in the wilderness when they were thirsty and they cried their Moses for water. And the Lord says, I will stand up on this rock, use my throne, and the water will come up. Well, Peter smoked that rock and the water gusted. Yes, that water followed. But to know there came another time later on when we read a Deuteronomy that you know, Moses.
When he got discouraged, and the people were complaining again, and they were thirsty, and the Moses the Lord said well.
He said, well, go to the rock and speak to the rock and the water will come out. That rock is still there. Speak to the rock, nice to the rock. Well, you know.
Peter said to those people, must I guess one or out of this Rock You rebels and ex anger he smoked the rock twice.
And in doing that he spoiled the type because the Lord Jesus only they be spent once on the cross. He was smitten. He's not going to die again. So speeder mozzarella he he lost his patience with the people of God and you know it's a solemn thing to call other Christian rebels.
We have no authority to call anybody a rebel and so how careful we need to see in our conversation.
Towards other believers. And so in Matthew, 16% the Lawrence of Ross and I want to stay low because Moses lost his temper, smoked a lot. He forfeited the privilege of leaving the people of God into the last Kingdom, and that's what he wanted to do, but he did not have any. That president was given to a younger man, Joshua.
And we know in the New Testament.
And the non translating wasted that received Moses now in the land of the Lord, and his cycles were there. Up in the mountain Transfiguration they saw the Lord transfigured. And there was Moses and their lives talking. So they were in the land, but they didn't, They didn't leave us the people in the land, and they only appeared there for the Lord's glory.
Well, now he says to Peter, I will give out any of the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and once there thou shalt find on earth shall be found in heaven. And once there gossip is the nurse of the loosened them. Well, you know those keys Peter used on the day of Pentecost when he preached the Jews? And you know, when he brought before them their guilt? In Acts 4 they said, what shall we do? And Peter says, repent, repent, and be baptized in the neighborhood.
Of the Lord Jesus. And as they were guilty of this crucifixion on the cross, and there was no other way for the Jew to be saved other than publicly being baptized, professing that name. And then they were baptized and taken the name of Jesus upon him, and then they were saved. Why? Why? Why was that? We didn't have to be baptized, we stayed today. Why that? Oh, because the Jewish people said his blood be upon us and our children.
And so we know that has literally been fulfilled since that day especially.
You're at the great persecution that rose after the Lord went back to heaven.
So I just mentioned that.
Perhaps you might just notice when verse four returned to Acts again and Matthew 7.
Yeah, I remember saying I thought I was not really the one I wanted, but there's reversing 21, I said.
Not everyone has said unto me, Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that build the will of my Father in heaven. And so it's important to prove why our lives that we do love the Lord Jesus and that we belong to the Him.
But there is another verse which well refers to John.
In a John's Gospel captures.
The Lord gives his disciples the same authority.
Administrative authority in John 20.
Before the Lord went back to heaven, he appeared to his disciples.
And at verse 21 he says to them.
Pete and you, as my father said to you, so send I you. And when you said, I said, be thou himself received the Holy Ghost. And then he says, Whosoever sends you, you met dear admitted unto them, And whosoever sends you, retain the everything. And so this is no authority that all the disciples receive as well as Peter. And there in Matthew's Gospel I just mentioned that.
While we're in this chapter.
It might be just encouraging to notice a few verses apart from our subject.
In in John 20.
And verse 17 the Lord says, Touch me not, for I'm not going to send it to my father.
The new name to go to my brother and Sam, then my son to my father and your father. Now this is a new position for them. Then the same day that evening be the first day of the week.
It's it's a new day for for the recycles.
They're going out together, and then Jesus stood in the midst of them at the end of the verse. And so it's a new center that they have. So in verse 17 you have a new relationship. And the bridge 19, we have a new assembly.
And verse 19 also a new center.
There's money, A new job.
New York and then you should go down further line 21 There. It's a new message that they have.
Also do the mission.
And in verse, same same verse under authority to receive the Holy Ghost.
I just mentioned that in fashion.
So going back to this administrative authority that the Lord gave to Peter.
Return to Acts 5 and have Peter using that authority.
The number and knives, the fire.
Aramis in chapter 4 of Acts he had property and he sold it and to give it to the lone and it tells us there that partners with a good man. But in that in chapter five we have a bump. But a certain man named Anne Rice was so far his wife showed a possession and kept back part of it.
And his wife being Privy to it, and bought a certain partly of the apostles feet. But Peter said on the Ananias, Why St. Phil thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost to keep back part of the Christ? Well, as I remain, was it not thine own? And after was soul was it not thine own? Lysol conceived this thing in my heart.
That's not five of the land put on the dog. And Ananias, hearing these words, fell down to give up the ghost. So we see there Peter used that as authority that he had, and it certainly was necessary at the beginning because from then on, and his wife did the same thing. She wasn't there when her husband died, and when she came, she allowed those they were agreed what to do. They had put that money in their pocket, but they were pretending that they were given all the money.
At the Latin that sold for to the Lord.
And so Peter said to yourself, for so much. He said yes. He fell down there too, so that just spring before I saw him, it is to lie and act steeply. Christians should never do that. And if we do it, we have no nature to be good. If they do, nothing has to lay his hand funds in some way or other. Not necessarily taken away alive here but in the beginning. And the Church's first established how important it was, and we have truth and righteousness maintained.
That's getting away from my 70 and so a few years that authority in Acts 5.
Now we just.
Trying to do empty chat.
We noticed that Peter had this authority given to him, but in the 18th chapter. Now this administrative authority has passed on down to the assembly.
And we'll just notice what it says. Let's begin at verse 15.
Thou may thy brothers are trespassing. Go against him, and tell him his fault between being him alone. If he shall hear thou skin thy brother, If he will not hear the thousand, then take what he wanted to do more in a month of truth he witnessed, every word may be established, and if he shall neglect to hear them, tell unto the church or assembly.
You read the church in the New Testament. It's referring to God's assembly and God's assemblies composed of every true believer in the Lord Jesus.
And if you neglect to hear the assembly.
But that's verse 16. If you're next, we will not hear thee take one or two more.
Well, the truth he witnessed everyone to be a selfless. So that's the importance that if there is something between us then we go to the one that trespass against us and if you want to listen then we take one or two more. So two or three is A is a testimony, 2 is testimony and three is abundant testimony.
And then if he neglects to hear the three, then it says tell to the assembly, and if he neglects to hear the assembly, then he is.
Put it back, classes the heathen man in the public.
So another verse of 18 This is Thorning was given to Peter, and that it is passed on now to the assembly. Fairly, I'll say to you, once there we shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven.
And whatsoever we shall lose on earth shall be loosed in him.