Hearts Not Right

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Address—E. Pilkington
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General Meeting, Wheaton, August 1974, Addressed by Eric Beltington.
In the back of the book.
Have I an object, Lord below, which would divide my heart with thee?
Which would divert its even flow in answer to thy constancy.
All teach me quickly to return and 'cause my heart.
Of Christ to burn #46 the back of the book.
Now, this afternoon, this is a young people's meeting.
But as I look around, I see grandfathers.
And grandmothers. I see fathers and I see mothers.
And I see grandchildren this afternoon. I'd like to talk about a grandfather.
And about his son and his grandson.
Before turning to the scriptures.
I would like to read one verse in the 4th chapter of Proverbs which is a good verse for those of us who are grandfathers, for those who are fathers and those who may be children.
Proverbs, chapter 4.
And verse 23.
Keep thy heart with all diligence.
For out of it are the issues of life. We'll turn back to that verse later.
Now can we turn to Second Chronicles?
Chapter 24.
We'll just refer briefly to one who was a grandfather and and his son.
And chapter 24 we read in verse one and two.
Joyce was seven years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 40 years in Jerusalem.
His mother's name was also as Abaya Aberciba, and Joash did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.
All the days of Jehovah the Priest.
Now we might just go on to verse 15.
But Jehovah acts all, and was full of days when he died.
130 years old was he when he died and they buried him in the city of David.
Among the king, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God and towards his house.
Now after the death of Jehovah came the Princess of Judah and NATO obedience to the King.
Then the king hearkened unto them, and they left the House of the Lord God of their fathers.
And serve Groves and idols. And wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem, for this their trespass. Yet he sent prophets to them to bring them again under the Lord, and they testified against them.
But they would not give ear. And the spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehovah, the priests, which stood above the people, and said under them, Thus said God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord, that ye cannot prosper? Because he has forsaken the Lord, He has also forsaken you. And they conspired against him, and stone him the stones.
At the commandment of the King in the court of the House of the Lord.
Well, how solemn.
To have this record of 1.
Who was a king of Judah?
We find that in the beginning of his reign he did that which was right.
In the eyes of the Lord.
All the days of Jehora, the priests.
You know, dear young people.
Jehovah was a godly man.
He was a man of God and such was his influence upon this young lad.
That this young lad who later became the King of Judah, he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord.
And one feels perhaps there might be.
Children here, grandchildren, young people.
Older one perhaps you and I are doing that which is right in the eyes of the Lord.
Because of the influence of some dear godly brother or sister.
Father, our mother or grandfather or grandmother.
But you know, there comes a time in the life of everyone of us.
When God tests us. And that's why we have that verse in Proverbs.
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
All dear young people.
May I plead with you and myself this afternoon that you and I might keep our hearts with all diligence, you know.
Jeremiah gives us a solemn picture of what is in our hearts. It tells in Jeremiah 1731. At the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.
Who can not I the Lord? Yes, the Lord knows what's in your heart and what's in my heart.
And all the grace of God.
Knowing what was in my heart.
Knowing what was in your heart, yet in love for your soul and mind, He gave His beloved Son that I am a cross. Yes, He shared His precious blood in order that you and I might have our hearts cleansed from sin, and He made fit for His presence.
Oh, how wonderful it is to have the Word of God and so here with this young lad.
He was only seven years old when he began to reign, and how important it was for him to have one who was a godly man to counsel him. And dear young people, children here this afternoon, how important it is for you and I to give heed to those who can give us godly advice.
For those who buy their godly walk.
Yes, our testimony to the truth of God. Well, no, Joe asks. He reigned 40 years. He did that which was right and the eyes of the Lord all the days of Jesus.
Came in his life.
When God removed that dear servant of his who was a godly influence.
Upon your *** and now your *** has to stand on his own feet.
He has to make decisions and there is no one like Jehovah to advise him. And so we find here.
In verse 17, after the death of Jehovah, came the Princess of Judah and made obeisance to the king. Then the king hearken unto them. What kind of advice did these rulers give?
Their king? What kind of advice? What is the result of the advice that they gave to this young man?
It says in verse 18 they left the House of the Lord God of their fathers and served Groves and idols, and wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem for their trespass.
