Thine we Are

1 Chronicles 12
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Address—E. Pilkington
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And we turn this afternoon.
To First Chronicles.
The first book of Chronicles, chapter 12.
We will not read at all.
But parts of it.
First Chronicles 12, verse one.
Now these are they that came to David as a glide work, while he kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kiss, And they were among them the mighty men, helpers of the war.
And we might go down to.
Verse 16.
And there came are the children of Benjamin and Judah to the hold on to David.
And they ever went out to meet them, and answered, and said unto them, If you become peacefully unto me to help me, mine heart shall be net unto you.
But if you become to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers looked thereon and rebuked it. Then the Spirit came upon Amasia, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse.
Peace, Peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers.
For thy God help us thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band.
Now we might go down further in the chapter.
We'll read from verse 32.
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times.
To know what Israel ought to do.
The heads of them were 200.
And all their brethren were at their commandments.
Of Zebulun such as went forth to battle export in war with all instruments of war 50,000 which could keep ranked, they were not of double heart.
And of Natalie 1000 captains, and with them with shield and spear 30 and 7000. Another day Knights expert in war 20 and 8600. Innovations such as went forth to battle expert in war 40,000. And on the other side of Jordan, of the Rubinites and Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, with all manner of instruments of war for the battle 120,000.
All these men of war.
That could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel and all the rest also of Israel where of one heart to make David king. And there they were with David three days eating and drinking for their brother, and had prepared for them.
Moreover, they that were nigh them even unto Isakar and Zebulun and Natalie.
Brought bread on ***** and on camels, on mules and on oxen, and meals and meat meal, cakes of eggs and bunches of raisins and wine and oil and oxen and sheep abundantly. For there was joy in Israel.
What a happy ending to this chapter and how it was surely.
Remind us of the past three days.
How our brethren has indeed supplied abundantly for our needs, and how our our blessed Lord has indeed supplied our spiritual needs through these meetings.
But you know, they love young people.
This was the last meeting and we're about to go home.
To our various assemblies.
Isn't it lovely to have the word of God to have a spirit in our hearts?
To guide us in the days that lies ahead of us.
We don't know what lies ahead of us.
But we do know this, that the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is coming again to take us home to glory. And how wonderful the little while we're here to have the Word of God guide our hearts to instruct us in the way in which we should go.
Oh, how do I so raise to have God's word? And you know, there are young people.
Search as you might in the word of God.
You will not find permission in God's Word, and I will not find permission from the Word of God to do my own will.
And if you and I are going to be happy Christians, if we are going to be a testimony down here, the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom David is a little picture, must be our only captain, our only guide. Well, I read these verses. I've enjoyed them many times. As we think of David, there he was.
In zig flag and you know he shouldn't have been there.
He shouldn't have been there.
He disobeyed the word of God.
And that's why we find him there in a moment of weakness.
Out of communion with the Lord, we find David at Zig Blank.
You can read it at your leisure, but you will find a big lad. David had a lot of sorrow. He had a lot of trouble.
If you read First Samuel chapter 30 you will find there was there and Davis Park he was distressed.
He was discouraged.
And those who followed him.
Also speak of stoning him.
They were blaming David.
For the trouble that had come into their lives.
And I want to say this, dear young people.
If you follow me, if you follow any other St. of God.
Knowing that the word of God forbid you to walk in such a path, I must warn you, you're going to be disappointed.
You're going to have sorrow in your life, abundant sorrow, and so on. First Samuel chapter 30. David has greatly distressed.
But I want to remind you, if you read down in that chapter, you won't go very far before you find David in communion with the Lord. Yes, he encouraged himself and the Lord has gone. And then he inquired of the Lord as to what to do. And you know, dear young people, the Lord gave David victory over his enemies. And here's our chapter begins. We find David in a hole.
And we find men and women, those whose heart God had touched, we find them going to David.
There in the hole and it I'd like to notice those who went in verse 16.
They're the children of Benjamin and Judah, yes.
David went out to meet them, and answered, and said, If you become peaceably unto me, to help me.
My heart shall be knit unto you.
But if you become to betray me to my enemies, seeing there is no wrong in my hands.
The God of our fathers looked thereon and rebuked it.
You know, I find comfort in this very young people.
You know the Lord will never disappoint any of His children.
But you know, we might be disappointed in our brethren.
And we might be falsely accused.
We might be misunderstood.
And if we're not in commune with the Lord, there will arise in our hearts.
Spirit of resentment.
And perhaps there will be in our hearts that desire for revenge.
He said this against me. It is not true. And then we may find ourselves thinking and saying a lot of other things that just arouses the flesh, you know. And then what do we have? We have strife. Strife. Oh, I like the spirit of David here as he went out to meet these men, he could say.
If you become to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong of mine hands.
The God of our fathers looked thereon and rebuked us. Oh, isn't it lovely? David is just willing to commit the whole matter to the Lord.
All we just learned to do this.
Perhaps we might be betrayed of our confidence.
We might confide in someone and we might be betrayed.
And you know, we might have feelings within us if we don't judge is going to bring strife.
And you know, the end of strike. What do we have?
If it is not judged, there is division, there is a separation, there is a break in communion, one with another, there is a break in fellowship. Oh, David, all he could say, the Lord look upon it. Oh, young people and older ones.
May we know more the Spirit through the Spirit of Christ that could just lead everything with the Lord. Well, now these men were true men, but you know, David didn't know it. And he can remind them of the solemn reality that if they had come to betray him, the Lord would deal with them.
And I just like to pass this on to my dear brethren. There are matters that come into our lives, into our templates, and we like to take matters in our hands. Yay, we might feel like taking revenge.
But let's just leave it with the Lord. Oh, if I think of some.
Because of misunderstanding.
Because there hasn't been that submission to the Lord's will.
Let's remember that whatever the Lord allows to come into your life and my life, whatever the Lord allows to come into our assemblies.
Let's look to the Lord about the problem, the difficulty.
And let's leave the difficulty with him. Let's not take a step or a step that is going to cause us.
Take on a path of disobedience. And so if I think tonight of some dear to my heart and I'm sure each one of us have those that we know and love because of misunderstanding, because of of wrong judgment, shall we say.
They had their eyes on their brethren and not on the Lord.
They're gone.
They're gone.
All they love young people.
If there comes a time in your heart.
That you feel discouraged with your brethren, if you feel.
Constrained to leave the place where the Lord is in the mess. May I encourage you to leave that matter with the Lord. Just trust the Lord leave everything in his hands. Oh, how many mistakes we make because we don't wait on the Lord. Oh, David knew what it was to wait on the Lord. And may you and I wait on the Lord. Well, you know I like the answer The.
You know, they could say to him.
Then the spirit came upon a Messiah who was teeth of the captions, and he said, Thine, are we David? And on thy side, thou son of David. Oh, how lovely these men. You know, they didn't get their feelings hurt because they.
Their friendship was doubted.
And you know, we shouldn't get our feelings hurt.
If our brethren don't have confidence in US, oh, let's prove ourselves. Let's prove ourselves. And so these men, they could say to David, thine are we David? And on thy side, Oh, isn't that lovely, thou son of Jesse? They confess who he was. They confess that they were on his side. All young people, may I address myself to you? Whose side are you on?
On this afternoon, are you on the Lord's side?
You know, it might cost you something to be on the Lord's side, but I can tell you it's worthwhile. Oh, I can tell you to be on the Lord's side is the only place of true peace and happiness.
And may I say something else?
I don't like to say it, but I must say it.
If you or I.
Leave the place where the Lord is in the mess.
If we leave the Lord's table, we do not take the table with us.
We do not.
And tonight, how many have left the Lord's Table?
As I look around this audience.
Sometimes I look in vain for the sight of some faith.
At home.
I've got them. No one to love. Where are they? They're gone.
They're on a different path. They're no longer on the path of obedience to the Word of God.
And I want to stress this afternoon.
That if the Lord Jesus doesn't come, your faith and mine is going to be tested. It's going to be manifest and tested. Whose side are we on?
Oh, David, there he was in a hole.
He wasn't living at a palace, No, he was living in a cave.
And you know, there's not too many covers in a cave.