Yes, wrath came upon them all, their young people.
Be sure your sin will find out you and I cannot transgress against the word of God.
And escaped from his judgment. No Judgment is his strange work. God does not delight in judgment.
No, he doesn't. But dear ones, this afternoon God is holy, just and true.
Must execute judgment upon disobedient children. And so we find that God in His mercy sent prophets.
To warn this young king and we find the verse 20 the Spirit of God.
Came upon Zechariah the son of Jehovah, and Zechariah reproved this young man.
And he asked the question, Why do you transgress against the Lord?
Perhaps we might ask ourselves that question.
Do we transgress against the Lord is God's word?
Does his word control every step that we take and that life?
Does this word of God?
Govern my soul to the point that it affects my whole walk, my whole manner behavior, my dress, my conversation.
All house 13 is the word of God, and so we find here that.
As a result of this rebuke, we find that Zechariah is stoned to death.
In verse 22 it says.
In verse 21.
They stone them with stones at the commandment of the king. Oh yes.
This young king who was befriended by Jehovah, yes, it was through the kindness of Jehovah the priest. That young king was nourished in his young days and brought to the place where he became king of Judah. And yet he forgot the kindness of that dear old servant of God, and he was guilty of stoning his son.
Well, how important then to keep our hearts with all diligence? Yes, there are those things in our hearts, dear ones, that can cause us to do.
Terrible things such as we have here.
And so we find that the judgment of God comes upon this King Joyce and so you have a sat in and we don't read of any repentance. He had a sad end. Now in verse chapter 25 we have his son and briefly we'll just mention a few verses. Amazon was 20 and five years old. They began to reign.
And he reigned 29 years in Jerusalem and his mother's name as Johann of Jerusalem.
And he did that which was right in the sigh of the Lord. But notice this, but but not with a perfect heart.
Not with a perfect heart could it be that there might be some here this afternoon that is doing that which is right in the eyes of the Lord. Perhaps you may be remembering the Lord Jesus in response to His desire.
Yes, you might be doing that which is right in the eyes of the Lord.
Perhaps you may honor your father and mother, and as your brother and view you, perhaps your whole life might, in the eyes of your brethren, be perfect.
But may I ask you and myself?
Are we doing that which is right? And the eyes of the Lord with a perfect heart.
Oh, remember, Joyce did that which was right and the eyes of the Lord.
Tell at testing time came what he did was not with a perfect heart and the events in his life proved that his heart was not right with God.
And now here, Amazon, his son. Oh what memories Amazon must have had.
Of his father. And what a warning to him in what happened to his father.
Yes, and here we have a Messiah. He begins to reign.
He 25, and his mother's name is Johanna. That name means.
Jehovah is beautiful.
Oh what a wonderful name his mother had. Jehovah is beautiful. Oh dear young people, one thing to that verse and the 9th divide there. Yes, his name shall be called wonderful.
Yes, the mighty God, the everlasting Father of the Prince of Peace, and so on.
Yes, his name is wonderful, beautiful. Oh, I wonder if that precious name of Jesus.
Is beautiful wonderful to your ears this afternoon.
I trust it will be. Well now remember Amazon?
He did that which was right.
Yes, He did that which was right, but not with a perfect heart. Oh may I warn any hear this afternoon? Is your heart and my heart right with God?
Is what you and I are doing.
Are we doing it in love for Christ?
Is that why we remember him and his death? Is that why we separate from ungodly companions?
Is that why we are careful of our manner of behavior and our dress?
Is it in love?
To the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, to whom we belong this afternoon.
Yes, we belong to him.
Oh, I trust you and I will know what it is to do that. We're just pleasing to him with a perfect heart. A perfect heart. Well, now we find here that Amazon.
We find that the Lord blessed him, answered his prayer.
Give them the victory over his enemies. But I want you to notice.
In verse 14.
After a great victory.
Now it came to pass, after Amaziah was come from the Slough they edomite that he brought the gods of the children of Seer, and set him up to be his, their his gone, and bow down himself before them, and Burke incense onto them.
One of the requirements of the kings of Judah.
Was that they were to read the word of God? Yes, and obey it. They were responsible.