You know, in that cave with David, those men had something that they never had in the city with Saul.
They had David's company, they had fellowship with David. Oh, just to to gaze into his face. They could say thine are we David? All young people? Any older here not safe. May I ask you in love for your soul? Do you belong to the Lord Jesus? Can you say I'm his?
Or if you can, this afternoon you get right with the Lord. You, my dear friends, receive the Lord Jesus into your heart, and I want to tell you that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Know His Spirit will come to dwell in your hearts and the midst of sorrow. Older minded Romans 8.
Oh, how? Who are we to have the Spirit of Christ in? Well, in the believer. Yes, they're in that lovely chapter.
We have the Spirit of Christ and every believer, and may I say this to any here.
Who have not the fear of Christ?
You are not a Christian.
The Apostle says that any man hath not the Spirit of Christ. He's not his, not a his.
And when the Lord comes, you'll be left behind.
Really, in that lovely chapter, we have the Spirit and the believer and we have the work of the Spirit. And what is the work of the Spirit? Oh, beloved, the Spirit bears witness with our Spears that were children of God. There were we belong to Him. You have that testimony in your heart. You're one of His. And you know the Spirit leads us into all truth.
Yes, the Spirit maketh intercession for us. There isn't a trial. There isn't a problem.
That the Lord may allow to come into your life and mine. But there the Spirit makes intercession for us according to the will of God. Are we willing to leave all with him? And then in that chapter we have God for us. Yes, we have God for us. Well, in our chapter first Chronicles, how lovely to have this testimony thine. Are we David? And on my side, thou son of David.
And so David received them and made them campers. I think of that verse that we had before us in John.
1St chapter.
Where the Lord Jesus came unto his own, His own received him not, but to as many as received him.
To them he gave the power to become the sons of God. Oh, how lovely. And so they will receive these men.
Yes, and he gives them responsibility.
To them he makes them captain of the bat. Now let's go down, please.
We find that towards the end of the chapter.
There is a time that is elapsed from the beginning of the chapter. Yes, the story begins there and then the beginning of the chapter. But there is a time elapsed and now towards the end of the chapter, the time has come. There the Lord is gathering.
People to David and the numbers increase. We didn't read for lack of time all those mentioned here, but is it nice that the Lord records their names?
Isn't it wonderful to know our names are recorded in God's Book of life and so we have them here?
They're preparing, yes, for David to receive his Kingdom.
And we find here.
In verse 32.
Of the tune of Issachar, which were men that had understandings of the times to know what Israel ought to do. The heads of them were 200 and all their brothers were at their commandment.
Well, this is very nice. These men of Issachar, they had an understanding of the time.
And they knew what Israel ought to do.
And as I look into the faces of many, you dear young people.
Am I right in saying that you do have an understanding of what you ought to do?
But perhaps this afternoon, here comes in the cops.
Fallen the Lord and the path of rejection down here.
Perhaps you're kinda calm?
All these men, they had an understanding to know what is ought to do.
And it is lovely to have an understanding of the truth of the one body. It's wonderful to have an understanding of the truth of the church.
It's wonderful to have an understanding, to know that you and I are members of the body of Christ.
Wonderful to know where heirs of God and joint heirs with Him.
It wonderful to have an understanding of knowing that the Lord comes, should he come tonight.
As you and I would go home to be with him. Oh, this is wonderful to have an understanding of the Scriptures. And as I look into the face of the dear young one, you have been taught from your youth the word of God. You have sat under the sound of the word of God. I said, look around, you know, I see young men and young women and some of the young men, you know, the young woman, I can remember when they were just little boys and girls.
But now they stand beside me. I have to look up to some of them. Yes, they're big men.
All I want to say this.
You and I have a wonderful heritage, brought up in a Christian home, brought up under the sound of the truth. But this makes us more responsible.
If we have an understanding of what we ought to do, we are responsible to do it. That little word do has 2 letters. But it's very important. Dude. All these men, they've recognized that David was a true king of Israel. They recognized that David was God's anointed 1 and so they came to him. Isn't it love?
Well, now we finally had an understanding of the times. I wonder if we have an understanding of the times too. You and I realize that today we're living in the last day.
Do you realize that, young people, we're living in the last days that come in the Lord is drawn I.
Are we walking in the truth that we know?
Are we holding fast?
The truth of God or are we compromising the truth?
And laying aside that which we don't like, that which doesn't appeal to the flesh, are we laying that truth aside because it might cost us the friendship of someone?
All let's be faithful. The Lord's coming, and if you don't for a moment that the Lord's coming is not near, you just have to look around you as you walk down the street. You just have to pick up a newspaper. Yes, the other day we were advised at the beginning of these meetings that we wanted to go downtown.
That we were to get information from local brethren that we wouldn't get off at the wrong exit.
Because if we did, it might cost us our lives. Oh yes, all around us we find the tide of evil is rising higher and higher, so that it is not safe to go out on the street at night, and in some places not safe in the daytime either.
Oh, we're living in the last days. When you turn, just hold this place and turn to first Peter and I think we have another proof of it.
In first Peter.
A second Peter. Sorry, second Peter, Chapter 3.
And verse 3.
Knowing this verse that there shall come in the last days offers.
Walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming?
For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the world.
Yes, we're living the last days.
We are living in perilous times.
Were there the days when scoffers are walking after their own lusts?
Johnny here that are walking after their own life.
I want to warn you with you are you're on a pass.
That will bring you sorrow.
Shame, dishonor, unhappiness.
And if you belong to Christ?
I want to say you're going to come under his governmental hand, but if you don't belong to Christ.
The end is going to be as we had brought before us in the gospel meeting, to be cast into the lake of fire. Judgment, judgment. Why hasn't the Lord come?
You know, I believe here we have the effect that come and the Lord has on the unbelievers because they say where? Where is the promise of His coming? I've heard that all my life. Where is it?
Well, I'll tell you why the Lord hasn't come.
Dear young people, do you want to know why he hasn't come in this chapter in first Peter, second Peter 3 and verse 9? The Lord has not slack concerned His promise as some man counts blackness, but as long-suffering to us, we're not willing any surprise, but all should come to repentance. Oh, this is part of love. We ought to go back to David. How lovely to have these men come to him.
Yes, and they knew what it was to share reproach, to suffer with him.
They knew what it was.
Now let's go down a little further, verse 33.
Assembly such as went forth to battle expert in war with all instruments of war 50,000 which could keep rank. They were not of double heart. I like this. These men, you know, they were expert in war. I wonder are we expert? Are we experts in the truth of God, so that when there comes a battle with the enemy we have a word?
That will give us the victory over him.
Do we? These men here, they were expert in war and they could keep rank. They were not a double heart.
If there is anything that God hates, beloved, I'm sure it is.
To see and anyone of his a double heart.
Could it be possible that the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't have his full place in your life and mine? Is it possible? Could it be that there might be some other one?
Whom we are willing to compromise the truth in order to have their company and friendship.
God forbid, God forbid. I trust not all these men here. They were expert in war and they knew how to keep rank. They weren't a double heart.
I remember years ago.
And watching a parade.
And you know, it was pleasing to the eye to see these.
Young man a young woman marks in.
Unison down the street. There they were walking down the street they were marching and they had a leader. And you know, they kept their eyes straight ahead on their leader. And it was just nice to see everyone keeping in step one with another. Yes, they knew how to keep rank.
But you know, as I watch along the side on the curb, there are hundreds and hundreds of people.
And many.
Of those who were parading had friends on the sidelines and I remember seeing one just quickly turned to look at a friend and in turn to look. They got out of step and it just caused confusion in the whole parade. Yes, they were bumping at each other.
01 look away.
Was it enough to put them out of step?
Oh, they knew how to keep rank, but you know, there was a double heart. There was some on the sideline that had their attention of whom they were thinking about, and they just wanted to give one look.
They put them out of step. They couldn't keep Frank. All beloved Saints of God.
This afternoon, may you and I keep our heart upon our blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. May we not allow the things of this world to attract our eyes.
May we not allow close friends, May we not allow dear children of God.
To distract us to the point where we get our eyes off of Christ if we do.
It is going to cause confusion.
Oh, how much?