You have to read this book and to obey it. Now. Here we find a Messiah.
Asked the Lord had given him a wonderful victory over these Edomites. We find that Amaziah saw something there with his eye. Yes, he beheld their gods, and as he went home, he took home with him those gods that he had seen. And we find it intimidating doing that with the enemies of God.
We're doing.
All how sad. Yes, and that's why I believe we have that 3 words mentioned. Not with a perfect heart. Oh yes, his heart was not right with God.
And so when the test comes.
He bowed down to those idols.
Could this be true of anyone of us?
What is an idol? What is an idol? What was it?
To Amaziah, those idols took the place of Jehovah.
Those idols took the place.
There was only due to Jehovah the Lord gone. Oh yes, he bowed down to those idols. He disobeyed the 20th chapter of Exodus. In that chapter we have the instruction to God's children. They were not to bow down to Isles. And as a result of this we find.
That the wrath of the Lord is kindled against Amaziah.
Yeah, how sad.
Outside, he disobeyed the word of God. Oh dear young people.
As I look into your face this afternoon. As I search my own heart.
Is there something in my life, in your life, that is robbing the Lord Jesus of His rightful place?
Oh, may we know what it is?
If such be the case, to honor to the Lord and get down underneath before Him.
And all how beautiful it is. And 1St John that tells us if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Yes, and the falling versus the blood of Jesus Christ His Son landed us from all sin.
So we've spoken briefly of a grandfather.
Of his son and the sad end of their life. They died.
And all appeared without faith in Jehovah.
The Lord. Oh how sad. There was number testimony in their latter days.
That could prove.
That they had faith.
In the Lord.
Oh, isn't it wonderful that the Lord knows the hearts of each one? He knows their young people, whether.
You and I love his son. Isn't that nice? You know, I like those words of Peter.
When he said to the Lord, Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you. Wouldn't it be nice this afternoon that our lives was a testimony to others that we love the Lord Jesus and that we are obeying his words? Well, now we'll talk about the son, the grandson. And so to get the grandson, we have in chapter 26 the grandson of Johannes.
Son of Amaziah, and let's notice what it says about him. Then all the people of Judah took desire.
Who was 16 years old and made him king in the room of his father Amazon.
He built Elos and restored it to Judah.
After that, the king slept with his father.
16 years old with his eye when he began to reign any rain. 50 and two years in Jerusalem.
His mother's name also was Jekyll I of Jerusalem.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all his father Amaziah did. And he thought God in the days of Zachariah, who had understanding in the visions of God, and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. And he went forth and warned against the Philistines, and breakdown the wall of gas, and the wall of Jabner.
And the wall of ice off and built cities about Ashdod and among the Philistines. And God helped him against the Philistines, and against Arabians that dwelt and gerbil and Muhammad.
Now let's just go down.
To verse 16.
Let's read verse 15. And he made in Jerusalem Indians invented by cunning, then to be on the towers.
And upon the bulwark dispute arrows and great stones with all, And his name spread far broad, For he was marvelously helped till he was strong.
But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction, for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense.
And as our eye the priest went in after him, and with him four score priests of the Lord, that were valiant men, and they withstood as I of a king, and said unto him, It appertaineth not unto thee as Isle to burn incense under the Lord, but to the priests, the sons of error.
That are consequences to burn incense, go out of the sanctuary.
For thou hast trespassed, neither shall it be for thine honor from the Lord. Then, as I was wroth and had ascension, his hand to burn incense, and while he was wroth with the priests, the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the priests in the House of the Lord, from beside the incense, Alder and Azariah, the priests, the chief priests, and all the priests looked upon him.
And behold, he was leprosy in his forehead, and they thrust him out from that. Yeah, himself hasted also to go out, because the Lord has smitten him. And as I, the King was a leper under the day of his death.
And dwelled in a several house, being a leopard, for he was caught on the House of the Lord.
And Jotham, his son, was over the King's house, judging the people, the land.
Well, what does that end? For one who had such a lovely beginning, what does that end? Yes, he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord in the beginning. Notice that he was 16 years old and began to reign.
And he did that which is right Messiah the Lord, according to all Amazon, His Father had done all He had his eye on his Father.
Oh dear young people.