Confusion could be avoided, they love, if we kept our eye upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Well may we know more what it is to keep rank. Yes, to March onward to meet the Lord.
Now verse 38 we find the men a tribe of Anasa mansion.
And it says all these men of war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel, and all the rest also of Israel one heart to make David king. There they were.
All these that could keep ranked, they came with a perfect heart. All you and I have a perfect heart.
You know, it doesn't take very much.
To cause it to be otherwise. And I believe, dear young people, that's why we have the warning. Proverbs 4/23.
A special warning.
Keep thy heart with all diligence. For all of it are the issues of life. Yes, if we don't keep our hearts with all diligence.
I want to tell you the enemy is going to have something that will attract our hearts and if we don't judge it, it will cause us.
To dishonor the Lord Jesus, the one whom we love. Well, these men, they were all of 1 accord. Isn't that lovely to be of 1 accord? I like that 133rd song which says, oh, how pleasant it is. Yes, how pleasant it is. How beautiful for bread and to dwell together in unity. But remember, the enemy of our souls is so busy, and he wants to introduce those things, you know.
That will cause us to have friction one with another. That will indeed spoil the unity that exists.
Amongst us.
Oh, it's nice for brands as well. Together in unity and they love. If you and I are going to dwell together in unity, we must have a perfect heart. The Lord Jesus must control our hearts. His precious word must direct our footsteps. And I want to say as another dear brother whom I love is often said.
If the word of God.
Controls my heart. If it controls your heart, it will control your feet.
Oh, then we will be able to keep rank, we'll be able to March to go on together to meet the Lord.
These men, they came with a perfect heart. And then we find the other chapter. They were together and there they were. The last verse it says there was great joy in Israel. Yes, there was abundance of everything to meet their temporal needs. And surely we proved that during these three days. And what a happy 3 days it has been.
And we're about to go home.
Let's remember.
And you and I need the Word of God, not just during the conference time. We need it more than ever after our conference, as we go our homes to our homes. We need the Word of God. We need to feed upon it. Yes, we're happy to be here together.
But the enemy wants to rob us of our happiness. He wants to rob us of our joy. That all we have a perfect heart, if the Lord controls our hearts.
Oh beloved, there's going to be that peace and that joy.
Well, these men, they had an understanding of the times to know it is ought to do. How did they know what to do? How did they know they had the five books of Moses?
And, you know, they were familiar with the law of Moses.
And the law, Moses made it very clear how the Israelites were to act. And they had the prophets that brought to them the word of God. They had Samuel that anointed David to be king over Israel. Yes.
And so they had an understanding to know what they ought to do.
Now, beloved, I want to stress this.
Do you and I have an understanding what we should do tomorrow, what we should do in the days that lie ahead of us?
What should we do?
Oh, I believe we should obey the word of God. I believe we should live to please the Lord. But remember this, there's going to come a test in your life and in mine.
Whether I am willing to do what the Lord wants me to do.
Oh, it's quite a happy thing to do what the Lord wants us to do when we want to do it. But sometimes there comes a test. We're put to the test. Are we willing to really do what the Lord wants us to do?
Are we willing?
Oh, as we see the dear young children here, how nice it is to see obedience to a mother and father when they call to see them come. But sometimes they're a sad hearts because little children go the other way when mother or father calls.
What makes them go the other way?
Something in here?
At once they want to have their own way.
They're not willing to be obedient always. And so we have disobedient children and they love Saints of God. God has disobedient children, but remember.
As every dear father, mother here.
Chastens their children and corrects them. God will correct us.
But you know he doesn't like to do it. And if you and I are obedient to the word of God, oh, there's going to be happiness in our souls. I like the words of the Lord Jesus when he says to his own. He says in John 13, if you know these things.
Happy a year if you do them. That little word deal again. Happier if you do them. As I remember my boyhood days. As I remember how often I was disobedient.
And I'll tell you.
I was corrected many times.
And you know, the first time the punishment may not be so severe that the older we get.
You know, the punishment gets more severe.
All yes.
I want to tell you God doesn't like to chasten his children.
He doesn't like to punish us, but I want to tell you this, He loves you and I too much to let us go our own way. He loves us too much.
Well, here they had an understanding to know what they would do and all. They're all together and they have a happy time.
But let's just notice briefly Chapter 13. It says David consulted with the captains of thousands and with every leader.
You know at this time there is something lacking here.
Something lacking.
The ark of God had been.
In Kyrgyzstan for 20 years.
We find that from reading in the Word of God and.
The first time, No 7, after the Philistines sent the ark up on to Israel, they came to finally a resting place in Kerr Goodyear where it was for 20 years. And so here they consult to bring the ark of God to Hebron to where David is going to reign. And you know, he consulted with every leader.
Doesn't say he consulted with the priests.
He shut up.
And then say he comes out with the word of Moses, the word of God. He can sell with every leader.
And you know he made a mistake.
David as King.
And a responsibility.
According to the word of God as King.
To read the word of God every day.
And you can look for that and find it for yourself. You'll find it.
The kings of Israel were responsible to read the word of God.
I want to say you and I are responsible to read it too.
And it is going to be manifest whether we do read it and whether we obey it. Now David knew these men knew what to do.
But you know the Philistines, the enemies of God's people, when they sent the ark up to the land of Israel, they made a new car. They imitated the Philistines.
And they made a new car.
All I want to say.
God didn't judge the Philistines.
Where Megan had a new car.
He didn't hold him responsible. He took away the punishment when they sent the ark back to Israel.
They didn't know any better. They didn't have the word of God to guide them. But you know, the Israelites had God's word.
And the God's Word plainly tells us in the book of Moses that it was the Levites.
That were to carry the ark.
And so David, in consultation with his leaders, he he made a new car.
All flesh would say how, oh how easy just to put the ark on a new cart and not have these men, these Levites, have this burden to carry.
Sometimes we try to avoid carrying burdens.
All the love.
Let's not try to avoid a burden if it is a burden that the Lord has placed upon us.
If it is our responsibility to carry a burden, let's carry it to please the Lord.
Well, there they put it in the new cart. Things seem to be going pretty good there. There you have their musical instruments and oh, it sounded pleasing to the year, yes. And oh, as I think of some, oh that I love that have left the Lords Table for that, which is pleading to the ear and pleading to the eye. Oh, it sounds nice, you know, at first.
But dear young people, let me warn you, there can be only one result, and that is.
Sorrow, and that is sorrow. As a result of this act of disobedience there was a man that died, yes, as they often stumbled. Why under put forth his hand, and the judgment of God fell upon him as he touched that holy earth. Well, our time was just about up.
What we find that David was afraid of God that day there came an end to his communion with the Lord. There came an end to that joy and that happiness that existed at that time. It came to an end. Why had God changed? No, what had happened? They had disobeyed, gone. And disobedience brings sorrow.
And so David is afraid, and he says, how shall I bring the ark of God home to me?
All they love.
Do you have a question like that? You turn to the Word of God. The Word of God had the answer for David's question. And we find in chapter 15 briefly in the second verse that David said none ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites for them at the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God. And verse 26 of chapter 15, and it came to pass when God helped the Levites to bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord that.
Bullocks. Yes, God helped them to carry that ark and all they loved.
I like what David said, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.
Yes, he delights to help. I love that person. Deuteronomy 33.
There, beloved, on the Lord of thou, and safety by him, and the Lord shall cover him all day long, The eternal God is erected Am. Underneath are the loving, everlasting arms. Beloved, He won't allow you and I to carry an unnecessary burden. All those loving arms are underneath His own. May we enjoy a sense of that in our souls.
And so we find here at the Ark is brought safely.
And so there is joy.
Can I turn now to just one verse in Colossians 3?
And we're close.
Colossians 3.
Verse 16.
Let the Word of Christ dwell on you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Please notice this next verse and whatsoever ye do.
In Word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. May the Lord grant that you and I might be found here doing what He has asked us to do. You know, the apostle says in Romans 13.
He could say there that none of the times.
Oh, he says a night is force them and the days ahead. Oh, it's not lovely. The day is ahead. We know the time in which we're living and it all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. May you and I then be faithful and seeking to serve the Lord wherever He might put us.
For His glory.