May I say this? I am a father. I am a grandfather.
And perhaps you have fathers and grandfathers.
May I plead with you? Don't follow me. Don't follow your grandfather.
What you do, come to the meetings.
Don't do it to please your grandfather, your father or mother.
But I'll do it in love for the Lord Jesus, and I can assure you, you'll have a happy life.
You'll have the blessing of the Lord, yes, if what you and I do is with a perfect heart in love to the Lord. But remember, if we are only going to meetings, if we are only reading our word, the word of God, to be seen of men.
Forever, I want to warn you and myself.
There will be a testing time pump.
A time when it will be manifested what is in your heart and in mine.
And how important that we might keep our hearts with all diligence.
Proud of it are the issues of life. Yes, it will affect our whole life down here and so.
Asia. It says he thought the Lord in verse 5.
He sought God in the days of Zechariah who had understanding in the visions.
Of God, and as long as he thought the Lord God made him to prosper, Yes, God is good.
Dear young people, if you and I seek to please the Lord, we're going to know what it is to receive God's blessings.
Because God delights to bless his people. Oh, he delights. His heart is full of love. And what Father, who loves his children, What Father doesn't be like to prove to his children that he loves them?
Father will withhold from his children that which they require requests.
If he knows it is for their good.
Oh, to those of us who are fathers and grandfathers.
Could it be that we would give to our grandchildren, our children, that which would do them harm?
No, I trust not. I trust not. Oh, may there be that then in our manner of behavior as grandfathers, as fathers, may there be that in our walk and our manner of behavior that will be a help and a a guideline.
For our children.
Well we find here that there was 1 Zechariah who was a godly influence over as I am. Yes, Zachariah exercise a godly influence over this young king and we find that Zechariah had an understanding and the visions of God. Yes, he was a man that had understanding. I wonder this afternoon do you and I have an understanding?
Of the Word of God do we have an understanding, dear young people?
Would you like to have an understanding of the ways of God?
You can.
Shall we hold this place and turn?
To a person, 111 song.
The last verse of Psalm 111.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all they that do His commandments.
All their young people, there's a secret.
To receiving a good understanding.
I got understanding of all they that do his commandments. We find that your *** and Messiah. They did not keep the commandments of the Lord and there we have the record of the word of God to warn us.
To warn us, yes. Oh, what a warning in their life to us the afternoon.
That you and I might do what does that which is right in the eye of the Lord. If we don't, dear ones, we will not escape that hastening hand of God who loves us.
And so how wonderful to have an understanding Zechariah had an understanding of visions and so on, the ways of God, and such was his influence. I like this. Oh, for those of us who are older, I wonder if our life, our manner of behavior.
All that we do and may I add our dress.
Does it have an influence for good on our young people?
Our children all may we are older. Search our hearts, yes.
Jose Cariah, he was an influence for good on this young man, so that this young man did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord who may we realize this? You know, we're living in this world, but we don't belong here.
No, we don't belong in this sea.
We're now the world that fadeth away, we say. We're now the night. No, we're children of days.
And the cheese that once bounded by deed is our reverend. Oh dear young people.
Older ones, may the Lord keep you and I going on in a way.
That our life will be a blessing and a testimony to those around us.
Who we are and whom we serve Well now we find here in Isaiah.
He did that which was right as long as Zechariah left.
But you know.
There came a time, God time.
And young people, if the Lord doesn't come, there will come a time when the older one who have been such a help and an encouragement to many of us who are younger, if the Lord doesn't come, these older ones are going to be taken away.
And what are we going to do when the older ones are gone? What are we going to do?
Are we going to do like Amazon who listen to advice by others?
That turned his heart away from the Lord. That caused him to disobey the Lord.
Oh, may I plead with you and myself, because we're reminded indeed, that light. The best is very brief.
The older ones are passing on.
My dear father, 93 years of it went to be with the Lord a few weeks ago.
There are many dear Saints of God. Yes, they're nearing the end of life journey down here.
I'll never forget a dear aided brother.
Saying to me as a young boy, about 16.
I can't remember all that he said, but I can remember these words. God bless you, my last.
God bless you and you know I have carried the memory that dear old brother and the words that he uttered.
To this day, I haven't forgotten it. Oh dear young people.
May you and I not just do that which is right in the eyes, the Lord.
Till the older ones are gone. You know, I recall a certain meeting where some of the younger ones utter these words. God forbid that I would utter it this afternoon.
God forbid that any young one here would utter it.
But they said this just wait. We're waiting till the older ones are gone.
And then we're going to do what we want to do, we're going to do differently. Or may I plead with you this afternoon, if you and I do anything that is different according to the instruction of the Word of God, we're going to come under His chasing hand. We lose our testimony and we'll lose the joy of the Lord. Yes, we will. And so Zachariah, he had an influence for God in Isaiah.
Yes, and it says Avadaya. He sought God, the days of Zechariah.
I wonder if you and I are seeking the Lord?
Let's turn briefly to a verse in Jeremiah 29. Just hold this place.
Jeremiah 29 and verse 13.
And ye shall seek me.
And find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Yes, you and I seek the Lord with our hearts. We're going to find Him.
We're going to know what his will is for our life. Well, now we're briefly.
We notice that Asia some of the things that he did, he did many wonderful things and the Lord gave him victory over his enemies. Well that's known as verse 16, but.
God forbid that this afternoon there would come into your life of mine but a but.
What does it say here? But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction, for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense upon the all of incense. Now this was direct disobedience to the Old Testament scriptures. Yes, God gave his people.
Instruction as to who was to go into the holy place, as to who was to offer the incense to the Lord. Yes, there was directions and it was only the high priest that was qualified to go in. Yes, God chose the high priest and he was the only one. But here we find Isaiah it says when he was from his heart.
All there we get is heart. His heart was lifted up to his destruction.
Oh, what does that remind us of all? Beloved? There is that in each one of us.
Shall we say the word?
Pride. What is the middle word? The middle letter in the word pride.
All some of you children here who go to school, you know what the middle word of pride is? It's I, I, yes, you and I cried. It's in the heart of every man, woman, boy and girl, yes.
Pride. Oh, may we realize that, and may we with a perfect heart cry the Lord to keep us, that we may have grace to keep that pride, and that where it belongs, in the place of death, that it may not influence or cause us to disobey the Lord. Yes, pride. And who hasn't pride?
You know, sometimes we have races for children.
And as a boy, I remember.
That when I ran a race, I have that desire in my heart that I wanted to be first. I wanted to be first, yeah. I wanted to reach the line first. I wanted to get the prize.
Pride. Yes. Oh dear ones, let's remember.
At the Lord Jesus.
Is the only one who is deserving of first place.
And may He have first place in your heart and mind. And so as I, we find here.
When he was strong, yes, he was strong.
They're all his enemies were vanquished.
God had blessed him abundantly, and there he was.
And now they didn't tempt him.
Remember, young people, that we have an adversary and that is a devil.
And you know he wants to tempt us, and he knows how to tempt us.
He knows what will be a temptation to us. Yes, he knows all about our poor hearts.
May we keep our hearts with all diligence. May the Lord keep each one of us.
Young people, that we might indeed go on a dependence upon the Lord.
May this book, the Word of God, ever be our guide. You know in connection with that verse in Proverbs 423.
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the inches of life.
I remember a brother several years ago give me a little slip of paper.
A little slip of paper with something written on it and I open up this little.
Slip of paper. And what do you think was written on that little slip of paper? Young people, boys and girls.
These words.
A heart controlled by the word of God.
A walk in the truth and so if your heart and mind is controlled by the Word of God.
You and I are going to walk in the truth. Yes, Oh, young people.
I can safely say, and if your heart is controlled, and my heart is controlled by the word of God, we will be walking in the truth till the Lord comes.
May I warn you and myself, if the Word of God does not have first place in our life?
Ah, we're in danger.
You know, I sometimes think of a little incident on the West Indies.
And seeing some of the boys ride on donkeys down the street.
And, you know, for those who've been there.
These donkeys.
They like to have their own way, don't they? And you know when God gives a picture of man, he tells a man is like a wild ***** coach. Stubborn, yes.
And these boys, as they go down on the street, on the donkeys back.
They have some of them have a stick in their hand. A stick.
Some of them don't use this deck, they use their hair. But when that donkey?
Wants to turn off to the right or the left to nibble a little green grass or something that looks attractive to it. You know that lad or that man will give the donkey a little slap. Sometimes they have a big stick and you know that donkey, when he turns to the right, whatever that sticks, that donkey is so wise that he turns his head back and he's going straight before he feels a sick.
And if he doesn't turn, Evie doesn't go on the path that his master wants them. There's that big hand or little hand or that stick. Oh, yes. And so we see the donkeys going down the bellies lanes. Yes, they know or not. Not the turns of the right hand or the left. I wonder, young people.
You and I do. We need a stick?
To keep us in the path, do we? The Britain, the bridal? Oh, I want to tell you that the Lord Jesus gone before us. Yes, He's marked out the path for us to tread. And if you and I keep our eye on the Lord, why, you know, we'll be saved from many temptations, many things around us. Oh, may I be kept on the Lord? Well, now as I ask, it says.
When he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction.
And there's those staple priests that warned him. Thank God for faithful brethren who will warn us when they see that our feet have turned on the truth. All dear young people, don't be like Isaiah.
You know, there are some people.
Who will persist and go on their own way?
And I've been one of them.
And you know, I've had to come under sorrow. I've had to come under the chasing hand of God.
Your young people, God does not want you and I to learn that way. No, He wants us to learn His way. His way is best, and He has given us His Word, and if His Word controls our hearts, it will control our walk and our ways, our whole and our behavior in this world.
And we will be like those whom the Lord said, Let your light shine before men.
That you might see your good works and glorify your Father within heaven. Well, as I it says here that he was angry. Yes, in verse 20, verse 19 Then as I was wrong and had a sense in his hand to burn incense, and while he was lost with a priest, the leprosy even rose up on his forehead. Yes, there the judgment came upon him for as I.
He became a leper.
All remember leopards, a picture of sin.
And while we had a lovely beginning and the history of Isaiah.
We have a solemn ending. A solemn ending? Yes, the grandfather.
The father, the son.
Oh, I trust.
That grandfathers, that fathers, that sons and daughters this afternoon.
Because we're all children of God, those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus. Oh, I trust, and you and I will be guided by His word. And so far as I get a solemn ending, He died a leper.
Yes, he went out from the presence of the Lord, a leper.
Dear young people, this afternoon you and I can go into the presence of the Lord.
Into the holiest of all unhindered. Yeah, it's been going. The very presence of God. Do we need grace? Do we need help? Do we need strength? We can go right into the very presence of God. And who is in the presence of God this afternoon? Oh, it's the Lord Jesus as our great high priest whoever lives for us during deceit port. Perhaps we'll just notice one more verse in closing James chapter 4.
James chapter 4 and verse 6.
He give us more grace.
Wherefore, he said, God resists with the problem, but give us grace under the humble. Submit yourself, therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Oh, young people, again as I close.
He gave us more grace. How much do you want? How much do you and I want this afternoon?
Do we find it hard?
To love a brother or sister.
Do we find it hard to forgive one another?
What do we need? I'm sure that each one of us this afternoon, young and old alike.
I'm sure there comes into our lives.
Those moments when we find it hard to forgive our brother or sister.
Perhaps we've been offended by a look or by a word. Oh, I want to tell you.
God resented the proud, yes, and if you and I don't ask the Lord for grace, it's because we are proud and we don't like to own and confess that we need grace. Oh, as I close, he give us more grace. But remember, God resists with the proud. And so in Isaiah we have a lesson. God resists with the proud. But all I want to say this afternoon.
To you and I, He give us more grace. May we know what it is to learn from the Word of God. Those lessons they have us to learn. And again, let's remember.
The grandfather, the Father, the Son, the three, they missed the mind of God at their latter end. A house side. It would be that anyone that any one of us would be turned aside. Confirm the Lord when He is coming so soon. It could be this afternoon, it could be before we reach our homes. The Lord is coming.
All may we then have grace to serve and follow Him.
Till he comes, we're saying #23.
How good is the God we adore?
Our faithful, unchangeable friends.
Whose love is as great as his power, and knows neither measured nor end #23.
Oh, good, Islam.